Chapter 166: Drastic Change (5)

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 166: Drastic Change (5)

The first Devil Race invasion was successfully carried out, and I received recognition for handing over the mass of tentacles to the upper ranks.

Capturing a Devil Race commander was considered a significant achievement, especially according to the testimonies of my subordinates who said I defeated a Nascent Soul stage devil.

I was awarded the plaque of a 100-Man Captain, enabling me to lead a 100-Man unit.


"There's someone in our 1000-Man unit who rashly tried to ascend stages before joining the invasion of the Devil Realm, fell to a Heart Demon, and was decapitated... It seems you had confidence in your skills to ascend stages. I look forward to working with you, 100-Man Captain."

Wi Yeol, a Heavenly Being stage General of the 1000-Man unit I belong to patted my shoulder.

I looked at the spirit plaque, dharma treasure, and Bright Cold Jade that are all issued to every 100-Man Captain.

'Bright Cold Jade...'

From now on, I, too, will have to stand at the forefront of the Devil Race invasion operations, eroding the land of the Devil Realm with Bright Cold Jade.

After expressing my gratitude to the upper echelons, I went to my assigned post.

The area was already filled with dense heaven and earth spiritual energy, making it effortless to breathe and for cultivators below the Qi Building stage to use their spells without any inconvenience.

And that means,

"Hey, use your spells properly!"

"Raise the wall!"

"Build the roof!"

Even with only Qi Building stage cultivators, it’s possible to build houses in the Devil Realm's land as if we are in the vast Bright Cold Realm.

Already, the vicinity is filled with numerous houses made of mud and wood, palaces, and mansions galore.

The incredible changes are the result of Qi Building stage cultivators earnestly diving into construction work.

"Ah, 100-Man Captain, you've arrived!"

Yeon Jin, who had briefly been my superior, and his 10-Man unit members came out from a manor to greet me.

"As expected, Cultivator Seo... no, 100-Man Captain. I knew you were more skilled than me and would succeed someday, but I didn't expect you to rise so quickly. This mansion has been allocated to you as the 100-Man Captain."

"Ah, thank you, Cultivator Yeon. Everyone, come in for now."

I lead the 10-Man unit members into the manor.

"You've been assigned to my 100-Man unit, and as more reinforcements arrive, our unit will be replenished with more personnel. Let's get along well until then."

"Yes, 100-Man Captain!"

"It's an honor!"

I share a moment of light drinks with Yeon Jin and the 10-Man unit inside the manor.

After laughing and chatting for a while, they returned to their original places, and after sending them off, I looked up at the sky from the silent mansion.


The land is illuminated by spiritual energy, but the sky of the Devil Realm is still dense with devilish energy.

"Something feels off."

I feel as if there’s a hole in my chest.

A feeling of having lost something.

But I can't figure out what it is.

Something seems wrong, but I can't remember what it is exactly.

And so, time passes again as an invader.

Initially, the ranks of the expedition force of the Devil Realm were purely based on cultivation stages.

However, as the invasion progressed, ranks gradually became divided based on contributions.

Even as a Core Formation stage cultivator, I established far more merits than cultivators of the same realm or even Nascent Soul stage cultivators and was eventually awarded the spirit plaque of a Thousand-Man General.

I heard that from the rank of Thousand-Man General, one could be granted the authority of a provisional governor to manage colonies in the True Devil Realm.

'A governor...'

After the 1st invasion of the Devil Realm,

The erosion of the Devil Realm continued steadily, and we had just finished the ninth invasion operation.


Spiritual energy fills the Devil Realm

I see the remnants of the Devil Race who had not yet fled and the human cultivators literally 'hunting' these remnants.

I blankly stare at this scene.

Oh Hyun-seok and Kim Yeon approach me, clicking their tongues in disapproval.

They, too, had earned the plaque of a 1000-Man general through their numerous contributions.

Oh Hyun-seok speaks up.

"Honestly, we came here under our master’s orders... but I’m not sure if this is right."

"...I think the same. I thought the Devil Realm was a place inhabited only by devils..."

What we saw were Human Race members holding dharma treasures, chasing after the Devil Race, separating their flesh from bone, draining their blood, and even absorbing and storing their souls.

