Chapter 178: Master's Grace (10)

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 178: Master's Grace (10)


It feels like my head is burning up with a fever.

What kind of nonsense is this?

There are more than just a handful of human cultivators waiting to return to the Bright Cold Realm aboard the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

Although they are remnants, their numbers exceeded thousands.

Even if this is a mere speck compared to the total population of the Grand Alliance, can they be discarded so carelessly, like worn-out shoes?

"Is there really no way to open the dimensional gate?"

“...No. To open a dimensional gate, one must settle near the boundary of the dimension and use techniques to interfere with the dimensional barrier for over 10 years. Well, since the Bright Cold Realm side closed the gate, it might be possible for them to open it again, but..."

"So it's impossible from the True Devil Realm."

Hyeon Woon nods grimly, murmuring.

"Opening it was difficult, but closing the dimensional gate also requires considerable effort, so I thought that they wouldn't close it without reason... Why on earth..."

Dismay settles on all our faces.

Suddenly, Hyeon Woon looks back at the path we had come from.

"Wait, more importantly... The Black Dragon King is coming this way."

At his words, Oh Hyun-seok asks in confusion.

“Why is this Black Dragon King following us? No, rather than that. Isn't he coming this way because he's furious that the human side closed the entrance to the Devil Realm?"

After a moment of contemplation, Hyeon Woon sighs.

"...That's a possibility, so let's avoid the area for now. It would be troublesome if we arrive at the dimensional gate and he takes out his anger on us because of his grievances with the Human Race Grand Alliance."

Following Hyeon Woon's advice, Kim Yeon steers the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress to another location.

As we cross over a couple of mountain ranges to a different area, Oh Hyun-seok asks Hyeon Woon, seemingly puzzled.

"By the way, Chief Strategist Hyeon Woon seems reluctant to meet this Black Dragon King. Since he's supposedly your ancestor, why suggest fleeing instead of talking?"

"...It's a personal matter of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect. No need to worry about it."

Hyeon Woon frowns slightly, then turns his head towards where the Black Dragon King is.

And then, Hyeon Woon suddenly stands up, biting his lip.

"Damn, he's chasing us. He's not enraged because the Human Race side closed the gate. He was chasing us from the start!"

At his words, everyone tenses up.

"Prepare for battle, we don't know what's going to happen!"

Kurung, Kururung!

Shortly after.

The sky fills with dark yin energy and something appears in the distance.

It’s a dragon.

"...It's massive."

I laugh hollowly at the overwhelming 'size.'


If a long mountain range flew across the sky, wouldn't it look like this?

The true body of Seo Hweol I saw in the Head Realm is nothing compared to this enormity.

If this is what a real dragon is, then Seo Hweol is just a baby snake by comparison.

"How many li long is it..."

"It's immense."

Most of those present are dumbstruck, uttering words as they behold the colossal body of the Black Dragon King chasing us.

And then.


The yin energy between the heavens and earth vibrate, and soon the Black Dragon King charges towards us, circling the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

As his head the size of a mountain circles the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress once, his body naturally wraps around the Fortress, engulfing it.

Wo-woong, Wo-woong!

Dark clouds appear around the Black Dragon King, and he places his head and feet on the clouds, resting his body atop them.

I watch him and suddenly think it’s strange.

'Anger... that's for sure. But...'

What's that?

It’s difficult to read his emotions properly.

Is it simply because his realm is so high?

Or is he using some magic artifact to obscure the Heart Tribe's vision?

Yet, it feels distinctly different from the sight-avoiding techniques used by Seo Hweol or the glimpses I had caught from other Integration stage Grand Cultivators.

It’s as if... his thought structure is entirely different from that of typical living beings.

'What exactly is it?'

This feeling.

It’s the same as when I saw the Left Hand of the Star Shattering stage Esteemed One from the Blood Yin Realm.

Hyeon Woon, trying to shake off his dark complexion, stands up and pays his respects.

"To the ancestor, Elder Hyeon-woon of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect greets you."

Thump, thump...

The Black Dragon King's large eyes move to look at Hyeon Woon's face.

Shortly after, Black Dragon King clicks his tongue.

[Tsk tsk... Worthless. The bloodline is too poor, breeding wouldn't pass on any good bloodline.]

