Chapter 203: Shattered Heart (2)

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 203: Shattered Heart (2)


Without any time to react, a bright light burst from between her eyebrows.

Simultaneously, the light emitting from her brows transforms into a green radiance, condensing a green podao in the air.

The Esteemed One's strike embedded in Yu Hwa's heart essence!

That strike of the Esteemed One flickers in the air before gradually changing its form.

I watch the process intently, repeatedly expressing my astonishment.

'What incredible mysteries are mixed into each and every change...?'

The enlightenment connected to the Sea of Righteousness and Mountain of Grace is felt through the heart essence.

The enlightenment connected to Treading Heavens is shown in the process of the podao transforming into a body.

And then, countless other mysteries that can not be fully comprehended intertwine in the air as the podao takes on a familiar form.

"I pay my respects to the Esteemed One."

Yu Hwa bends her legs in respect to him.

Despite her discomfort with the Heart Tribe, Gyu-baek also bows to Jang Ik.

"I pay my respects to the Esteemed One."

I follow their lead and pay my respects as well.

"I pay my respects to the Esteemed One."


The cluster of light coalesces, taking the complete form of a small greenish figure.

'This is… the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One.'

This is the second time I've seen him, counting my past life.

I hadn't looked closely before, but now, I can clearly see his appearance.

The Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One manifested from Yu Hwa's strike wears tattered clothes and has green skin.

His ears are as large as fans, and his nose is as big as a fist.

His teeth are also jagged, and his fingernails are sharp.

If not for one thing, he might have seemed somewhat feeble.

And that one thing is his muscles!

Despite his small stature, upon closer inspection, his entire body is packed with compact muscles.

He seems capable of fighting against any Core Formation stage demon beast with his sheer physical strength alone.

As I am observing him, suddenly Jang Ik's gaze meets mine.


It feels piercing.

Standing before his gaze, it feels as if he could decapitate me at any moment with a strike.

I break out in a cold sweat under his gaze for a moment.

After looking at me for a while, he strokes his chin as if intrigued.

[Impressive, how did someone of the Human Race manage to step into the second phase of Manifestation? Moreover, looking at the energy, Core Formation, no, Nascent Soul stage? And despite being of the Heaven Tribe, I sense Earth Tribe methods. Huh...]

He chuckles heartily.

[Heaven, Earth, Heart — have you integrated all three? Since you seem to have a righteous heart… no need to kill you, then.]

His casual remark makes me sweat profusely.

Jang Ik recognized my potential, and had there been even a hint of malice in my heart essence, he would have been ready to cut me down instantly.

[So, you called me?]

"Heart Tribe agent number 1798, Yu Hwa, greets the Esteemed One of the Heart Tribe."

[What exactly happened that an intelligence agent who should be operating in the Bright Cold Realm's mainland ended up falling into the Astral Realm?]

Jang Ik looks at us with a somewhat incredulous gaze.

[And that is... a 'fragment'?]

His gaze shifts to Gyu-baek.

['Fragments' are born only from cultivators of at least the Four-Axis stage... Yes, I seem to have glimpsed the corpse of a Golden Dragon while sending my consciousness to this star, are you a fragment of that Golden Dragon?]

Gyu-baek nods with a somber expression.

"…Yes. A remnant left by Gyu-ryeon, the Ark Controlling Envoy of the Earth Tribe True Dragon Alliance… Gyu-baek, greets the Supreme Leader of the Heart Tribe."

[The envoy of the True Dragon Alliance... That deck cleaner, right?]

Jang Ik may have demeaned the envoy to the level of a cleaner, but no one present dares to object to his words.

Gyu-baek slowly nods her head.

[Let's hear some explanations first. What's up with this complete Heaven, Earth, and Heart Tribe guy, why has a Heart Tribe agent fallen here, and why is a fragment of the envoy here?]

With that, I, being the most knowledgeable about our situation, slowly explain everything to Jang Ik.

