Chapter 197: Betrayal (5)

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

'Am I being impulsive?'

Waking up from a state of wandering in her dreams for the first time in decades, Yu Hwa ponders if her decision is the right one.

Even if it is the opportunity to sway more than two members of the Heart Tribe.

Even if she can strike a blow to the filthy territory of the Earth Tribe.

Even if the attack she is unleashing now will aid her when she properly reaches the third stage of Manifestation later on.

Is it really right to consume more than a decade's worth of her already short lifespan as a member of the Heart Tribe for that purpose?

However, the moment her hand touches the zither she had played for years,

Her worries melt away like snow.

It's the zither she has plucked for decades.

And the figure before her, Baek Nyeong, is her disciple whom she had guided over the years.

It is not pointless.

Nor is it impulsive.

Because, as the one who provided guidance, it is only right to take responsibility if one's disciple ends up in this state.

She realizes the nature of the brainwashing that Baek Nyeong is under.

A powerful self-brainwashing!

She doesn't know how that sinister dragon had boiled her disciple alive.

But Baek Nyeong strongly believes in his own brainwashing.

Even if it's false, he 'wants to believe' it is true.

To break such a powerful brainwashing, an even more powerful shock is needed.

'My power alone is insufficient.'

To shock the heart essence of the Heart Tribe, an even more powerful force is necessary.

What is needed now is the third stage of Manifestation!

The Heart Tribe members who have reached the third stage of Manifestation are at best around ten thousand.

But in other words, those who have achieved the third stage of Manifestation are indeed entities that the Heaven and Earth Tribes fear and feel threatened by.

'Here I go.'

And then, she begins to play.

Everything under the heavens turns a crimson red.

Kurung, Kururung!

At Cloud Heart Lake, where the Sea Dragon Race resides,

There, a strange thunderous roar rumbles.

No, it's not the sound of thunder but something else.

Yet, despite not being the sound of thunder, the numerous Nascent Soul stage demon races living near Cloud Heart Lake perceive it as thunder.

Because the 'force' emanating from Cloud Heart Lake is astonishingly similar in nature to the Heavenly Punishment's force that the demon races face numerous times during their cultivation upon reaching the Nascent Soul stage.

In Cloud Heart Lake, a crimson Heavenly Tribulation is raging.

Strangely enough, this Heavenly Tribulation is not coming from the sky but from the bottom of Cloud Heart Lake.

Originating from the performance of an enslaved race.


I circulate my spiritual energy, revealing the realm of Treading Heavens and resisting the crimson force striking down at me.

Such a familiar force.

Heavenly Tribulation!

This is a Heavenly Tribulation!

The heavenly wrath I have faced numerous times over several lifetimes!

It's then I realize why.

Why, after seeing Jeon Myeong-hoon's attacks last time, I recalled the strike of the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One.

Jeon Myeong-hoon's lightning reminded me of Heavenly Lightning.

And the third stage of Manifestation of the Heart Tribe.

This power, presumed to be beyond the realm of Treading Heavens, astonishingly resembles Heavenly Tribulation.


With all my might, I stand against Yu Hwa's Heavenly Tribulation, trying to capture 'how' she unfolded the third Manifestation.

Of course, even merely capturing it with my eyes is overwhelming.

But, reading spiritual energy, reading intent,

Using the Lightning Predicting eye,

I capture the power of the third stage of Manifestation that Yu Hwa uses.

'That is…'

Is that so….

The method to step beyond Treading Heavens is….


Her zither melody is undoubtedly beautiful, but to me, it sounds like thunder.

No, from the perspective of the Earth Tribe, it is clearly the sound of thunder.

However, to me, who possesses both the vision of intent and of the Earth Tribe, it appears as nothing but beautiful art.


Such perfection that spontaneously evokes admiration.

A skill that inspires inspiration just by watching.

And the will of Yu Hwa!

I feel enveloped in a strange ecstasy as I admire the 'beauty' she manifests.

Though it feels like my whole body is burning, I disregard it and endlessly watch her art.



I suddenly came back to my senses.

“Wha, what?”

It's hard to regain consciousness.

It feels like suddenly my sense of reality has become strange.

