Chapter 223: Black Snake (1)

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Dual cultivation partners?

I stand there, momentarily unable to comprehend what was just said.

And then, the next moment.

"Seeing you silent, you must be quite shy. Let's see... Besides the Lightning Saint Body, we'll examine the bloodlines you possess and find the most suitable woman based on your bloodline…"

"Wa, wait a moment!"

I suddenly come to my senses and hurriedly stop the elder.

"Did you say dual cultivation partners?"

"Yes, dual cultivation partners. Didn't the Supreme Sect Master explain it earlier? How we practice the Lightning Path Method and how close the relationships among our Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect disciples are... You being from the same Head Realm should know, shouldn't you?"


I didn't know...

But, that's not the point.

What is dual cultivation?

It's a method where two or more cultivators exchange their energies to amplify their cultivation practices.

It's common for sworn brothers to sit side by side cultivating their methods or for disciples of the same sect to create dual cultivation formations to exchange energies.

However, the dual cultivation involving Yin and Yang, or male and female, is vastly different from these wholesome methods.

Most dual cultivation techniques focusing on the exchange of Yin and Yang involve the use of intimate methods to amplify their energies, in other words, sexual techniques.

Moreover, not just any dual cultivation, but the fact that the term 'partners' is used, which refers to a couple in the cultivation world, makes it crystal clear.

The elder in front of me is looking to find a woman for me to form a Yin and Yang dual cultivation partnership.

"Normally, we don't assign dual cultivation partners right after joining the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect. This is because doing so could disrupt the gender balance. Typically, one can only form a dual cultivation partnership after mastering the basic techniques of the sect and passing the Seven Stars Ritual."

"Then why me…?"

"That's because for someone with a legendary constitution like you, forming a dual cultivation partnership early on helps everyone by quickly learning the true Lightning Path Methods. Of course, this is…"


With a flick of his finger, a ball of light bursts from a flask at the elder's waist, converging towards the ground.


The light shines brightly, and the lump of light transforms into the shape of a person.

It's Jeon Myeong-hoon, unconscious.

"This fellow here, born with the Heavenly Golden Thunder Body, is the same. Both of you have awakened legendary bloodlines passed down in the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, so quickly forming dual cultivation partnerships will benefit everyone immensely."


I remain silent for a moment.

'This is troublesome.'

I had made up my mind through multiple cycles whether to give my affection to a fated partner or not.

If there's someone I can give my affection to in that life, I will because they are irreplaceable and unique to that life. This will be the same no matter how many cycles I go through.

That is my principle.

But this case is different.

Becoming a couple and sharing affection isn't just about meeting someone. It's about forming a bond.

Even if it's without love and just as dual cultivation partners, facing each other for decades will inevitably lead to affection.

Furthermore, the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect will eventually be destroyed by the owner of the Heavenly Lightning Banner.

'It's not like everything gets resolved just because I don't call out Zhengli's name and keep my mouth shut…'

As my whole body turned into lightning and underwent 'return', I gradually gained knowledge about lightning. Through that, I gradually realized the attraction between the Heavenly Lightning Banner and its owner.

Whether I call Zhengli's name or not,

The owner of the Heavenly Lightning Banner will inevitably come to the Bright Cold Realm due to the attraction linked with their immortal treasure.

From the moment it left the Head Realm, it was fated to happen.

'I cannot afford to give my affection carelessly until I seal the Heavenly Lightning Banner in the Head Realm.'


'If I find a dual cultivation partner while I still have Kim Yeon…'

Perhaps the moment I rescue Kim Yeon from the Mad Lord, Kim Yeon might turn me into a true Grand General right away, so it's better to be cautious.

"I would like to start with the basics."


I express my opinion to the Heavenly Being stage elder.

"I do not wish to be treated specially just because I possess a unique constitution. I want to build my foundation from the basics of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and gradually progress upwards."


Among the two elders who stayed behind to find dual cultivation partners for Jeon Myeong-hoon and me, one nodded in agreement while the other looked displeased.