"...I can't tell who's the devil and who's the human."

"Exactly. I heard even the simplest devils possess intelligence, especially those above the Core Formation stage..."

Listening to their conversation, I feel a turmoil in my chest.

Emotionally, I found myself empathizing with the Devil Race.

But rationally I understood the actions of the human cultivators hunting the Devil Race.


It’s a feeling I have been experiencing lately.

My rationality and emotions are in stark contrast.


What is right and what is wrong?

I absentmindedly stroke my chest, unable to remember something I might have forgotten, and gaze into the distance with Oh Hyun-seok and Kim Yeon.

"Provincial governor of the occupied territory?"

I ask, not quite understanding.

"Yes, Seo Eun-hyun. You've been appointed as the provincial governor to oversee the territory from the newly occupied Devil Ridge Mountains to the Black Pearl River."

I question Hyeon Woon.

"Although I have achieved many merits I am still at the Core Formation stage... Wouldn't it be better to entrust this to someone at the Heavenly Being stage?"

"On the contrary, that's why I’m assigning you as the provincial governor. The other Heavenly Being stage cultivators have crucial roles in the next operation, and it will be problematic if we are missing even one or two in order to manage the occupied territories."

"I see."

"Moreover, recent reports suggest you've been showing signs of mental instability. Soldiers who have been on the battlefield for a long time sometimes experience psychological issues. Taking a break as a provincial governor and reaching Nascent Soul can solidify your mental foundation. Since you've previously attempted to ascend to the Nascent Soul stage on your own, what better opportunity can there be?"

I fall silent for a moment at Hyeon Woon's words.

He has a point.

But what concerns me is...

'Hyeon Woon, the color of his intent...'

Lately, I've been feeling an increasing sense of alienation from the color of his intent.

He had received reports of my mental instability, but it seems he is unaware that his own mind might be deteriorating.

'What should I do...'

After pondering for a moment, I decided to dismiss it as one of the mental illnesses many cultivators experience during war.

'It's not my problem anyway.'

"If you say so, I will accept the position of governor."

"Good, from today, you are the provincial governor of the 8th erosion area."

I receive the spirit plaque from Hyeon Woon and walk out of the manor where he resided.

As reinforcements joined the expedition force, more and more human cultivators moved to the front lines.

After defeating the Devil Race, the occupied territory was quickly transformed into a bustling area by numerous human cultivators.

Many Qi Building stage cultivators gathered, swiftly building cities and fortresses.

I pass through the bustling area and head to the manor assigned to me.

Inside, the 100-Man captains of my 1000-Man unit were gathered, sharing conversations.

"Ah, the 1000-Man General has arrived!"

"1000-Man General, did you receive anything this time?"

Most of the 100-Man Captains are at the Nascent Soul stage, but none of them look down on me.

In fact, none of them can defeat me in a one-on-one fight.

Recently, even General Seo, who has somewhat recovered to the Nascent Soul level, is under my command, so my skills are certainly not lacking.

Among the 100-Man Captains, Yeon Jin, who followed me and made more contributions, is also there.

He’s staggering around, his face flushed from drinking among the Nascent Soul stage cultivators.

"Listen, everyone, I will not participate in the next 10th erosion operation."


"What, why is that"

I announce that I have been appointed as the provincial governor.

"No! Where else can you find someone as capable as our 1000-Man General! Is this really right?"

"Chief Strategist Hyeon Woon, I've disliked that guy from the start! Let's smash his head in and bring our 1000-Man General back!"

"Oh my~ How many among the other 1000-Man Generals are as capable as Seo 1000-Man General!"

"Everyone… Thank you."

Truthfully, the 1000-Man unit I've led has indeed been on a winning streak.

Not because we achieved major contributions every time, but because we managed to secure many minor contributions while ensuring the majority of our forces returned safely, which is a well-regarded aspect within my 1000-Man unit.

It was thanks to my tendency to focus on securing minor contributions while paying attention to the safety of my subordinates rather than chasing after major merits..

"Ah, 1000-Man General. So, you won’t be standing on the front lines anymore?"

Yeon Jin asks,blinking his eyes drunkenly.