My story went on until the morning sun turned into evening twilight.

I started with how I knew of Seo Hweol's wickedness and did everything to control him, how Gyu-ryeon was used by Seo Hweol, and how Yu Hwa got involved.

Since Gyu-baek had also come to know the true nature of Seo Hweol, there was no reason to hide anything in front of her anymore.

After listening to my story until the end and hearing everything from Yu Hwa's perspective, Jang Ik finally asked Gyu-baek.

[What about you, the fragment of Gyu-ryeon, Gyu-baek, was it? Do you have anything to say from your perspective?]

"...Please do not honor me with such a lofty title as 'fragment.' I am merely the remains left by Gyu-ryeon, so please refer to me as such, Esteemed One."

[If that's what you wish, I'll do so.]

Jang Ik chuckles and crosses his arms.

After staring blankly into space for a while, Gyu-baek began her story.

Her narrative was mostly disjointed.

Most of it revolved around how Gyu-ryeon felt towards Seo Hweol and the pain of being betrayed.

And how she was born out of that resentment and pain.

Yet, Jang Ik listened to Gyu-baek's disjointed story to the end.

Gyu-baek's story dragged on, lasting until two moons rose high into the night sky.

"...and so, Seo Hweol abandoned me, and finally, I ended up here."

Overwhelmed by her emotions, Gyu-baek wipes away her tears as she finishes her story.

After hearing all our stories, Jang Ik nods.

[So, the madman Seo Hweol is currently stirring trouble in the Bright Cold Realm's mainland.]

"...Well, to sum it up, yes."

Jang Ik speaks as he sits down on a rock.

[Do you know why I listened to all your stories?]

We shake our heads.

[It's because as one tells their stories, the depths of their heart essence are revealed. I listened to your stories to decide whether or not I should help you.]

Jang Ik looks at Yu Hwa.

[Yu Hwa, you pass. Your determination to accept the new recruit, Baek Nyeong, is strong. With a little help, you will be able to carry through with your will.]

"Thank you."

Jang Ik then looks at me.

[Monster, you also pass.]

"Why am I a monster?"

[You're not asking because you don't know, right? Anyway, I felt an endless indomitable will deep within your heart essence. Your heart essence itself is quite marvelous, beautiful enough to be felt, and you seem like someone who would make it worth my while to help a little.]

Jang Ik then finally looks at Gyu-baek.

[You, the remnant, fail.]


He looks at Gyu-baek and clicks his tongue.

[You don't even know what you're seeking. Well, that's the identity of fragments, I suppose.]


Gyu-baek does not argue against Jang Ik's words and just listens quietly with a gloomy look in her eyes.

Or perhaps she is just letting it pass by.

[Until you solidify your identity, I won't offer you any help.]

"...Do as you please. I wasn't hoping for the Heart Tribe Esteemed One's help anyway."

[Impudent. Is it because I'm just an avatar that you're underestimating me?]

"What does it matter when I could die at any moment anyway."

[Well, fine. It's a loss for me to deal with a dead soul who can't die.]

Jang Ik looks around at us and says,

[I can offer you three types of help. First, I use my strike here to create a spatial rift connected to the Bright Cold Realm. Second, I stay here to train you, drawing out your potential so you can ascend on your own. Third, I contact the Highest Council of the Heart Tribe and send a rescue signal so they can come for you.]

He asks us as if leaving the choice to us.

[Choose one of the three. Whatever you wish, I'll grant it. But!]

Jang Ik looks at Gyu-baek.

[If you choose the first, I'll create a spatial rift that only the two of you can enter. If you choose the second, I'll teach only the two of you. And if you choose the third, I'll make sure they only come to rescue the two of you. I don't want to help someone who can't even find their own identity.]

Hearing this, I don't hesitate to choose the second option.

'Choosing the second means there's still time to slowly persuade her. Plus, if we can change her mind, the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One might also be willing to teach Gyu-baek a bit...'

