Chapter 199: Betrayal (7)

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

"Ah, it's been a while, senior. We met briefly before, didn't we?"

It seems Hong Guk recognizes me as well.

'So, that's why Hong Guk didn't tell Gyu-ryeon about Seo Hweol taking Baek Nyeong away!'

"…At first, I thought I saw it wrong. But upon further reflection, the projection technique used by the Grand Prince at that time appeared to be very similar, almost identical, to that used by the Heavenly Fiends of the Blood Yin Realm. I know this very well, having fought against them."

"I see."

Cheon Ryang smiles slyly.

"This is our chance to make that Seo Hweol withdraw from that absurd naming project when he returns!"

The Celestial Dog Race, to which Cheon Ryang belongs, is one of the races that disliked having their names managed by the True Dragon Alliance.

Among them, Cheon Ryang particularly despises Seo Hweol, who subtly swayed them to support the naming project, even more than the 13 major clans directly conducting these tasks. He wishes to see Seo Hweol fall from grace and never return to the political arena.

I am well aware of Cheon Ryang's dislike for Seo Hweol, and I also know the situation well as I was there with Hong Guk at the time.

'Hong Guk's testimony is very likely to be true.'

No, it is almost certain that the technique Seo Hweol used to summon his projection by sacrificing his kin was indeed from the Blood Yin Realm.

'The situation is different from when I was the only witness.'

I had no influence for my words to be taken seriously when I alone was the sole witness.

But now, with Cheon Ryang, an elder of the Celestial Dog Race, Hong Guk as a witness, and Seo Hweol's opposition putting all their efforts into proclaiming his connection to the Blood Yin Realm, it can politically damage Seo Hweol significantly.


There's no downside for me, whether it fails or succeeds.

Just shouting that Seo Hweol is a spy is enough.

If it fails, the mere fact that Seo Hweol is tormented by such slander due to his status as a lower realm descendant of the Black Dragon clan's side branch, the Sea Dragon Race, gives me a pretext to push for his marriage.

If it succeeds, pushing him as a spy of the Blood Yin Realm can erase his influence within the Earth Tribe.

'Given Seo Hweol's stature, even if he's proclaimed a spy from the Blood Yin Realm, they'd likely make him swear never to contact the Blood Yin Realm again and then place him under house arrest.'

After all, a Four-Axis stage is a valuable asset.

Either way, it's the outcome I desire.

"Good. However, as much as you dislike Seo Hweol, a single witness's testimony won't have much influence."


"Do you have any evidence? Cultivator Hong?"

At my question, Hong Guk nods solemnly.

"The projection technique used by the Heavenly Fiends of the Blood Yin Realm leaves an impact on the earth. It's not certain, but perhaps if we revisit that Long Spirit farm, we might find evidence."

"Good, order someone to collect evidence."


Just as Cheon Ryang is about to signal someone, Hong Guk cautiously speaks up.

"The reason I haven't deliberately collected evidence from the Long Spirit farm until now is partly because I thought a Dragon Race Grand Prince wouldn't do such a thing, but also because the traces of the Heavenly Fiends' projection technique disappear easily when exposed to spiritual energy fluctuations, so I dared not investigate myself. In other words…"

"Bringing evidence will be difficult. We need to go and verify it ourselves; is that what you're saying?"

At Cheon Ryang's words, Hong Guk nods.


This makes me feel a bit troubled, whereas Cheon Ryang seems thrilled, sticking out his tongue and panting.

"Excellent! Then let's gather all members of the opposition and head to that farm! If we all verify it, that should suffice!"

However, as he energetically shouts this, I sigh softly.

"That seems problematic."


"Have you forgotten? The Long Spirit Farm Hong Guk mentioned is a territory bestowed by the True Dragon Alliance to the Ark Controlling Envoy Gyu-ryeon."


"Taking a bit of soil as evidence might be fine... but for all members of the opposition, both Nascent Soul and Heavenly Being stage cultivators, to swarm there for evidence? What do you think the Ark Controlling Envoy would say to that? Especially when you know the relationship between the Ark Controlling Envoy and Seo Hweol."

"…I see. I was shortsighted."

"Let's make time later, just the two of us, to quietly verify the evidence."