Hyeon Woon's emotional state visibly fluctuates at the Black Dragon King's words, treating Hyeon Woon like livestock with such casual talk of 'breeding.'

However, Hyeon Woon does not show his feelings on his face, calmly addressing the Black Dragon King.

"If the ancestor could share why you have sought us, I would be grateful to listen."

[It's not you humans I sought. Be quiet. More importantly…]

His gaze turns towards the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

[In that fortress, isn't there a cultivator in the Entering Nirvana stage hiding? Bring that person to me.]


Everyone's expressions turn puzzled at the Black Dragon King's words.

Isn't that too abrupt?

'There's an Entering Nirvana stage cultivator in the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress?'

What kind of nonsensical talk is that?

Even Star Shattering Esteemed Ones have only been seen as avatars or fragments, never their true forms.

And suddenly, an Entering Nirvana stage cultivator, when even Sacred Vessel stage cultivators are only heard of by name?

While I and others are bewildered, Black Dragon King growls with revealed rage.

His emotions are hard to read due to being so different from ordinary beings, but as the rage intensifies, it becomes somewhat understandable.

[Who dares to break the promise with me and interfere between the True Devil and Bright Cold? Have all Entering Nirvana stage entities forgotten they must remain entrenched only within the Astral Realm!?]

Zap, zap...

My whole body trembles.

'This being...'

Not just an Integration stage.

This pressure feels different from [Her].

'No, no...'

The power itself feels like it is at the pinnacle of the Integration stage.

But I had never felt such pressure even when facing the [Her] that Mad Lord had advanced to the Star Shattering stage.

'What is this being?'

Promises with Entering Nirvana stage entities?

And an Entering Nirvana stage in the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress?

As I’m puzzled, Black Dragon King begins to show signs of confusion.

[What? If it's an Entering Nirvana stage entity, they cannot ignore this promise. Who are you...? Are you a being from another Heavenly Domain? No, that cannot be. If an Entering Nirvana stage being crossed from another Heavenly Domain, nobody would be unaware. But an Entering Nirvana stage being is now feeling my presence and still remains quiet?]

Muttering incoherently, he speaks with a trembling voice.

[...It can't possibly be but… I'll ask you humans.]

Black Dragon King's gaze turns to Kim Yeon, who is controlling the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

[A few days ago, the event that manipulated fate’s attraction and ripped through space-time… That wasn't the deed of an Entering Nirvana stage cultivator but the inherent ability of this fortress, was it?]


Only then do I realize what the Black Dragon King misunderstood.

'He felt the power of Yeon’s Play and mistook it for the act of an Entering Nirvana stage cultivator…'

The final act unfolded by the madman in this lifetime.

It seemed to be of magnitude corresponding to an Entering Nirvana stage being.

Kim Yeon nods.

"The power of this Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress gathered spiritual energy from the plane of Qi to draw together artificial souls, and then used the movements of these artificial souls to influence the plane of Fate, based on which it momentarily distorted space-time. Indeed, this is an inherent ability of the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress. However, all the main mechanisms were overloaded and ruptured, so it will take a considerable amount of time to use that ability again."


Black Dragon King's complexion changes.

His strong emotions made it somewhat understandable to read.


The look of utter disbelief.

After observing us for a while, Black Dragon King rolled his eyes.

[...Well, if that's the case, I understand. It doesn't seem like you're lying… Fine. It seems an Entering Nirvana entity hasn't killed the child of the Blood Yin. Then….]


Black Dragon King's energy begins to permeate the sky and earth.

[Just die.]

Kurung Kururung!

It's cold.

Suddenly, the energy from all directions plummets.

The unmistakable power of a pinnacle Integration stage being.

A monstrous entity capable of reproducing the explosion of the Realm Annihilation Heavenly Void Formation with their own strength.

But that’s it.


Kim Yeon activates her consciousness.

Simultaneously, the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress vibrates, and a total of 8 orbs of light position themselves in all directions around the fortress.


Eight Integration stage puppets block the momentum of the Black Dragon King.

I vaguely feel Black Dragon King's pressure and am certain.

'Indeed, the pressure felt just now is not of an Integration stage being, but the power it possesses is merely at the Integration stage level.'

There is absolutely no reason for us to lose.