"That’s the case."

"Ah… Then, I will follow you to the 8th occupied territory… Please don’t forget my loyalty to you, 1000-Man General!"

"Haha! Yeon Jin, it’s not loyalty to the 1000-Man General, but fear of being assigned to another 1000-Man unit with a lower survival rate if the General is absent, right?"

"You funny guy! Hey, everyone! Let’s pour more into Yeon Jin’s glass and teach this coward a lesson!"

After chuckling at Yeon Jin, who is surrounded by Nascent Soul stage cultivators and sweating profusely from the alcohol, I enter my mansion within the manor.

Inside, a large mass of tentacles is rolling and squirming.

It’s the Devil Race commander I first captured as a prisoner, named Gyeon Shin (Seeing the New).

After the interrogation of the prisoner was completed, instead of sending him directly to an alchemist, at my request, he was able to survive as my pet beast.

"Cultivator Gyeon, it seems you are doing well?"

[Ah, Lord Seo. Have you come? As you can see, I am living well thanks to your grace.]

"There’s no need for formalities. Anyway, it seems the time has come to release Cultivator Gyeon."

At my words, the tentacles twitch and turn towards me.

"I’ve been appointed as the provincial governor of the 8th occupied territory. They told me to rest there for a while. So, once we arrive near the 8th occupied territory, I’ll release you."

[Thank you, Lord Seo. Among all the humans I’ve met, you are the one most faithful to your promises.]


When I first handed over Gyeon Shin, I requested that he be treated well as a prisoner.

However, the ‘prisoner treatment’ among humans meant turning them into pet beasts by implanting a spike in their head or extracting their core to make elixirs.

Therefore, just before Gyeon Shin was sent to an alchemist, I managed to save him by claiming I would make him my pet beast.

Of course, to control a pet beast, one has to learn a special method or implant a spike in their head.

After taking Gyeon Shin, I removed the spike implanted in his head to free him from control.

I apologized for not being able to promise proper prisoner treatment and promised to release him later.

"Listen here, Cultivator Gyeon."

[Yes, please speak.]

"...Although I’m not well-versed in the affairs of the Devil Race, from Cultivator Gyeon’s perspective... do you think the Devil Race is more benevolent than humans?"

[Benevolent... It depends on what criteria you use for 'benevolence.']


Gyeon Shin continues, squirming his tentacles.

[If capturing other races indiscriminately to use them as elixirs is considered evil, then generally, the Devil Race is benevolent. However, my race, the Yuchok tribe, suppresses the minds of other beings to control them, parasitizes their bodies to suck nutrients and spiritual energy, and when the host ages, takes their life and moves to another host. There are also Devil Races that lay eggs in the bodies of other races, exploit other races, and frequently wage wars at the slightest provocation... In some aspects, we are not benevolent either.]


[My Yuchok Tribe has the talent for suppressing minds, so we can somewhat read the consciousness of others. It may sound presumptuous, but when I read Lord Seo’s mind... it seems you are pondering the morality of your actions.]

"...That’s correct."

Gyeon Shin continues.

[Had it been any other human asking, I would have said that humans are the filthiest and most evil. While there are numerous races, and the Devil Realm harbors many bizarre races, the truth is that humans are almost unique in taking prisoners directly to be made into elixirs. However, since you are the one asking, and answering without any malice towards humans but with a degree of objectivity...]

Gyeon Shin lifts one of his tentacles to meet my eye level.

[The law of the jungle. That's the undeniable truth of this world, a fate all beings are born into. We, the Devil Race, also feel aggrieved by this invasion and hold great animosity towards humans... But to be honest, if the Devil Race were the stronger force, we too might have invaded human territories at any time, parasitizing human bodies as hosts, laying eggs in them, or exploiting them, just as I mentioned before. It's just that now, humans are stronger than us, so they invade the Devil Realm and turn the Devil Race into mere elixirs.]

"...Thank you for your answer."

After leaving Gyeon Shin behind, I head to my room.

'It's not a matter of good or evil but of strength and weakness...'

Yet, something about that doesn't seem right.

Gyeon Shin's words are clear and easy to accept, sweeping away the guilt blossoming within me.

But I feel there is something more than that.

