Chapter 180: 15th Cycle's First Day

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 180: 15th Cycle's First Day


Consciousness returns.

Could it be the price for having forcefully exploded my Nascent Soul?

My head feels so dizzy, it's as if I'm going to vomit.

But that feeling is fleeting.

I regain consciousness.

And then, a familiar voice reaches my ears.

"Make your choice. We'll soon scatter according to the guidance of the Bright Cold Realm's seniors. Which faction will you join?"

I look at Seo Hweol in front of me while pressing down on my throbbing head.

He’s looking at me with a rather interested expression. Not just him, but Jin Byuk-ho, Heo Gwak... and Azure Tiger Saint are all staring at me with shocked expressions.

Greed can be seen in the eyes of the Mad Lord as well.

My head is throbbing, perhaps because my consciousness has grown too large.

Ever since I attained the Five Energies Converging to the Origin, my consciousness became slightly larger than those of my peers, and it had grown even more after learning the Wonderfully Mysterious Innate Heart Canon.

In such a state, I reached the Nascent Soul Stage in my past life.

My consciousness, having just reached the Nascent Soul stage, is now in terms of sheer size, at the peak of mid Nascent Soul stage.

Is it because my consciousness has grown too large?

Even though I had undergone complete transformation in the Head Realm, my head started to hurt and throb.

It seems that even after harmonizing my body once, the size has grown too much to bear.

Fortunately, even though the harmony is disrupted, the body granted by Five Energies Converging to the Origin seems to hold up well enough that my head doesn't explode right away.

However, anyway.

"Ah, isn't this a Nascent Soul stage cultivator's consciousness!?"

"If the size of the consciousness is that big, it would overflow from the plane of Soul and even affect the plane of Qi."

"Getting a Nascent Soul would be greatly advantageous for him..."

"With his level, it seems he's immediately usable as a force, doesn't it?"

Indeed, the human, who had possessed a Core Formation stage consciousness, had his consciousness size suddenly grow to the Nascent Soul stage after exchanging a few words with Seo Hweol.

Setting aside the marvel, a consciousness level above the Nascent Soul stage, as they said, affects the plane of Qi meaning he can be immediately utilized as a force if managed well.


"Hey, how about joining our Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect? We'll give you the position of an outer sect elder right away and if you elevate your cultivation, we'll even offer you the position of an inner sect elder!"

"No, it seems like your soul is familiar with death. If you join Black Ghost Valley, you can achieve tremendous success! Infinite methods fitting the history of our valley await you! Considering your consciousness and that aura of death, joining Black Ghost Valley would mean…."

"A Nascent Soul stage consciousness, you're a talent capable of properly digesting the training of our Azure Heaven Creation Sect! If you join now, I'll give you the position of a First-Cloud disciple and the status of my direct disciple!"

Jin Byuk-ho, Heo Gwak, and Azure Tiger Saint, none of them wanting to be outdone, shout at me with bright faces.

In the early part of my past life, while it was considered a marvel that I possessed a consciousness of the Core Formation stage, it wasn't met with such fervent enthusiasm as it is now. The intensity of their interest is curious.

That isn't all.

"Seeing this... makes me even more covetous. With your caliber, I will recommend a place for you in the True Dragon Alliance, and if you wish, not just my blood, but I will also use my recommendation for you to participate in the Immortal Beast Blood Fusion."

Seo Hweol also looks at my consciousness with an expression of wonder.

The Mad Lord, seeing the size of my consciousness, seems on the verge of madness again, rolling his eyes and trembling his fingers.

From experience, this is a prelude to his madness.

If it erupts, he will bite his fingers and go berserk.

'This isn't the time for this.'

I swallow my saliva inwardly.

Only upon witnessing the Mad Lord's reaction do I snap back to reality.

If I zone out now, I'll end up kidnapped by the Mad Lord, and any choice I might have will vanish.

'Of course, given my current state...'

I can feel the Colorless Glass Sword lying dormant within me.

The Colorless Glass Swords passed down from my past life after consuming White-Red Wine.

Connected to the Colorless Glass Swords is the Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections.

Within the Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections, I can feel the accumulation of my past life's cultivation and experiences.

I sense that, if handled well, I can use the Canvas of Myriad Forms and Connections as a beacon to reclaim the realm of Nascent Soul within 10, 20 years.