Sure enough, the Black Dragon King, upon seeing the eight Integration stage puppets, once again displays an incredulous expression.

[Puppets of a level comparable to mine, are they the creations of that notorious Mad Lord? Hah...]

He sneers bitterly and roars.


[Come forth, Esteemed One's Left Foot!]

Simultaneously, behind the Black Dragon King, four Nascent Souls rise, creating a square spatial rift.

Beyond the spatial rift, a reddish light shines, revealing something crimson.


A foot made of countless corals!

If the Esteemed One's Left Hand was still in the shape of a 'hand'.

The Esteemed One's Left Foot looks more like a sea anemone of bones rather than a foot.

Red corals intertwine and form a bone-like structure, with the bones sprouting and entangling like tentacles.

Just as eyes sprouted on the [Left Hand], numerous mouths sprout on this [Left Foot].

Wriggle, wriggle, wriggle...

The Esteemed One's Left Foot moves, gathering the devilish energy of heaven and earth.

Hyeon Woon, shocked by the sight, speaks with a trembling voice.

"Ancestor... why did you summon the Blood Yin Realm's Esteemed One...No wait. Have you betrayed the Bright Cold Realm from the start?"

Black Dragon King, unfazed, summons the Esteemed One and gathers power.


Black Dragon King growls, looking down at us.

[With the Esteemed One's Left Foot, handling four Integration stage puppets should be manageable. And...]

Behind the Black Dragon King, a massive shadow resembling the Black Dragon King appears.

[As a being with the blood of Immortal Beasts, sweeping you away is nothing difficult...]


The next moment.

We fail to properly perceive what just happened.


The surroundings are dark.

And confusing.

But, familiar.

This place is...

'The void space?'

I’m astonished upon realizing what just happened.

With a single move of the Black Dragon King, the entire space where we existed crumbled, and we all entered the Void.


And then, in the darkness far away.

I can feel the Black Dragon King coiling and gathering power.


The Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress opens, and numerous puppets join the Integration stage puppets.

However, on one side, the Esteemed One's Left Foot scatters crimson light and contends against the puppets, inevitably dividing our forces.

[By the decree of the heavens and earth, in the name of the Black Dragon King Hyeon Eum, I create the black sea.]


The next moment.

Dark clouds fill the Void and the scenery changes.

In the nothingness of the Void, a sea of pitch-black water appears.


Below is the black sea and above spreads the dark clouds.

From the center of the black sea, Black Dragon King begins to exert his power.


He opens his mouth.

Ashen orbs of light gather at the corners of his mouth, illuminating the murky world of the blackness.


The ashen beam fires towards us!

The impact splits the sea in two.

But Kim Yeon calmly manipulates the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

Soon, orbs of light also gather in the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress, emitting a beam similar to the Black Dragon King's.


The two beams collide.

'The Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress is also a puppet. It's enough to keep the Black Dragon King in check!'

The beam from the Black Dragon King and the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress clash fiercely.

Just then.


The sea that split due to the shockwave of the beams begins to change its form.

The split sea transforms into a massive jaw.

Sharp teeth sprout from the jaw, quickly morphing into a giant 'mouth.'

It’s the maw of an immense dragon.

The dragon's mouth swallows us whole.

Boo-woong, paang!

One of the eight puppets step forward.

The puppet is made from the body of an Integration stage cultivator of the Cold Spirit Race.

As this puppet extends its hand, the dragon's maw made of sea instantly freezes over.

Not stopping there, as the puppet forms hand signs, the entirety of the heavens and earth freeze in an instant.

The sea, the clouds, the void.

In a moment, the surroundings turn into winter.


A blizzard sweeps through, seemingly trapping the Black Dragon King in a prison of snow.

But the next moment, ashen light bursts forth from within the prison of snow.


An immense momentum surges from around the Black Dragon King, and he flies towards the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

A puppet made from an Integration stage cultivator of the Western Flame Race steps forward, raising a sword made of flames.

Black Dragon King extends his horn, colliding with the sword raised by the Western Flame Race puppet.


Instantaneously, the shockwave spreads across the entire world, splitting the frozen sea and sky merely with its aftermath.

'Each aftershock is of a level equivalent to a strike from Song Jin at his prime...'