"In principle, that's correct."

"But to waste such talent until the Seven Stars Ritual..."

Their opinions are divided.

After a moment of contemplation, they sigh and lift Jeon Myeong-hoon.

"Come on, wake up."


One of the elders shock the unconscious Jeon Myeong-hoon with electricity, causing him to tremble and scream.



The bearded elder grabs Jeon Myeong-hoon's head and begins to draw out his spiritual energy.

It's clear he's quickly injecting knowledge of the Human Race Grand Alliance common language and other essential information into Jeon Myeong-hoon's mind.


Jeon Myeong-hoon screams in resistance to the forced knowledge, but he can't escape from the hands of the Heavenly Being stage elder.

I watch the scene with a bittersweet feeling.

'Had I been weaker or less knowledgeable, I would have been in that situation.'

It makes me realize how threatening beings of the Heavenly Being stage are simply by existing, even to someone like me.

Now, with the power of Treading Heavens and the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts, I'm not scared at all since I can fight on equal terms with one of the elders in front of me in a short-term battle.

But back in the Head Realm, not to mention a Heavenly Being stage cultivator, even a Nascent Soul stage cultivator was a great source of fear for me.

"Let's set an initial goal for this life to accumulate power as quickly as possible."

Even if I just recover my original cultivation...

No, if I recover the cultivation of the 16th cycle where I had achieved the Yang Spirit!

'I can quickly leap over the late Nascent Soul stage and even Grand Perfection.'

That would bring me right to the doorstep of the Heavenly Being stage.

'In this life, I will definitely reach the Heavenly Being stage.'

I'm not merely aiming for something like the mid-stage of Nascent Soul.

I will break through to the Heavenly Being stage without fail.

For some reason, the Heaven Tribe method, Earth Tribe method,

And the realm beyond Treading Heavens.

If I manage to advance all three together, I have an intuition that something will definitely change starting from the Heavenly Being stage.

Meanwhile, Jeon Myeong-hoon, who has somewhat regained consciousness, holds his head in confusion and looks around.

He must be disoriented.

Suddenly kidnapped by Jin Byuk-ho, then waking up in a strange place, and then having strange knowledge injected into him.

"Can you understand me now?"

Startled by the question from the Heavenly Being stage elders, Jeon Myeong-hoon responds in a clumsy voice.

"Wh-Where is this? Who are you...?"

"Good, good. The language has been properly inputted. Not just the language, but we've also streamlined and input basic cultural knowledge of Shengzi, the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, and the cultivation world, so you shouldn't need any explanations for the terminology."

"Ye-Yes? Golden... Heavenly Thunder Sect... cultivation world... ugh..."

Jeon Myeong-hoon clutches his head, appearing to be in pain from the newly acquired knowledge.

After a while, he opens his mouth with a trembling voice, his eyes shining.

"Is this... a Xianxia novel? That kind of place?"


"What's that?"

Jeon Myeong-hoon chuckles, holding his head.

"So, it turns out this place is a world within a Xianxia novel. And I must have entered into that novel. Is this a 'book transmigration' story? Haha... It's clearly the world of the novel 'Thunder Daoist' I was reading."


I pitifully look down at Jeon Myeong-hoon, who is failing to distinguish reality.

It seems he thinks he's in a Xianxia novel he used to sneak reads at during work...

But it's not.'

I have a rough idea of what he was reading.

But it's entirely different from the start.

Believing he has become the protagonist of a novel, Jeon Myeong-hoon arrogantly speaks to the Heavenly Being stage elders.

"Alright, tell me again. What partnership were you trying to form with me?"

And with those words, the elders frown.

"...Before dual cultivation, it seems we need to teach you manners first."


An elder smacks Jeon Myeong-hoon on the head, causing him to faint on the spot again.

After Jeon Myeong-hoon faints, the elders sigh as they look at me.

