Chapter 200: Betrayal (8)

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation


On a night illuminated with a bright full moon.


On that particularly bright night, a massive chunk of land is soaring through the sky.

Upon this chunk of land, numerous Long Spirit Wood Flowers are blossoming in the moonlight, emitting spiritual energy as they glow white.

And above this field of cotton,

We are infusing the chunk of land with spiritual energy, keeping it afloat in the void as we fly.

Among us, there is shouting and arguing.

"No! Why didn't you say from the start that Senior Gyu is in the midst of entering the Integration stage!?"

"She said she would inform us tomorrow whether she would fully enter seclusion or not, and it wasn't confirmed! If you hadn't distrusted me and made this foolish mistake, none of this would have been an issue!"

But tearing each other down wasn't going to solve anything.


A flash of light bursts behind us.

A golden ray grazes over us, narrowly missing.


Feeling the hairs on my back stand up, I pour even more spiritual energy into the farm, hastening our flight.

From afar,

From behind, Gyu-ryeon is exhaling her breath towards us.

The thickness and precision of the beam she exhales seems to grow thicker and sharper as time passes.

The reason is simple.

'The spatial rift is nearly open.'

Once the spatial rift fully opens, a quasi-Integration stage Golden Dragon beyond the Four-Axis stage will come flying.

There are no Four-Axis stage cultivators here. The majority are at the Heavenly Being stage, with Cheon Ryang, the highest in cultivation, only being at Grand Perfection of the Heavenly Being stage, not even at the Four-Axis stage.

"Damn it, what do we do now! This is all your fault, you halfwit Dragon Race scum!"

"…Just shut up for a moment."

Clutching my throbbing head, I push Cheon Ryang aside and plunge my hands into the ground.

Avoiding the area where Seo Hweol's involvement with the Blood Yin Realm is evident, I start infusing the entire landmass with spiritual energy.


Following the formulas of Thousand Lustrous Forest Sea, the roots of the Long Spirit Wood Flowers dig deep into the earth.

Beneath the surface, the roots of the flowers form circuits reminiscent of the Mad Lord, embedding deeply into the soil.

"In half a moment, I can transform this landmass into a flying artifact capable of high speed."


"Buy me half a moment. Senior Gyu will descend upon us soon."

"…Damn, understood!"

Cheon Ryang, biting his lip as if realizing there is no way out, commands the opposition faction to gather heaven and earth spiritual energy towards where Gyu-ryeon is firing her beams.

Sweating profusely, I hurry to convert the clumps of earth into a flying artifact.


Simultaneously, a terrifying wave of spiritual energy roars from behind.

A golden light flickers in the distance as if ablaze.

Gyu-ryeon has finally succeeded in crossing the spatial rift from the lowest layer of the Serving Command Ark to reach us.

[Stop right there…!]


At her command, from thousands of li away, the entire heaven and earth spiritual energy ripples and halts the chunk of land flying through the void.

However, as Cheon Ryang and the other Heavenly Being demons attack in all directions, manipulating the heaven and earth spiritual energy, the chunk of land begins to move again.


Far away, the golden light flickers again.

As I am transforming the entire landmass, I glance back momentarily.


Within golden twilight, a gold-colored silkworm-like creature raises its body from a place that must be about three thousand li (approximately 1,242 km) away.

'I've already distanced myself several thousand li from Senior Gyu and I'm still seeing something like a caterpillar…?'

No, it's not a caterpillar.

'That is….'

Cheonryang urgently shouts.

"Quick, the Ark Controlling Envoy is chasing after us in her true form! Everyone, muster all your strength!"

It's Gyu-ryeon's true form!


Once again, a golden beam shoots towards us.

This time, it neither brushes past us nor is its thickness ambiguous.

A beam thick enough to encompass the entire cotton plantation of about 3 li in diameter is shot precisely at our location.

Cheon Ryang and Heavenly Being stage demon beasts hastily create barriers with all their might, infusing the ground with spiritual energy to increase their speed.

The golden light arrives right behind us, spewing brightness as if to engulf us all.

And the next moment.

'Modification complete.'

The cotton plantation moves, and the land beneath it transforms.

The chunks of land move at my will, and through the roots of the flowers, taking on a shape.

It's the face of General Seo.

Soon after, the landmass holding the cotton field transforms into the giant head of General Seo and begins to fly through the sky.

"General Seo, evade!"


The landmass, transformed into the head of General Seo, nimbly evades Gyu-ryeon's breath, allowing us to avoid being obliterated by her ray in one strike.

"Everyone! Move to the positions I designate!"

Having transformed the entire chunk of land into a flying form of General Seo in a short time, I point out where to infuse spiritual energy, urging the Nascent Soul stage cultivators.

The Nascent Soul stage demons follow my command, infusing energy into their respective areas, and the head of General Seo blazes through the night sky with its gaze alight.

Simultaneously, the glowing worm-like entity moves from thousands of li away.

Gyu-ryeon is in pursuit.

"Cheon Ryang! When the beam flies towards us, tell me the direction to evade!"

I yell frantically at Cheon Ryang, who then responds.