I want to shorten that time, but the problem is matching the timing of the rituals and ceremonies required while practicing cultivation methods.

Nonetheless, as it became possible to regain my cultivation in a short period, even if kidnapped by the Mad Lord, escaping soon after would be feasible. But honestly, doing so is pointless effort.

'Let's set aside the sentiments of my past life for now and make a choice first.'

I rack my brain hard.

As cultivators ascend in cultivation realms and their consciousness expands, their intelligence, thinking speed, memory, etc., increase proportionally, little by little.

Of course, the degree of proportionality varies from person to person, but it's true that the breadth of thought changes according to the size of consciousness.

With my Nascent Soul-level consciousness at full throttle, I consider the best possible choice.

And finally.

I make my decision.

Jin Byuk-ho, Heo Gwak, Azure Tiger Saint... the Mad Lord and Seo Hweol are looking at me.

"I choose..."

Without hesitation, I walk towards one person.

"Ho, you've chosen me?"

He gives me a warm smile and pats my shoulder.

The Mad Lord's expression sours.

I feel like vomiting too, but I force a smile and bow to him.

"I, who am still lacking, wish to study under the guidance of the renowned Seo Hweol."

"Hahaha, a good choice. I will take care of you without fail. Although you are not of the Demon Race but the Human Race, I will make sure you're not ostracized or bullied among the demons."

"...Thank you."

I try to get used to the revulsion of Seo Hweol's heart essence while scanning my surroundings.

The eyes of the others are filled with pity, and the Mad Lord clicks his tongue and turns his head away in displeasure.

I turn my gaze to Yeon below the Mad Lord.

In my past life, I planned to choose Azure Tiger Saint from the start, so considering his pure characteristics, I even went ahead and hugged Yeon in front of the Mad Lord.

But now, it is difficult for me to approach her.

Not only is the Mad Lord glaring, but unlike the pure Azure Tiger Saint, if I act friendly with the Mad Lord in front of Seo Hweol, I don't know how I will be stabbed in the back later, so caution is necessary.

While I am sorting out my thoughts, the Mad Lord starts arguing with the Four-Axis stage wooden man and begins to go berserk.

Seeing the Mad Lord losing it, Seo Hweol quickly tells the Four-Axis stage demon who came for them to leave this place.

While the Mad Lord is having an outburst and Seo Hweol is preparing to leave, I secretly create a spirit clone from my soul and mix it with the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts without anyone noticing.

Then, I throw it towards Yeon without anyone realizing.

My spirit clone, with Mysterious Bizarre Gu, infiltrates her consciousness unnoticed.

Though I can't comfort her in the early stages of this life, through Mysterious Bizarre Gu, I can keep in touch and comfort her in the future.

I silently thank Gyeon Shin who passed on this technique and follow Seo Hweol.

Gyu-ryeon seems displeased with me riding on her head, but persuaded by Seo Hweol, she allows me to climb onto her neck.

Shortly after, she takes off into the sky and leaves the Flying Immortal Platform.

From atop Gyu-ryeon, I look down below, watching the Mad Lord throw a fit and pull out the Wonderfully Mysterious Fortress.

And then, my gaze falls on Azure Tiger Saint, caught in the middle of them.

Seizing a moment of respite, I bow to him in my heart.

Even though he was my master in my past life, he has not become a different person through the regressions.

However, my feelings for him has not changed. He is the steadfast pillar and master in my heart.

'I will not forget your teachings.'

From now on, I will be under Seo Hweol.

I can't begin to imagine how dark and twisted the world beneath him might be.

But precisely because of that, I resolved myself even more not to forget Azure Tiger Saint's spirit, turning my head away from the tumult caused by the Mad Lord at the Flying Immortal Platform.

'I’ve set my goals for this life.'

Originally, I considered joining the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect or maybe the Black Ghost Valley, which seems to suit me.

But while contemplating atop the Flying Immortal Platform, I decided on the objectives for this life.

'First, to find out what exactly happens to Oh Hye-Seo, who was taken away by Seo Hweol.'

Sitting among the other demons on top of the Four-Axis demon's head, I watch Seo Hweol chatter away with a pleasant smile.

It is necessary to delve into the dark schemes within him, to uncover what he plans to do with Oh Hye-Seo.

'Second, starting from the Black Dragon King Hyun Eum... find out what those Dragon Races are really up to.'