"You and this fellow are colleagues, but why does he act so arrogantly towards elders he meets for the first time? Does he know he has a Heavenly Golden Thunder Body?"

"...I don't know. His personality is just like this... He grew up in a noble family and lacks a bit of etiquette, so please understand."

"Is that so... He still hasn't shed his worldly desires, then."

The elders shake their heads in disapproval.

"Then, for now... You will start learning the basic techniques once the sect stabilizes, and this fellow will be taught manners before being assigned a dual cultivation partner."

"Who should we entrust with teaching him manners? Everyone will be busy stabilizing the sect for a while..."

"We can leave it to So-hae. She was originally a member of the Discipline Hall, capturing and interrogating disciples who violated the sect's rules. Being a direct descendant of the Supreme Sect Leader, she will be protected within the sect during this stabilization period..."

"That's perfect."

Thus, Jeon Myeong-hoon and I are spared from immediately forming dual cultivation partnerships.


I look up at the sky along with the unconscious Jeon Myeong-hoon and the two elders.

The entire Thunder Spirit Island is trembling, and lightning begins to writhe across the sky.

"The traitor of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect who entered Thunder Cloud Peak, come out within the count of ten."

Jin Byuk-ho sternly held up the Heavenly Lightning Banner, staring at Thunder Cloud Peak.

The summit of Thunder Cloud Peak, where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is most concentrated.

The edge of Thunder Cloud Peak begins to vibrate with lightning energy.

'Is that the traitor who betrayed the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect decades ago... A peak Four-Axis stage...'

Jin Byuk-ho made a quick decision.

A fearsome senior of the sect who has mastered the Taiji Quaking Lighting Body to its extreme.

Delaying even a moment would result in Jin Byuk-ho being at a disadvantage.

"One, two... ten."

Jin Byuk-ho finishes counting and immediately swings the Heavenly Lightning Banner.


The entire Thunder Spirit Island is shaken by the lightning summoned by the Heavenly Lightning Banner.


Lightning completely envelops the vicinity of Thunder Cloud Peak .

The Heavenly Being stage elders of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect all erect protective barriers behind Jin Byuk-ho to shield themselves from the power of lightning.

Zzzt, zzzt, zzzt...

However, even as lightning envelops Thunder Cloud Peak and the entire Thunder Spirit Island, Jin Byuk-ho feels a tingling sensation throughout his body.

'That being, qualified to reach the Integration stage…'


'Practically a Grand Cultivator on the verge of the Integration stage…'

They are one of the few monsters in the long history of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect close to reaching the Integration stage, aside from the direct disciples of Yang Su-jin.

Perhaps if it weren't for the arrival of those with the Heavenly Golden Thunder Body and Lightning Sacred Body, Jin Byuk-ho might have chosen not to kill that being but rather to spare their life and have them abandon their cultivation.

'But now, the sect no longer needs such a traitor.'

The Heavenly Golden Thunder Body is in their hands.

It is time to recreate the renown of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect that once spread across the entire continent and beyond into the Three Thousand Great Worlds during Yang Su-jin's era.

'An unfavorable precedent should just be cut off!'


Jin Byuk-ho further infuses the Heavenly Lightning Banner with power, intensifying the lightning's might.


A bead of sweat begins to roll down Jin Byuk-ho's forehead.


A gigantic Taiji (太極) symbol emerges amidst the lightning.

As the symbol of Yin and Yang rotates, it absorbs the lightning of the Heavenly Lightning Banner from where the Thunder Cloud Peak stands.

Kurung, Kurururung!

In the spaces with nothing but radiance from lightning,

The flow of Taiji appears, consuming the lightning and revealing the form of Thunder Cloud Peak once more.

At the very top of the Thunder Cloud Peak.

There is a small pavilion.

Above that pavilion, the Taiji symbol transfers the power of the consumed lightning into the interior of the pavilion.

[You, a mere blood clot, dare to oppose an elder of the sect when our difference spans 40,000 years?]


Jin Byuk-ho feels his head ringing and his innards churning at the opponent's [voice].