'It seems like something from my memory was cut off while facing the Heavenly Tribulation….'

I am in a daze.

It's hard to regain my senses, as if I had dozed off momentarily.

“Have you come to your sense?”


The next moment, thanks to Yu Hwa speaking next to me, I shake my head and stand up.

“Where is this…”

I look around.


I can't help but let out a bitter laugh.

The coral village has disappeared.

No, not just the coral village, but the Sea Dragon Palace as well has turned to dust, becoming merely 'what was once the Sea Dragon Palace.'

All around, Sea Dragon Race elders and warriors are collapsed and unconscious.

The same is true for the White Goat Race from the coral village.

And there, Baek Nyeong is kneeling.

Everyone at Cloud Heart Lake, except for her and me, is 'asleep.'

Yu Hwa has a more haggard face than before with her eyes closed.

“I put everyone to sleep as part of my musical performance. For the Heavenly Being stage cultivators, it will take a day to wake up on their own, for the Nascent Soul stage, ten days. For those below that… needless to say.”


I must have fallen asleep without a chance to resist, my memory cutting off at some point.

Such a terrifying Heart Tribe member, if she travels with other powerful members of the Heart Tribe, no one will survive in their presence.

Even more terrifying is that she had single-handedly put to sleep over 20 Sea Dragon Race elders at the Heavenly Being stage residing in Cloud Heart Lake.

There are sixty-two Heavenly Being stage cultivators among the Sea Dragon Race, but the rest are following Seo Hweol's orders, active in various parts of the Earth Tribe.

The number remaining in the Sea Dragon Palace is only a third, yet she has managed an absurd feat of exchanging one for twenty.

“Reaching the third stage of Manifestation of the Heart Tribe… can you really suppress even Heavenly Being stage practitioners in such an unbelievable manner?”

“How can that be possible. The Heavenly Being and Nascent Soul stage members of the Earth Tribe here have all come to the Immortal Demon Tower a few days ago and listened to my music in advance, so it was overwhelmingly easy to infiltrate the heart essence of those who remembered the melody.”


Indeed, sound techniques are like a poison that's hard to escape once their melody has been heard.

The difference between Yu Hwa's performance and general sound arts is that, typically, the influence of sound techniques ceases once the vibration of the music ends.

However, her musical performance can amplify and put opponents to sleep at any time as long as the influence of the melody remains within their heart essence, not relying on the music's vibration.

And true to her words, some Nascent Soul stage demon races nearby, who had never heard Yu Hwa's performance before, are twitching, trying to get up.

Of course, they pass out again as soon as she plucks the strings a few more times.

“…So, what are you going to do?”

“We need to escape. The Sea Dragon Race was caught off guard because they are not familiar with the Heart Tribe, but those of the Earth Tribe nearby who know about the Heart Tribe would have realized that there is a Heart Tribe member here after witnessing that strike.”


I smirk bitterly, looking at the unbelievable strike that mingled with my fate.

Looking up at the sky, my fate has changed due to her strike.

And not for the better.

“Now I understand why the Heaven and Earth Tribes despise and fear the Heart Tribe.”


“The third stage of Manifestation of the Heart Tribe is almost identical to Heavenly Tribulation. And….”

I look at Yu Hwa incredulously.

"I'm not sure if what I confirmed while looking at the celestial energy is correct, but facing the Heart Tribe's Heavenly Tribulation adds an additional type of tribulation for the Heaven and Earth Tribes in the future, doesn't it?"

“…That's correct. That's why the two major tribes make such efforts to eradicate us.”


An additional type of Heavenly Tribulation has suddenly been added to my fate.

Previously facing only blue and golden Heavenly Tribulations, I now also have to face a crimson Heavenly Tribulation.

“According to the seniors of the Heart Tribe, a strike from a third-stage Manifestation Heart Tribe member is almost identical in nature to Heavenly Tribulation, causing the heavens to be confused.”

Her explanation continues.

“Since a strike from the third stage of Manifestation is also almost identical to Heavenly Tribulation, the heavens do not react if the person who receives the strike overcomes it successfully. However, if they fail to overcome the strike, the heavens perceive it as failing to overcome a Heavenly Tribulation and, upon their next ascension, send down a tribulation of the same nature as the strike from the Heart Tribe, but only once.”