Jang Ik chuckles at my choice.

[A kind-hearted one, aren't you?]


He seems to have read my heart essence directly, knowing why I chose the second option.

[What about you?]

Yu Hwa looks to ponder for a moment before speaking with determination.

"I also choose the second. I'd like to rush to save my disciple right now... but being in the clutches of that monster at the Integration stage, there's nothing I can do even if I do go now. Instead, I'd rather receive teachings from the Esteemed One here to gain the strength to save my disciple later!"

Pleased with the response, Jang Ik nods approvingly.

[Good. Since you're on the verge of achieving the third step of Manifestation, it will be enjoyable to teach.]

Thus, we were granted the opportunity to receive teachings from the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One, Jang Ik.


I connect the formation I created for gathering dragon veins that were intended for recovering my cultivation to Jang Ik's avatar.

His avatar, which looked a bit faint, became fully solid once connected to the formation.

[Hm. Is this where you've been staying?]

"Yes, that's right."

[Then let's move a bit further away to start training. It would be problematic if your dwelling gets completely destroyed.]


[Follow me.]

With a flash, Jang Ik's avatar steps through the air and flies off somewhere. Yu Hwa follows him, turning into a crimson river and disappearing.

I look at Gyu-baek and ask,

"Aren't you going to watch, Miss Gyu-baek?"

"...Forget it. What's the use of watching the Heart Tribe train?"

She chuckles emptily and turns her head with a vacant look in her eyes.

However, I cautiously speak to her, reading her heart essence.

"...Regardless, it's an opportunity to see the power of the Esteemed One. Aren't you curious?"

"Hmph! The Dragon Race also has an Esteemed One. Though he's on an expedition, I've seen the power held by an avatar of the Dragon Race Esteemed One when I was very young, so it doesn't matter."

'When she was young...'

Is she truly Gyu-baek?

Or is she Gyu-ryeon, mistaking herself for being dead.

I'm not sure.


"Still, come and see just once. Who knows, it might be useful for studying the Heart Tribe's weaknesses later?"

"...Fine, if you insist that much..."

Gyu-baek sighs and gets up as if bothered.

I smile slightly.

'Did you think I wouldn't realize you were somewhat hoping to be persuaded to come along?'

She seems inwardly curious about the power of the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One, a Heart Tribe Esteemed One.

I, too, am in favor of her taking an interest in something other than her murderous intent towards Seo Hweol, as it would somewhat ventilate her heart essence.

I take out a flying magic artifact from my storage bag, have her board it, and follow Jang Ik and Yu Hwa.

"Do the clothes fit well?"

I ask Gyu-ryeon, who is wearing thick clothes I had taken out from my storage bag.

As her spiritual energy reduced to that of a mortal, flying at high altitudes made her feel quite cold.

"Yes, it's... it's fine. I was much warmer when I had scales..."

"It's not about the scales. It's because your Pure Spiritual Force isn't flowing properly now."

"Being in a dragon's body was really convenient..."

"Since it's impossible to get back the body of a dragon given the current situation, how about considering learning the Heart Path Method?"

"...Didn't I say I would think about it?"


As we chat and fly through the sky for a while, we arrive at a vast wasteland far beyond Gyu-ryeon's corpse, where Jang Ik had reached.

The wasteland, filled with stones, seems quite suitable for a training ground.


I descend from the paper boat-shaped flying magic artifact and stand before Jang Ik.

Worrying that Gyu-baek might get caught in the aftermath, I send the paper boat far away.

Jang Ik, seeing me and Yu Hwa, crosses his arms.

[First, let's properly gauge your capabilities.]


Thump, thump, thump, thump!

Four green podaos materialize around Jang Ik, embedding themselves in the ground.

He enters the center of the podaos, crossing his arms as he speaks.

[Before we start training... if you have any questions, ask them now. Once the training begins, both of you will be crawling on the ground, beaten to a pulp.]