It would obviously be problematic if everyone from the opposition faction were to go, but it should be fine for just Cheon Ryang and I to go and check.

Thus, we decided to find a suitable time when Gyu-ryeon would be occupied with her duties as Ark Controlling Envoy to search for evidence on the farm.

And a month has passed since I told Cheon Ryang to go with me to find evidence of Seo Hweol's involvement with the Blood Yin Realm.

'From today for the next seven nights, Senior Gyu will be organizing spatial rifts at the lowest floor of the Serving Command Ark.'

Tomorrow, she will be immersed in repairing spatial rifts, so it will be the perfect time for Cheon Ryang and me to visit her farm.

Just then, as I am contemplating.


A familiar sound of a zither echoes from behind me.

I turn around, startled yet smiling.

"It's been a while, Yu Hwa."

"Have you been well?"

Suddenly appearing behind me is Yu Hwa, the half-human half-spider from the Heart Tribe.

"Your mastery of the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts has improved significantly."

"The foundation was so preposterously intricate and detailed that it was easy to learn."

"Your talent must have played a part... So, what brings you here?"

"…It's about my disciple."

A bitter expression crosses Yu Hwa's face.

"I've undone all the brainwashing that the Sea Dragon had placed on my disciple. I also succeeded in dispersing the self-hypnosis that arose due to the Sea Dragon's guidance. However... my disciple says that the Sea Dragon promised him many things."

She continues her explanation.

"Great living conditions for the White Goat Race, rights as the ruling class, his treatment, the treatment of his Mountain Repelling Whip, and numerous rights that Baek Nyeong was promised would be granted to not just him but the entire White Goat Tribe. That's why he was self-hypnotized into thinking the Sea Dragon was a great being."

"Did he fall for Seo Hweol because of those privileges?"

"…Not just that. What Baek Nyeong wants is…"

Yu Hwa's words flow on.

"Do you know of Hong Guk, the boar demon beast?"

"…I'm aware."

Somehow, I've been hearing that boar's name quite a lot lately.

"Hong Guk, during his time as the overseer of the Long Spirit farm, had ordered Baek Nyeong to whip his own elderly parents."


"Eventually, Baek Nyeong's parents passed away by his own hands, following Hong Guk's orders. Seo Hweol… promised Baek Nyeong that he would allow him to kill Hong Guk in the most brutal way possible."

She continues.

"Baek Nyeong said that if I, in place of Seo Hweol, can tear Hong Guk apart, he will completely let go of his feelings for Seo Hweol."

"…So you've come because of Hong Guk."


"Seeking my help for revenge?"



I gaze into the void, focusing on the faint flow of consciousness streaming through the air.

"Why didn't you tell me directly with your own mouth?"

Startled by my words, Yu Hwa flinches, and soon after, Baek Nyeong emerges from the void.

"It seems your understanding of the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts is much inferior to your master's. Even someone at the Nascent Soul stage would have noticed."

Baek Nyeong is silent for a moment then looks at Yu Hwa, then back at me.

"I intended to tell you myself. But my master prevented me."


I look at Yu Hwa and ask.

"So you didn't trust me?"

"I do trust you, but the situation is concerning."

She gives a bitter smile.

"I know you've been in contact with Seo Hweol's opposition faction, and they need Hong Guk."

"That's correct."

"So, thinking you might turn against us since you also need Hong Guk, I had prepared my disciple for an escape if necessary... It seems that was unnecessary."

"Just with the time you and I have spent learning the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts, there's a difference... Naturally, teaching that guy the Record would obviously make him full of holes in my eyes."

"My oversight."

I look at the master-disciple pair and ponder over what to do about Hong Guk.

"...I acknowledge the grudge between Hong Guk and Baek Nyeong. However, we need him now."

Baek Nyeong clenches his fists in frustration.

"However, after going to the farm to secure evidence of Seo Hweol's involvement with the Blood Yin Realm and submitting it to the True Dragon Alliance Elder Council, Hong Guk's usefulness will end. I'll arrange for Baek Nyeong to meet Hong Guk alone afterwards."

My suggestion brightens Yu Hwa's face.

Baek Nyeong's intent also calms down.

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

Yu Hwa and Baek Nyeong thanks me in turn.