"Don't make me laugh, Yeon Wei. You were expelled by the Ancestral Command, so it's only right to remove the 'Jin' surname that's given to those qualified as sect leaders. How dare someone like you call yourself an elder of the sect! Do you know how much the status of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect fell because of your betrayal 40,000 years ago? You deserve to pay for your sins!"

[40,000 years ago, even your great-great-grandfather hadn't been born, so what gives you the right to prattle on so insolently... Do you even know what I did for the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect?]

Crack, crack, crack!

The pavilion from which the voice emanates begins to split apart.

And then.


The roof of the pavilion bursts open and a long [arm] protrudes from within.

Jin Byuk-ho begins to sweat coldly.

[At that time, the name of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, which received the mantle from the ancestor, should not have existed in the Middle Realm. That's why I painstakingly erased all traces of the ancestor.]

A gigantic arm!

Thin and emitting lightning energy, an arm the size of a small hill.


Soon, another arm pops out of the pavilion.

And in the cramped pavilion, the figure of a giant monstrous creature begins to appear.

[And what are you doing now? Not content with bringing that ominous being up to the Middle Realm, you dare to confront an elder of the sect with it?]

"What nonsense… The Heavenly Lightning Banner has been revered as a sacred artifact of our sect for generations! Don't speak blasphemously!"

[That ominous creature has been revered as a sacred artifact? After the incident 40,000 years ago, how much has the sect fallen... The Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect is doomed. Oh Ancestor, how could you abandon your descendants.]


Finally, the true form of Wei (瑋) is revealed before Jin Byuk-ho.

'That's the appearance of Jin Wei, who mastered the Taiji Quaking Lightning Body…'

With hair both black and white,

A withered giant with [two heads] begins to rise above Thunder Cloud Peak.

The black-haired head is oddly decorated with colorful and luxurious makeup, while the white-haired head has drool dripping down, with a beard attached.

On the giant's back, four ghastly drums are hanging in a circle, each drum painted with the symbols of Lesser Yin, Lesser Yang, Greater Yin (Taiyin), and Greater Yang (Taiyang), representing the Four Symbols.

[Come, let's see you try, junior. I hope you can defeat me. If you lose, I will have to engulf all my juniors to avoid disaster, covering the heavens with calamity as I weep tears...]

The voices of both a man and a woman overlap, causing Jin Byuk-ho and the Heavenly Being stage elders to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"…The legend of the cannibalistic monster who devoured their fellow disciples is true…. Despicable. I will punish you right here!"

[Nothing is more unsightly than babbling without knowing what happened… Seeing you reach the Four-Axis stage so quickly, your talent seems similar to mine, but I am not the Four-Axis you imagine...]


Above the drums adorned with the Four Symbols on the giant's back, characters rise up.

Longevity, Wealth, Health... and Earth (土).


All the lightning swirling around Thunder Spirit Island begins to converge towards Thunder Cloud Peak.

Above Thunder Cloud Peak.

A Thunder God, holding six flags of six colors in six arms and floating the Heavenly Lightning Banner above his head, emerges. In front of him, a ghastly ghost with two heads, black and white, rises, devouring the lightning.

The tremendous battle between the two entities shakes the heavens and the earth.


The two Heavenly Being stage elders cast a protective barrier and come out to protect Jeon Myeong-hoon.

I, from outside the protective barrier, sweat coldly at the 'aftermath' swirling around.

'Is this the power of Yeon Wei in their prime and Jin Byuk-ho wielding the Heavenly Lightning Banner…'

Jin Byuk-ho himself is not so strong that I would lose to him in a fight.

However, once he wields the Heavenly Lightning Banner, he displays a ferociously powerful force as if to upheave the heavens and earth.

That power seems almost on par with Gyu-ryeon, who was at a level just shy of an Integration stage Demon King.

Kurung, Kurururung!