"Evade to the northwest! Heavenly Being demons, raise the barrier!"

Following Cheon Ryang's commands, I turn the 'head' northwest, and the Heavenly Being stage demons gather Heaven and Earth spiritual energy to erect barriers again.

Once again, the golden beam barely misses the barriers set up by the demon beasts.

Since it merely grazes by, the only burden on the Heavenly Being stage demons is the aftermath.

However, even the aftermath of the beam emitted by Gyu-ryeon is enough to completely collapse the formation and barriers of the Heavenly Being stage demons.

'The Supreme Tiger Race is located to the north of the True Dragon Alliance!'

The remaining distance is about six thousand li!

'If only we can reach there in time….'

Light bursts from the back of General Seo's head, and we gradually speed up.

But gradually, the size of that caterpillar is growing larger.

"To the true north! Heavenly Beings, set up barriers!"

Again, I turn the 'head' to the true north and repel Gyu-ryeon's attack.

On that moonlit night,

I exert all my strength to flee from Gyu-ryeon, managing to deflect her assault.

However, as expected the difference in our realms ends everything.


The gap between us, previously spanning thousands of li, closes in an instant.

Her massive dragon body, the size of a small mountain range, suddenly blocks our path.


I let out a hollow laugh, and Cheon Ryang too wears a look of resignation.


Gyu-ryeon, having scrutinized us solemnly in her true form for a moment, transforms back into her human form and appears at the center of the cotton farm.

"…Seo Eun-hyun, and all of you."

Her stern golden pupils scan everyone.

"What exactly are you doing?"


She is tremendously furious.

Her vertically slit pupils tremble with rage, and the heaven and earth spiritual energy vibrating around her signals imminent danger.

'Damn it…'

It's over.

Tell Gyu-ryeon that Seo Hweol was associated with the Blood Yin Realm?

She will never believe it.

Cheon Ryang asks me with a trembling voice.

"Cu-Cultivator Seo, what should we do? If we tell the truth… that we initiated this to eliminate a threat for the Earth Tribe, perhaps… we might receive some consideration…"

What nonsense is this?

It's unbelievable.

'No, there is a possibility she might believe it.'

If Cheon Ryang and I had carefully secured the evidence and then gone through the proper procedures to have Gyu-ryeon verify it, she couldn't have ignored it.

Gyu-ryeon loves Seo Hweol, but the fact that Seo Hweol is colluding with the Blood Yin Realm makes him a public enemy of the Bright Cold Realm, forcing her to acknowledge it with tears in her eyes.

But what is this?

This foolish Cheon Ryang had trespassed on Gyu-ryeon's private property without permission, attempting to steal her property and take it to the Tiger Race, which is not on good terms with the Dragon Race, and got caught in the act.

'To say in this situation that Seo Hweol is related to the Blood Yin Ream and that's why we were extracting evidence from Gyu-ryeon's private property to bring it to the Tiger Race? As if Gyu-ryeon would believe that.'

Tsk, tsk….

Currently, Gyu-ryeon has transformed into her human form, but her entire body is covered with golden scales, making her look more like a snake person than a human.

Her teeth are also protruding, and her pupils are slit vertically, showing her murderous intent.

The antlers sprouting from her forehead shine more brilliantly than ever, emitting golden light.

She is extremely enraged.

And when Cheon Ryang asks me, her gaze turns towards me.

'Damned dog…'

Even if the Cheon Ryang right now will be different from the Cheon Ryang in the next cycle,

I still feel the urge to split his head in two if I can go back.

"Seo Eun-hyun."


"I trusted you. I used you as the liaison between the Grand Prince and me, entrusted you with the duties of my Assistant as the Ark Controlling Envoy, and even supported your cultivation… I trusted you."


To that extent, there seems to be a profound sense of betrayal in her eyes.

The greatest betrayals come from the most trusted individuals.

Seeing the look in her eyes, I realize I can't make any excuses.

'…Let's admit it.'

No excuses.

Gyu-ryeon had shown considerable favor towards me until now.

In front of her, I have no desire to wag my tongue.


And what follows is beyond my imagination.

"Explain the situation."

Her vertical pupils focus on me.

"I have trusted you until now, so I will trust you once more. Explain the situation properly. If it is a plausible explanation, I will believe you. Even if this is the last time we see each other, I will trust you once, so speak."


Truly, she is a shining being in a different sense from Azure Tiger Saint.

Despite her terrifying appearance, covered in scales and emitting a fierce murderous aura, I see in her a thread of trust towards me that she hasn't yet let go of.

'…I'm sorry.'

I apologize to her inwardly.

Until now, I had been plotting against Seo Hweol using her.

But maybe she wasn't someone to be used in such struggles.

I suddenly feel ashamed of myself for manipulating and deceiving her.

'…Yeah, let's confess.'

About Seo Hweol, from the beginning to the end.

Despite showing such an unbelievable side of myself, her willingness to trust me one last time makes me rather disclose the truth openly.

"We undertook this action to investigate Grand Prince Seo."

"Grand Prince Seo…?"

"Grand Prince Seo is in fact…."

And just as I am about to reveal the truth about Seo Hweol.