Yu Hwa asks in a bright voice,

"So, Hong Guk's usefulness ends tomorrow, you say?"

"No, not tomorrow. Tomorrow, Cheon Ryang and I will go to the farm to look for the connection between Seo Hweol and the Blood Yin Realm, and once that's confirmed, we will submit it to the True Dragon Alliance Elder Council…"


That's when Yu Hwa interrupts me with a puzzled voice.

"Right now, a Heavenly Being stage demon beast named Cheon Ryang, leading all members of the opposition faction, is flying towards Gyu-ryeon's farm with Hong Guk at the forefront… Aren't they trying to secure Seo Hweol's weakness?"


Startled, I quickly stand up and inject spiritual power into the communication artifact connected to Cheon Ryang.


But the artifact vibrates for a moment before the communication is dispersed by the other side.

'Damn it, I told them to be careful!'

Today is the day Gyu-ryeon enters the lowest level of Serving Command Ark.

Given her nature, once she starts her duties as the Ark Controlling Envoy, she tends to get absorbed in her work and forgets about everything else after a day.

However, a day hasn't passed yet, and if something happens in her territory, she could come out of the Serving Command Ark to check.

"These idiots… I'm sorry I can't entertain you as guests, but I have to go to Gyu-ryeon's farm for a bit."

I leave the office of the Ark Controlling Envoy's Assistant in the Serving Command Ark and soar into the sky.

Yu Hwa and Baek Nyeong also rise beside me.


Yu Hwa transforms into a crimson river, engulfing Baek Nyeong, and soars into the air, camouflaging their presence with the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts.

[Let us accompany you. Since we're asking for your help, if there's anything we can do in this matter, we'll assist.]

"Well, do as you please. Let's talk while we're on the way!"


I rapidly rise, utilizing Flying Escape Technique, the Gliding Technique of the demon race, and all sorts of methods to traverse the void.


Before long, it's night.

In the middle of the night, Gyu-ryeon's territory and the Long Spirit cotton farm began to come into view beyond the mountain range.


The cotton of the Long Spirit Wood Flower is shining white even under the moonlight, as if ablaze.

And far off, at a corner of the cotton farm, a tremendously chaotic scene is unfolding.



I am shocked by the scene.

The place where Seo Hweol had previously conducted the projection technique through the bodies of Sea Dragon Race warriors.

The ground there, along with the dragon vein running through it, is being pulled up.

A part of the Long Spirit cotton farm is being extracted in its entirety.

An area of about 2 to 3 li of the cotton field is being lifted into the sky, and around it, demon races of Nascent Soul and Heavenly Being stages are circulating heaven and earth spiritual energy, lifting the cotton field.

"What madness is this!"

I scream at Cheon Ryang, who is at the center of it all, my face pale with anger.

Didn't I say Senior Guy enters today!? I told you that we should come and investigate tomorrow! Not only did you come without me, but you also brought all these Nascent Soul stage and above demon cultivators. And what are you doing to Senior Gyu's farm!"

To my words, Cheon Ryang crosses his arms and shakes his head calmly.

"I'm sorry, Cultivator Seo. But your method is too cautious!"


"Moreover, I acknowledge that you helped unite our Seo Hweol opposition faction, but there are concerns within our faction about following your plans blindly, given your status as the Ark Controlling Envoy's Assistant..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Every demon beast knows about the relationship between the Ark Controlling Envoy and Seo Hweol. Considering you, Seo Eun-hyun, are the Ship Controlling Envoy's Assistant and closely associated with Seo Hweol, executing your plan directly was deemed risky."

"What in the world... Fine, then what do you intend to do with Gyu-ryeon's farm?"

Not Cheon Ryang but Hong Guk responds to my question.

"There is definitely evidence in the Ark Controlling Envoy's farm of Seo Hweol using the Blood Yin Realm's techniques. But if we just take the evidence to the True Dragon Alliance Elder Council, it will disappear due to the nature of the Blood Yin Realm's projection technique and spiritual energy fluctuations. Therefore, we decided to take this entire area and submit it to the council."

"Ha! Senior Gyu is currently in the lowest level of the Serving Command Ark, and you're planning to take this to the Serving Command Ark?"

Cheon Ryang shakes his head at that.