Something more, forgotten deep within my heart.


Three days later.

I set off for the 8th occupied territory with those who had decided to follow me.

8th Occupied Territory, Provincial Governor's Residence.

I was briefed by the administrator assigned to assist me in the 8th occupied territory about the situation there.

", currently, there are seven Devil Tribes within our occupied territory."

"The number of tribes is not as many as in other occupied territories."

"Yes, our territory produces a metal called Devilish Gold from the Devil Ridge Mountains, so the resources we can exploit from the tribes are less significant than what we can extract from the mines. Of course, if the provincial governor wishes, we can make good elixirs from the remaining tribes..."

"That's enough."

I wave my hand to dismiss the topic.

"We don't need elixirs, let's move on to discuss resources and management of the occupied territory. From what I understand, the real importance of this 8th occupied territory isn't just that."

"Yes. As you may know, this 8th occupied territory contains a Void Spirit Pond."

Void Spirit Pond.

A place where the veil between dimensions is thin.

This thin veil, transparent like the water of a pond, hence called Void Spirit Pond, often yields spirit stones used in creating space magic artifacts such as storage bags, storage scrolls, and other storage devices, making it a valuable resource.

However, the true value of the Void Spirit Pond is not just that.

"Once the territory is fully colonized, I'll organize the Void Spirit Pond to thoroughly explore the lower realms heavily populated by humans."

Void Spirit Pond, also referred to as the "Unbound Flying Immortal Platform,"

By organizing the dimensional veil of the Void Spirit Pond and connecting it to a specific lower realm, the Void Spirit Pond can transform into a Flying Immortal Platform that welcomes those ascending.

"Though the Void Spirit Pond is unstable now, and it might take at least 1,000 to 2,000 years, it means, with time, we can develop the Void Spirit Pond into a Flying Immortal Platform. The provincial governor should focus on the Void Spirit Pond going forward."

"Understood. Let's go see this Void Spirit Pond."


I head with the administrator to the location of the Void Spirit Pond.

"Here it is..."

The Void Spirit Pond is beneath the governor's mansion.

Traveling through a bedrock cave underneath, the Void Spirit Pond can be found deep within the underground cave.


Upon arrival, I momentarily marvel at the grandeur of the Void Spirit Pond.

An ancient underground cavern.

There, spirit stones are sparkling green in various places, and below them lay a vast underground lake.

But it’s not a lake.

I point to one side of the Void Spirit Pond and gesture lightly towards the other side with my hand.

"This connects to the outer dimensions of the Devil Realm... the Void Spirit Pond."

"Correct. Unlike a normal lake, there's no movement on its surface at all."

I admire the landscape reflecting on the lake's surface like a mirror.


"However beautiful it may be, please do not touch the surface of the lake. Unless you're a cultivator at the Four-Axis stage capable of withstanding spatial storms, touching the lake will either tear you apart from the spatial storms blowing from outside the lake… Or, if lucky enough to survive, you'd fall into a strange dimension unknown to anyone."

"I'll be careful."

"Yes, and we've also set up a formation to prevent most people, except the governor, from approaching this area. While Void Spirit Ponds have been found in other occupied territories as well, we must be cautious to prevent anyone from tampering with it. If anyone tries to approach the Void Spirit Pond, it's only right for you, as the governor, to punish them without mercy."


After giving me a few more precautions about the Void Spirit Pond, the administrator suggested we leave.

Afterward, the administrator offered a few more precautions about the Light Spirit Pond before suggesting we leave.

However, I remained, gazing at the Void Spirit Pond.

"The scenery is too beautiful for me to just leave. Wait for me above."

"...Yes, if that's what the governor wishes..."


The administrator, being at the Core Formation stage and apparently having many duties, quickly ascends to the surface using a Flying Escape Technique.

I look in the direction the administrator had gone for a while, then turn my gaze back to the Void Spirit Pond.

"Come forth."


As soon as I entered the area of the Void Spirit Pond, avoiding the administrator's eyes, I activated the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts.

My Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts has already transcended its original limitations, now allowing me to use it on others, not just myself.

Within the range of my Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts, small creatures begin to emerge, wriggling.