Amidst the shaking of the heavens and earth,

I gasp at the sight of the Six-Color Thunder God gradually being pushed back by the Two-headed Ghost from afar.

'What's going on... Yeon Wei is pressing Jin Byuk-ho?'

It's exactly as it appears.

The ghost with scattered black and white hair devours the lightning and, regurgitating it, presses the attack on the Six-Color Thunder God.

With each reflected attack, the Thunder God is pushed back.

And just as the skinny two-headed giant is about to rush at the Thunder God,

The Six-Color Thunder God absorbs all six flags it holds in its hands and grips the Heavenly Lightning Banner with its six arms.

The Heavenly Lightning Banner absorbs the surrounding lightning, increasing in size and becoming just the right size for the Thunder God to wield.

Seeing this, Yeon Wei suddenly begins to scream.

[You madman! What are you trying to do!!! Stop it! How do you plan to deal with the consequences!]

Yeon Wei's voice booms so loudly across Thunder Spirit Island that the Heavenly Being stage elders and we all feel the anger in the voice and are terrified.

Soon, a 'curtain' of the Four-Axis stage formed by lightning envelops the two beings, swallowing them.

The two-headed giant ghost with disheveled hair, Yeon Wei, glares at Jin Byuk-ho with bloodshot eyes.

[You've foolishly undone one layer of that monster's seal. Such a foolish choice to end an internal strife. Now that you've undone a seal that only the ancestor could set, it's even easier for that monster to bring about calamity! What kind of idiotic thought led you to unlock the seal!!!"]

In a quieter voice than before, Yeon Wei rebukes Jin Byuk-ho.

However, Jin Byuk-ho merely sneers and swings the enlarged Heavenly Lightning Banner.

[I'm well aware of the seal that the ancestor placed on the Heavenly Lightning Banner. It's a seal that only the Heavenly Golden Thunder Body can manage, correct?]

[Yes, you fool! Without the mythical Heavenly Golden Thunder Body, restoring the seal is impossible. Your sin is greater than mine, who devoured fellow disciples while weeping blood!]

[...It's fine.]


Kurung, Kurururung!

The Thunder God shouts, swinging the enlarged Heavenly Lightning Banner with its six arms.

[I've already obtained the Heavenly Golden Thunder Body. Even if I've undone a layer of the seal, once the Heavenly Golden Thunder Body reaches the mid-stage of Nascent Soul, it can be restored!]

[You've obtained the Heavenly Golden Thunder Body?]

Yeon Wei just looks at Jin Byuk-ho, dumbfounded, neither dodging nor absorbing the lightning striking them.

As if trying to discern the truth in Jin Byuk-ho's words.

Their four eyes stare at Jin Byuk-ho.

After a while.

Yeon Wei is struck directly by the enhanced power of the Heavenly Lightning Banner and turns into ashes.

Thus, Yeon Wei, who had lived for 40,000 years and was on the cusp of becoming a Grand Cultivator, falls.


Only ashes remain on the summit of Thunder Cloud Peak.

Jin Byuk-ho, having released Thunder God Transformation, looks at Yeon Wei's body that is now a giant piece of charcoal leaning on Thunder Cloud Peak.

"Any last words?"

"…You've obtained the Heavenly Golden Thunder Body? Ha, haha… Nonsense…. Then, what I did 40,000 years ago... For what purpose… For what did my fellow disciples…"

The strange voice that overlaps male and female voices soon merges into one, transforming into a woman's voice as smooth as jade.

After rambling for a while, she lifts one charred neck with a trembling voice.

"…The Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect will again enjoy fame for thousands of generations. Congratulations."

"Is that your last word?"

"…My sins may be unforgivable, but I cannot allow the Heavenly Golden Thunder Body to accumulate the wrong kind of Axis Foundation, so let me teach you about the Orthodox Axis Foundation."

"Orthodox Axis?"

"Yes. It's a truth I heard from a Black Ghost Valley's ghost cultivator from the Nether Ghost Realm during the war 40,000 years ago."