Fortunately, the number of Heavenly Tribulations I have to face hasn't increased forever.

But even if it is limited to once, the thought of having to face an additional type of Heavenly Tribulation is terrifying and horrifying.

Fighting against a third-stage Manifestation Heart Tribe member means the types of Heavenly Tribulations one has to face increase by one, limited by once.

It's truly a dreadful affair, fitting the reason why the Heaven and Earth Tribes would want to eradicate the Heart Tribe by any means possible.

“That's why I was trying to warn you because you also belong to the Heaven and Earth Tribes….”

“Well, it doesn't matter.”

I chuckle and shake my head.

Having one more type of Heavenly Tribulation to face is dizzying, but I am satisfied having glimpsed the next realm.

"Anyway, do you have a plan on how to escape?"

“If I use my original power of the second stage of Manifestation to fuse my body with my melody and escape….”

“That's reckless. Since you showed me a realm beyond, let me return the favor.”

I concentrate my consciousness and then execute the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts in front of her, cutting off her perception.


The moment I disappear from her view and reappear in front of her, she gasps in realization of the significance of the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts.

“What, what is that?”

“This is the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts. You might be able to use it as well.”

Shocked by the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts, her hands visibly tremble as she holds the zither.

“Did you… create this technique?”

“No, I also learned it.”

“Who created this technique?”

“…My master, who led me to this realm.”

“Please, could you introduce me to them?”

“…They reside in the Lower Realm.”

“The Lower Realm….”

At those words, she wears a meaningful expression.

“I should report this to the Esteemed One later. If we can invite such a person, our Heart Tribe can take a step further.”

“Hmm… That might be true.”

I can't help but think that Kim Young-hoon might indeed transform the Heart Tribe into an even more unbelievably powerful force, on par with the Heaven and Earth Tribes.

After repeating and trying out the method of the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts a few times, Yu Hwa incorporates it into her performance, instantly transforming it into her own style.

Having the talent to awaken as a member of the Heart Tribe, it seems incorporating it isn't too difficult for her.


Having hidden herself in the form of her melody between perceptions, she bids me farewell and rises, taking the form of a river.

I see Baek Nyeong's body being carried up along with the river.

“Are you only taking your disciple?”

[I've forcibly undone the brainwashing. Unless that dragon does it again, no further brainwashing should occur. If, despite all this, Baek Nyeong chooses to stay… I will respect his will and send him back. However… if Baek Nyeong wishes to take the remaining members of the White Goat Race with him, then he will return to the Sea Dragon Palace with me, and we will take all the remaining members to the Heart Tribe territory.]

“I see, understood.”

After bidding farewell to her as she disappears using the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts,

Like the other dragons, I lay down and close my eyes.


From afar, outside Cloud Heart Lake, a tremendous surge of heaven and earth spiritual energy is approaching.

It's obviously the Earth Tribe's Four-Axis stage cultivators flying over, having seen Yu Hwa's third stage of Manifestation and convinced that the Heart Tribe has invaded.

With my eyes closed, pretending to be unconscious like the other Heavenly Being stage elders, I sink my consciousness to the very bottom using the Wonderfully Mysterious Innate Heart Canon.


The water of Cloud Heart Lake is entirely sucked upwards, and the cold air hits my skin.

The vast consciousness of the Four-Axis stage cultivator sweeps across Cloud Heart Lake, thoroughly searching everywhere.

[Where are you, you damned Heart Tribe scum! Come out this instant!]

'With this…'

I smile inwardly.

My objective is achieved.

From the moment Yu Hwa appeared, I intended to cause a disturbance. However, thanks to her causing an even bigger commotion than I expected,

The Sea Dragon Palace is now reduced to dust, and the entire Sea Dragon Race Territory is thrown into chaos, ensuring the Sea Dragon Race elders will no longer have the leisure to assign me tasks.

I have escaped the social constraints left by Seo Hweol.

'Now, what's left is to freely contact some representatives of the demon races who had grievances against Seo Hweol.'

This is the real beginning of the betrayal aimed at the back of Seo Hweol.