"Young members of the Devil Race."

A small child with horns on his head and another with bat wings.

Apart from their unique physical attributes, these two Devil Race members look not much different from humans.

[What are you doing here?]

I speak in a manner that the Devil Race children can understand, using consciousness.

At my words, the Devil Race children fidget and then speak.

"This is a secret place we found while exploring."

"Yes, we've been playing here often."

[You shouldn't come here anymore. Haven't you heard this place is now occupied by the Human Race?]

"But we found it first..."

"But we found it..."

The child with bat wings echoes the words of the horned child, making a sad face.

[...First of all, how did you get in here? Are you kids from the nearby tribes?]

"Yes, I come from the Horned Tribe, and this one is from the Batwing Tribe."

"Yes, our tribes are next to each other, so we often play together. While playing, we found a tunnel and explored it until we got here."

I sigh deeply.

[Leave now. If you play here, evil humans might capture and eat you.]

"Huh? Aren’t you a human?"

"Are you evil?"

[Hmm... Maybe I am. So you better leave right away.]

"Why should we?"

"We found this place, after all."

I pondered how to send these little Devil Race children away without scaring them too much.

After thinking for a moment, I decided to hide them temporarily, then went to the governor's mansion to quickly bring Gyeon Shin back to the Void Spirit Pond.

"Look here, Cultivator Gyeon. Please tell these kids to go home."

[? Ah, you little ones! Why on earth have you come here!]

Upon discovering the two Devil Race children, Gyeon Shin scolded them with his tentacles and quickly chased them out after telling them various educational stories from the Devil Realm.

[Whew, that was surprising. Thank you for safely sending the children back.]

"Well, it's one thing to confront adult devils, but the young ones are innocent and shouldn't be antagonized."

[Right. In the Devil Realm, it's an unspoken rule not to touch each other's offspring, no matter how bizarre the actions of various races might be. …Humans capture anything, young or old, but it's truly fortunate that someone like you, Lord Seo, exists.]

"Ha ha..."

Each time I received ethical praise from Gyeon Shin, I felt something stirring in my heart.

'I can't go on like this.'

Sighing, I returned to the governor's mansion with Gyeon Shin and began to hear about the overall situation in the occupied territory from the administrator, issuing a decree to fundamentally prohibit making elixirs from the Devil Race. The reason is to utilize the labor force of the Devil Race for mining resources from the Devil Ridge Mountains.

Then, I instructed the administrator to implement policies for the occupied territory as gently as possible before descending back to the serene Void Spirit Pond.

I plan to release Gyeon Shin when the time is right.

But before that, I seek to quickly regain my memories to overcome the increasingly turbulent darkness in my heart.

'I must recover my memories...'


In the tranquil Void Spirit Pond, I inhaled the purified spiritual energy around me, cleansed by the Bright Cold Jade, time and again.

I continuously challenged the Nascent Soul stage.

With the newly created method, I formed artifact spirits within the dharma treasure, storing the concentrated spiritual energy each time I attempted the Nascent Soul stage.

Thus, I spent years in the Void Spirit Pond.

Despite my warnings, the two young members of the Devil Race kept visiting the Void Spirit Pond.

The children kept ignoring my words, and at some point, I gave up and just made sure they didn’t enter the pond.

Eventually, I learned the names of the children: Su In (Longevity’s Cause) and Hong Yeon (Red Connection).

Occasionally, when something urgent came up at the governor's mansion, I would go up to deal with it and also comforted Yeon Jin, who cried missing his home.

Thus, I spent years in the Devil Realm.

"...So, what are you saying?"

Sitting cross-legged and infusing leftover spiritual energy into the artifact spirits, I look at the figures before me.

"We've decided to get engaged."


I stare at Su In and Hong Yeon in front of me.

Su In from the Horned Tribe and Hong Yeon from the Batwing Tribe look back at me with sparkling eyes.

Eighteen years have passed since I became the provincial governor.

These Devil Race children had matured significantly, no longer the gender-indistinct kids they once were.

"...Well, I had a rough idea."

I knew for a while they saw each other as more than just friends.

But, the headache for me lay elsewhere.

"But asking me to witness your engagement, what's that about?"