As the charcoal throat begins to crumble, Yeon Wei and Jin Byuk-ho exchange a few words amid their brief exchange.

"…Send someone to the Nether Ghost Realm. You might learn more."

"I will do so."

"I may be the sect's greatest sinner, but at least in the end, I could provide valuable information for the sect… Good… bye…"


Finally, the giant charcoal remains of Yeon Wei scatter completely, leaving only a woman's body behind.

Although entirely turned into charcoal by the lightning, making it impossible to discern its original form, Jin Byuk-ho closes his eyes and bows his head for a moment in respect for Yeon Wei, a senior of the sect who had died.

"Rest in peace, seni-"

And then.


A lump of light flickers from Yeon Wei's body and flies away at the speed of lightning.

As Jin Byuk-ho and the other Heavenly Being stage elders relaxed their vigilance, the swiftly flying lump of light took advantage of the gap.

Watching the lump of light, sparks fly from Jin Byuk-ho's eyes.

"Damn it...! Was it all an act!?"


As Jin Byuk-ho swings the Heavenly Lightning Banner, a bolt of lightning strikes the fleeing soul of Yeon Wei.

Though the soul seems to stagger from the lightning strike, it continues flying somewhere without stopping. Jin Byuk-ho eventually gives up chasing it.

"She must have hidden a body somewhere for resurrection. That kind of speed comes from the resurrection body 'pulling' it from the opposite side."

"What should we do, sect leader? If the sect's betrayer, the mad monster, regains her power and appears again..."

"Hmph! That won't be easy. Her soul was directly hit by the Heavenly Lightning Banner's lightning, so it will take at least 500 years just to recover her vitality. By that time, the Heavenly Golden Thunder Body that came to us will surely be able to reach the Integration stage!"

Jin Byuk-ho commands while holding the Heavenly Lightning Banner.

"Since the greatest force of Thunder Cloud Pavillion is dead, quickly drive out the rest and stabilize the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect! And... we must send someone to the Nether Ghost Realm, so assemble an exploration team! Also, search throughout Thunder Spirit Island for the descendants of Yeon Wei! Excluding those who came up this time, arrest and scrutinize all with the Jin surname. The fiend will surely seek to resurrect using one of her descendants!"

The day the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect set foot in Thunder Spirit Island,

The Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect began to stabilize quickly.

"Anyway, even though the sect is busy stabilizing, we can't waste your talent... Starting today, I will become your teacher and start teaching you the basics."

Jin Hwi (Trembling Radiance), the current vice sect leader of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and a Grand elder of the Heavenly Being stage Grand Perfection stage.

It was decided that Jin Hwi would become my teacher.

Originally, Jeon Myeong-hoon was supposed to learn the basics with me, but since he needed to be indoctrinated with the culture and etiquette of this world along with Jin So-hae, he will join the training a few days later.

I enter the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect's Scripture Pavilion with Jin Hwi.

The Scripture Pavilion, which the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect had uprooted whole from Shattered Heaven Peak, is overwhelmingly vast and extensive, even more so than the Azure Heaven Creation Sect's Scripture Pavilion.

"The sect's methods are vast, but the most famous are these three."

Jin Hwi takes out three method manuals from within the archive.

"Seven Lightning Quaking Scripture (七雷震經), Taiji Quaking Lightning Body (太極震雷身), and Extinguishing Lightning Inner Heavenly Temple (滅雷內天宮)."

The Seven Lightning Quaking Scripture is the method used by Jin Byuk-ho and Jeon Myeong-hoon to transform into a Six-Color Giant and manipulate seven colors of lightning.

The Taiji Quaking Lighting Body is the method mastered by Yeon Wei and Yeon Jin.

And the Extinguishing Lightning Inner Heavenly Temple is said to be a method optimized for conducting rituals to the heavens by forming a Thunder Palace within the body, granting extreme resistance to lightning attribute spells.

"Choose what you most want to learn."

Without hesitation, I answer.

"I want to learn them all."