No, we will not take it to the Serving Command Ark. Senior Gyu's farm will be transported to the Tiger Race Territory. The Supreme Tiger Race will lead the investigation into this matter, and the True Dragon Alliance Elder Council will also convene in the Tiger Race Territory this time."


Choosing the Tiger Race Territory, of all places, which has the worst relationship with the Dragon Race.

"Was this influenced by the Tiger Race from the start?"

"Not exactly. Knowing that the Seo Hweol opposition faction was forming, the Tiger Race, eager to tarnish the Dragon Race's honor, approached us."


So, according to his words, this is no longer just my fight.

It has become a political struggle between the Tiger and Dragon Races.

'This is... not bad?'

Thinking about it, it isn't necessarily bad for this matter to shift towards the Tiger Race.

If the Tiger Race, which are on bad terms with the Dragon Race, wants to strike at the Dragon Race in any way, they will surely concoct the fact that Seo Hweol is related to the Blood Yin Realm.

'It can be an opportunity to more definitively bring down Seo Hweol.'


"…Alright. But... it's too reckless...! What if Senior Gyu notices!"

"Hahaha! We too have our sources. The Ark Controlling Envoy has already started repairing the spatial rifts in the lowest level of the Serving Command Ark…"

"No! Why didn't you trust my information! I work right beside Senior Gyu! We have to wait until tomorrow!"

"That's why it's hard to believe. We needed to act swiftly on our end too. I heard that once the Ark Controlling Envoy starts focusing on repairing spatial rifts, she becomes so engrossed that she doesn't notice anything else outside."

"…Damn it, that's not the issue…"

I press my throbbing head and sigh.

'Damn, I don't know anymore.'

"…Do as you wish. But now that things have come to this, move the farm to the Tiger Race Territory as quickly as possible!"

"We were about to do that. No need to rush us."

I feel a surge of anger looking at Cheon Ryang, who still wears a calm expression after causing such a mess.

"Senior Gyu might have already noticed by now because of you all. We're in a hurry, so we must handle this swiftly!"


"What are you doing! Hurry and move the evidence to the Tiger Race!"


"Why are you... so silent?"


At that moment, I feel a chill run down my spine.

"Seo Eun-hyun."

A familiar voice calls out.

As I slowly turn around, there is a small spatial rift.

No bigger than a palm.

But through that palm-sized crack, familiar golden pupils are starting at us.

"What did you just say...?"


"And what is this situation now?"


"Are these not the ones who have recently formed the Seo Hweol opposition faction and blatantly slander him? Why are you with such people? And my farm, what about it? What do you mean by moving it to the Tiger Race territory?"


For a while, silence lingers among us.

Then, through the gap of silence, I clench my teeth and yell.

"What are you doing, you idiots! If you've already messed it up, at least do what you've started properly! Move it!!!"



Only then do the startled Heavenly Being stage demon races of the opposition faction come to their senses and hastily start using their demon abilities to transport Gyu-ryeon's farm towards the Tiger Race Territory.


An immense killing intent flows from Gyu-ryeon.

[You lot… What in the world is happening here… You will have to explain yourselves clearly…!]

Zzzt, zzzt zzzt…!

Feeling the murderous intent enveloping my entire body, I climb atop the moving cotton field and use all my strength to increase the speed of the cotton field with my spells.

"Inject all your spiritual energy with full force! Senior Gyu will be chasing us soon!"

"No, isn't Senior Gyu a Four-Axis stage cultivator? Even if she's at the Grand Perfection of the Four-Axis stage, considering she tore open a spatial rift from inside the Serving Command Ark to her domain, it will take a considerable amount of time to tear through space and chase us with such distance…."

"You idiots! Senior Gyu is no longer just a Four-Axis stage cultivator!"


I urgently shout upon seeing the immense energy swelling up behind us.

"She has already begun Heaven and Earth Unity, advancing into the Integration stage!! Do you now understand why I said we should proceed tomorrow!? Senior Gyu mentioned she might go into secluded cultivation in the lowest level starting tomorrow after repairing the spatial rifts!!"

I scream at these demon beasts who foolishly messed up without listening to me.

"What's coming after us isn't just a peak Four-Axis stage! It's a quasi-Integration stage Demon King!"