Such confidence!

It feels almost maniacally so.

Yu Hwa seems to be organizing her questions and I ask what I am most curious about.

"As the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One knows, I am not officially a member of the Heart Tribe. Officially, I belong to the Earth Tribe. Why then do you offer me your assistance?"

[Because you're also part of the Heart Tribe.]

A straightforward and concise answer.

But I glance back and stealthily observe Gyu-baek.

"Then, if Miss Gyu-baek, who is not of the Heart Tribe finds her identity, do you also intend to teach her?"

[Of course.]

"May I ask why?"

[Because that fragment has the potential to achieve Manifestation.]


Gyu-baek has the talent to reach the Beyond the Heavens?

I quickly ask in surprise.

"Do you mean Miss Gyu-baek has such potential?"

[Yes. Well... from what I see in your heart essence, it seems you might be misunderstanding something. Let me tell you, the 'potential' you're thinking of and the 'potential' I'm thinking of are quite different.]

"What kind of potential are you thinking of, Esteemed One?"

What follows from Jang Ik is beyond my imagination.



[I believe that every being in this world has the potential to achieve Manifestation. Therefore, the 'potential' I'm talking about is practically non-existent for you.]

His eyes shine.

[Manifestation to you… from your Heart, Earth Tribe's perspective, what do you think the Heart Path Method is?]


That's a difficult question.

I have always pursued the martial path, but I had never thought about what the martial path itself was.

[For starters... I don't like terms like Heart Path Method, so let me tell you the term I use. I call it Fighting Spirit.]

"Fighting Spirit..."

[What do you call your Fighting Spirit?]

There is a tremor in Jang Ik's question.

Feeling that tremor, I realize that simply answering with 'Beyond the Path to Heavens and Treading Heavens' would not suffice.

'Fighting Spirit... What is my Fighting Spirit? What should I call it?'

A culmination of all the techniques I've learned, my combat experience, my enlightenment.

It is...

After a moment of contemplation, I realize the answer. An answer almost absurdly simple.

'Ah... So it was that simple.'

"Martial Arts."

I respond to Jang Ik with the name of what I have learned.

"What I have learned is, Martial Arts."

"Martial Arts... That's a good name."

Somehow, Jang Ik seems satisfied with my answer.

[Then let me ask again. What does Martial Arts mean to you?]

"It's a part of my life."

[Then, do you think there's something special about those who have learned Martial Arts? Born with a certain quality, a certain lineage, or a certain spiritual root?]

"No. There might be differences in talent, but Martial Arts can be learned by anyone."

[Exactly, that's it.]

Jang Ik smiles, seemingly pleased.

[My Fighting Spirit, Yu Hwa's music, it's all the same. Anyone can learn it. That's why I believe every being in this world can achieve Manifestation through Fighting Spirit. That's one of the reasons I want to help you.]

"If that's one of the reasons, are there others?"

[Of course, there is.]

"What is that reason?"

Jang Ik's expression turns serious as he speaks.

[To you, is Martial Arts only a part of your life?]

"...? Yes, but..."

[My Fighting Spirit isn't just that.]


[If you come to understand the meaning of the Martial Arts you've learned for yourself, you'll properly understand why I'm helping you. Now, is that all you're curious about?]

Yu Hwa and I nod for the moment.

Jang Ik assumes his stance.


'I'm going to be cut!'

For a moment, I feel as if my entire body is being sliced by Jang Ik's podao.


The tension makes every hair on my body stand on end. This experience is similar to the feeling I had when fighting Kim Young-hoon, who was of a higher realm than me.

Jang Ik moves his hand towards his podaos, smiling.

[Now, come at me, kids. Let's see what you've got.]

Yu Hwa readies her instrument, and I grip my Formless Sword at the same time.

In the next instant.

My Martial Arts and Jang Ik's Fighting Spirit clash, baring their teeth.