"In fact… what?"

Tap, tap….

A chilly grip, friendly yet firm, pats my shoulder from behind.



Why, so soon?

Wearing a blue long robe and sporting jade-colored horns, a beautiful young man emerges from behind me, stroking my head.



Why is it that this moment feels more terrifying and chilling than when I was being pursued by the Mad Lord in a previous cycle?

Seo Hweol has returned.

"Ah, ah..."

And Gyu-ryeon hastily begins to touch her face.

The scales that had fully emerged on her face recedes, transforming her back into her complete human form.

She, with a flushed face, asks Seo Hweol.

"You, you came back quickly. Last time you sent a letter to Seo Eun-hyun, it said it will take a couple decades more..."

"Ah, there seems to be a misunderstanding."

"Could it be that Seo Eun-hyun somehow tampered with the letter..."

"No, that's not it."

Seo Hweol smiles gently and embraces Gyu-ryeon.

"From the beginning, I never left for another Middle Realm."



In the next moment.

Seo Hweol's hand pierces through Gyu-ryeon's heart.

"It's a sad truth, senior, But…."

Seo Hweol continues to speak while tenderly stroking Gyu-ryeon with his other hand.

"If I were to honestly tell you one thing, I have never once spoken the truth in front of senior."


"From the beginning... I never left the True Dragon Alliance's territory. I stayed at the Black Dragon King's residence and completed my cultivation."

Gyu-ryeon trembles in incomprehension, and Seo Hweol turns to me and smiles faintly.

"And in fact, secretly, without senior's knowledge, I sent a clone to the lower realm through the Serving Command Ark's lowest level because I was worried about you."


Seo Hweol withdraws his hand from Gyu-ryeon's heart and approaches me.

"It was truly surprising. From the traps left in the Sea Dragon Palace, to my dear Seo Ran, and the Serving Command Palace, and the black castle, everything was smashed to pieces? Even the watchdog I had painstakingly raised… to find out it was all destroyed by your hands. Now then…"

As Seo Hweol slowly approaches me.

[Seo Hweol, you...!]

From behind Seo Hweol, exerting a pressure akin to the Integration stage, Gyu-ryeon gets up while regenerating her heart.

[Why to me…?]

And in the next moment.


Seo Hweol grabs her and slams her to the ground.


A rain of blood showers on the cotton field.

Blood spurts from Gyu-ryeon's body, dyeing everything around.

The once white cotton field turns red.


Seo Hweol, with a sinister smile, stomps on Gyu-ryeon's neck with his foot.

Gyu-ryeon seems to attempt resistance, but somehow she fails to push Seo Hweol away.

"Do you, Senior Gyu who has accumulated power through the Heterodox Axis Foundation and has not even reached the Integration stage, really hope to resist me, who built up the Orthodox Axis Foundation?"

"You, you...! How...!"

"I've already gone through all the Axis Foundation Rituals in the lower realm, just like I faced the Heavenly Tribulation in advance. Although I couldn't properly accumulate the Axis due to the lack of spiritual energy, it was easy to do so under the Black Dragon King with the help of Miss Hye-seo.”

From Seo Hweol, the aura of the Four-Axis stage Grand Perfection is felt.

However, the oppressive aura he emits is more than that of ordinary Integration stage Grand Cultivators.

Seo Hweol was definitely not merely at the Grand Perfection Four-Axis stage even after a thousand years.

He was merely hiding his true skills after reclaiming the title Sea Dragon 'King', a thousand years later.

He was, at the very least, an entity at the Integration stage.

Seo Hweol gives me a cold smile.

"In the Sea Dragon Palace, the Serving Command Palace, the black castle, and the Ascension Path, I had already performed all the rituals in advance. There was no need to foolishly gather the Five Elements. The reason why Heterodox Methods flourish is due to a lack of understanding in building the Axes with the Four Divine Beasts and Four Directions as the Four Axes."

Seo Hweol walks towards me again after stepping on Gyu-ryeon's neck for a while.

"Just as the five Middle Realms symbolize the Five Blessings and not the Five Elements, the Axes to be built in the Four-Axis stage also correspond to them."


Seo Hweol's grip lifts me by the neck.

I try to resist, but Seo Hweol in front of me emits an aura akin to that of an Integration stage cultivator.

"Nether Ghost signifies Longevity. Purple Gold is Wealth. Ancient Force is Health. True Devil is Love of Virtue. There's no need to gather the energy that becomes the Axis power from the Five Elements. If you properly understand the symbols of the four Middle Realms and build the 'proper' Orthodox Axis with the approach of Understanding before Breakthrough, it doesn't take that long."

His tone seems probing, as if asking if I knew it too.

"Of course, this method too can only be attempted by someone who has walked that path once before."


Seo Hweol, with his sharp vertical pupils, presses closer and asks me,

"Reaching the Nascent Soul stage in just 7 years, it never made sense to me no matter how much I thought about it. After visiting the lower realm, it became clear. You're not a genius. You must have fallen from that realm, or perhaps from an even higher one…"

Seo Hweol, still with his kind smile, asks me.

"Who exactly are you, Daoist Seo?"