They started begging me to be their witness.

"I'm a human. Wouldn't it be better for Cultivator Gyeon to do that?"

[Yes, children. It would be much better for me, with my vast knowledge, to witness it!]

Though I had promised to release Gyeon Shin,

Due to his racial characteristics, he couldn't go anywhere alone without subduing a beast to parasitize. However, the Devil Ridge Mountains scarcely have any beasts, leaving Gyeon Shin unable to escape and leaving him waiting to be rescued by his kind.

And now, eighteen years later.

Gyeon Shin has yet to receive a rescue signal from his kin.

Eventually, he seemed to give up, merely playing Go or Chess with me from time to time.

"But... even if you’re human, there’s no human as good as you, governor."

"Compared to other occupied territories of the Devil Realm, our territory is quite a good place to live, and perhaps because we've been with you, Governor, it really feels comfortable."

"...But, have you gotten permission from your respective tribes?"

The two look at each other, grin and say,


"Of course!"

"...Don't lie."

"How did you... Ah, never mind, it doesn’t matter, does it?"

"We’re not asking for a marriage witness, just an engagement witness!"

Eventually, I gave in to their whining and agreed to witness their engagement.

The two Devil Race members stood in the brightest spot near the Void Spirit Pond, surrounded by shining spirit stones, and promised their future to each other.

'Why am I even witnessing this...'

Watching the young couple, I can’t help but smile unwittingly.

Apparently, I have a soft spot for people in love.

Memories yet to sink into darkness.

The recollection of planting quince and white magnolias with my first love and the love shared within the castle of puppets surfaced, making me smile involuntarily.

Warmth filled my heart.


Watching these two, whom I had seen grow up, come together, the darkness that had been tormenting my heart seemed to ease.

'I think I understand something...'

After blessing the two Devil Race members, I returned to the governor's mansion.

Before organizing my enlightenment, I decided to clear up all the piled up work at the governor's office and before preparing myself for seclusion for a long time.

'I’m almost there.'

Just a few more steps seem to be needed to release the Heart Demon and recover my memories.

Just when I’m dealing with the piled up work at the governor's office with the administrator,


"Hm? What’s the matter?"

The administrator and I, who are handling tasks in the governor’s office, turn to look at the person who rushed in.

It’s the messenger from the Human Race Grand Alliance, dispatched to each occupied territory.

Sensing the emotional state of the messenger, I intuition that something significant had happened.

"Take a breath and tell me slowly. What’s happening?"

"From the mainland of the Bright Cold Realm, a message has come. That is, a True Immortal has appeared in one of the Human Territories, and a Sky Island named Thunder Spirit Island was directly burned to evaporation by Heavenly Lightning! Furthermore, the Integration Stage Grand Cultivators from various races of the Bright Cold Realm who went to investigate, as well as those from the Human Race, have all died or suffered critical injuries."

I rise from my seat abruptly.

Thunder Spirit Island is the name of the Sky Island where the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect is located.

'Is it this time already…’

The messenger continues.

"The problem is that the news of the Integration Stage Grand Cultivators from the Human Race suffering critical injuries have reached the deepest parts of the Devil Realm through spies."

"...That means, the Integration Stage Grand Cultivators in the Devil Realm have also heard this news."

Up until now, major wars had mostly seen Four-Axis stage cultivators as the maximum force deployed.

After all, if Integration Stage cultivators started to move, it would mean irrevocable damage to both sides.

Thus, even though Four-Axis stage cultivators participated in this Human-Devil Great War, Integration Stage cultivators from both sides have been watching each other from the side.

However, the situation has now changed.

The news that Integration Stage cultivators from the Bright Cold Realm being critically injured by a True Immortal has reached the ears of Integration Stage cultivators of the True Devil Realm.

'Integration Stage cultivators from the True Devil Realm will now start to move in this Human-Devil Great War!'

The situation has undergone a drastic change.

Author's Note: The buildup part of the story was a bit long. To avoid dragging it out, I've compacted the buildup part into one part. I apologize if the tension dropped a bit due to the monsoon affecting my condition.

Now that the monsoon season is ending, I'll strive to focus more on quality going forward....

Thank you as always to all our readers.