Blood Yin Realm's Star Shattering Esteemed One and the Black Dragon King are clearly related.

And Seo Hweol, the crafty serpent who supported Yuan Li's ascendance from the Head Realm to the Blood Yin Realm.

Without understanding what these Dragon Races want and their true identities intertwined with the Blood Yin Realm, I might not be able to keep up with the situation in the Bright Cold Realm.

So, this time, I plan to infiltrate from within to discover their objectives and identity.

'And finally, third...'

And the most important.

Perhaps the most challenging task.

'Starting now, as I cultivate under Seo Hweol and reach the core of the Demon Race.'

Thinking of the madness of Jeon Myeong-Hoon and the tragedy of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

'I will infiltrate the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and steal the Heavenly Lightning Banner before it is destroyed by the True Immortal.'

Then, bringing the stolen Heavenly Lightning Banner into the Demon Territory and throwing it into the mouths of Seo Hweol or Hyeon Eum, I will achieve perfect counter-poisoning.

This third goal is the main reason I chose Seo Hweol.

'In this life, I will confirm Oh Hye-seo's situation and the Dragon Races' objectives, and by stealing the Heavenly Lightning Banner, I will deal a significant blow to their base.'

These are my biggest goals of this life.

Unnoticed by Gyu-ryeon, I disperse the Formless Sword within me.

Then, I create a Gang Sphere in the center of my dantian to form my Inner Core.


As the Inner Core forms and stabilizes the center of my body, the throbbing in my head eases a bit.

Feeling the energy of my Inner Core, Gyu-ryeon, who is carrying us towards the Earth Tribe Territory, speaks.

[What's this? Were you a demon? I can feel demonic energy... Are you perhaps a half-demon?]

I clear my throat and then responded to Gyu-ryeon in demon language.

"I'm not a half-demon. I am indeed of the Human Race, but I learned a very unique method in the lower world that allows me to form a Demon Core even with a human body. Upon arriving in the Bright Cold Realm, the achievements that had been blocked until now have been unlocked, and a Demon Core has formed right away. Hahaha...."

"Ho, even demon language? Well, you Heaven Tribe theoretically can learn Earth Tribe methods too...."

As I fluently speak the demon language and reveal the energy of my Inner Core, Gyu-ryeon seems to develop a bit of goodwill towards me, no longer appearing entirely uncomfortable.

Seeing my actions, Seo Hweol comes down from Gyu-ryeon's head and walks over to me, sitting at her neck.


Pretending to look down below from atop Gyu-ryeon’s neck, heading towards the Earth Tribe Territory, I pay my respects to Seo Hweol.

"Thank you once again for accepting me, Dragon King."

"Don't call me king. In the Bright Cold Realm, the title of 'king' is reserved for those of the Integration stage Demon Kings.... Anyway, not taking in a talent like you would mean I'm a fool without eyes. To think you can even form a Demon Core, you're much more compatible with our Demon Race than I expected."

"Thank you."

"And you've learned the demon language too, I really can't help but take a liking to you.... Since I can't take my eyes off a talent like you until we reach the Earth Tribe Territory, why not learn this method? I personally created it, and it's suited for an excellent talent like you."

Seo Hweol, smiling, takes out a method manual bound in demon beast leather from his bosom and hands it to me.


The name of the method is Summoning Wind, True Blood Transformation.


As I silently look at the method manual, Seo Hweol gives a bitter smile, seeming apologetic.

"Truthfully, I wanted to provide you with a more proper demon method.... But it seems this is the best we can do before we reach the True Dragon Alliance, which is the headquarters of the Demon Race, for someone of human origin like you. Please understand."

However, reading Seo Hweol's heart essence, I can see that although he verbally expresses regret, his suspicion towards me is gradually rising.

'Damn it.'

Accepting the Summoning Wind, True Blood Transformation will make me his puppet and livestock, and not accepting it will make Seo Hweol suspect me.

I had never intended to fully gain his trust, but I hadn't expected to be suspected so soon after choosing to align with Seo Hweol, not even half a day in. Caught between a rock and a hard place, I open my mouth while looking at the Summoning Wind, True Blood Transformation.

Author's Note:

Main quest list for 15th Cycle: 1. Check on Oh Hye-seo's situation. 2. Spy on the Dragon Race. 3. Steal the Heavenly Lightning Banner. 4. (New!) Survive Seo Hweol's manipulation.