This is the battle of Integration stage beings!

However, not just Kim Yeon, but also I, who have a deep understanding of puppets, look troubled.

'The Western Flame Race puppet...'

The puppet that directly received a strike from Black Dragon King is already showing signs of deterioration.

In contrast, Black Dragon King, unharmed, quickly opens his mouth to prepare a dragon's breath towards the Western Flame Race puppet.

If the battle continues this way, we will gradually be pushed back!

'If [She] were here, we might have had a chance to win...'

After Yeon’s Play, [She] was completely destroyed, so there was nothing we could do.

The Cold Spirit Race puppet and the Western Flame Race puppet cling to Black Dragon King, pouring attacks onto him.

The Mountain Monkey Race puppet, moving swiftly like a monkey, draws Black Dragon King's attention.


A strike from the Mountain Monkey Race puppet hits Black Dragon King, and mountains begin to rise from where it struck.

These mountains, growing like tumors, continue to expand while sucking the Black Dragon King's energy.

Behind the Mountain Monkey Race puppet, the Supreme Tiger Race puppet, shaped like a tiger, leaps forward, biting Black Dragon King's neck.


The power of the Supreme Tiger Race puppet is simple.

Overwhelming physical strength!

Each strike has the brute force to tear apart space!

That is the ability of the Supreme Tiger Race puppet!

In addition to that, 204 Four-Axis stage puppets are divided between the Esteemed One's Left Foot and the Black Dragon King, providing support..

Occasionally, the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress will not forget to shoot beams at the Black Dragon King.

Thus, it appears like we are pushing the Black Dragon King into a defensive position.

Yes, it appears so.


Black Dragon King shakes off all the puppets clinging to him, sending them flying all at once.

And then.


The next moment, Black Dragon King moves at an astonishing speed, encircling us!

'So fast!'

The places his body brushes by dissolves into black water.

Gradually, the surroundings again transform into the black sea, and the waters of the black sea pressure us from all sides.


Finally, the Mountain Monkey Race puppet gets caught in the black waters.

Wuduk, Wududuk!

The sound of the Mountain Monkey Race puppet cracking and gradually breaking is heard.


The next moment, Black Dragon King's horn strikes one side of the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

The Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress shakes tremendously, and although Kim Yeon attempts a counterattack, Black Dragon King already retreats, gathering energy in his mouth.

'It's not just about the difference in power or size, but the extensive combat experience!'

When one reaches the realm of an Integration stage cultivator, their lifespan becomes unimaginably long, having experienced all sorts of events throughout the ages.

Thus, the combat experience accumulated over countless battles and years would be tremendously vast.


Black Dragon King’s breath heads our way.

Kim Yeon gathers energy from the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress to counter the Black Dragon King, and the other Integration stage puppets also aim towards the Black Dragon King!

But the next moment.


A square spatial rift opens behind the Black Dragon King, and he swiftly disappears through it.

Immediately after!

From beneath the black sea, the Black Dragon King emerges, flying up behind us.


He unleashes the breath he has been gathering!

"We can't blo-"

The next moment,

I wrap my arms around Kim Yeon to protect her from the shock, gathering strength for the impending impact.



And then, nothing happens.


A shadow.

Someone's enormous shadow shields the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress from the Black Dragon King's strike.

I recognize the identity of the shadow and ask with a trembling voice.



Smoke rises from the entire body of Azure Tiger Saint, who received the Black Dragon King's breath.

Azure Tiger Saint turns around and smiles.

"Sorry, I was a bit late trying to persuade the petty leaders of the Grand Alliance and breaking through the dimensional gate."


Azure Tiger Saint.

My master of this lifetime.

"Return to where the dimensional gate is. I will help you."

Behind him, ten pairs of wings sprout.

"As you are my disciples..."


I realize how Azure Tiger Saint managed to block Black Dragon King's breath.

And I also realize the legend passed down in the Azure Heaven Creation Sect, of the Azure Wing Heavenly Shatter performed with ten pairs of wings.

"I will take responsibility as an adult, even if it costs me my life!"


A blue light envelops Azure Tiger Saint.

The final, tenth pair of wings of the Azure Heaven Creation Sect, obtained by burning one's own life.

The master of the sect has come to this point, igniting his life to rescue his disciples!