Chapter 225: Black Snake (3)

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation


While I am briefly enjoying the wind above the sky,

I feel something approaching from afar, accompanied by a tingling sensation.

'Wi Ryeong-seon.'

Wi Ryeong-seon, one of the Integration stage Grand Cultivators of the Human Race, dispatched his avatars as Administrators to all the Sky Islands located within the Human Race Grand Alliance.

In this state, he has the Administrators monitor all matters, big and small, happening on the Sky Islands. The entity currently flying towards me must also be one of Wi Ryeong-seon's avatars, the Thunder Spirit Island Administrator.

The energy emanating from Wi Ryeong-seon's avatar is at the Heavenly Being stage.

Perhaps someone continuously facing Heavenly Tribulation on the Sky Island, but not being able to be identified due to the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts, prompted him to come personally.

'Of course, even if he rushes here, there's nothing he can do if I decide to hide my tracks thoroughly.'

However, I suddenly feel my physical body twitching upon seeing the vigor of the entity flying towards me from a distance.


Should I give it a go?

Although the main body is at the Integration stage, this avatar is just at the Heavenly Being stage.

Suddenly, I am engulfed by the desire to confront Wi Ryeong-seon's avatar.

Combining the power of Treading Heavens and the Earth Tribe's Nascent Soul stage, I should be more than capable of confronting someone at the Heavenly Being stage.


The talent of the immortal beast I had acquired in my previous life spews a misty fog, stimulating me.

The power obtained from the formidable physical body of the demon race, along with the sharp energy emitted by the Formless Sword from Treading Heavens, surges throughout my body.

The power of Treading Heavens hones my physical body to be as solid and sharp as a sword, while the power of the demon beast inherently enhances my physical power, thereby amplifying the efficiency of Treading Heaven's power several-fold.

Adding the power of the newly acquired immortal beast and the Colorless Glass Sword to the mix...

'Even without the cultivation of the Heaven Tribe, I should be able to...'

I feel confident enough to win against someone at the Heavenly Being stage.


However, I suppress that desire.

'I'll wait for another opportunity.'

Wi Ryeong-seon, the Grand Cultivator who monitors the major and minor matters within the Human Race Grand Alliance.

He is known to be weaker among those at the early stage of Integration because he had not specialized in combat methods.

But no matter what, an Integration stage is still an Integration stage, and if I confront him and kill the avatar, the real Wi Ryeong-seon will come here in person.

Reluctantly postponing my encounter with Wi Ryeong-seon, I swing my hand towards the void.


My hand, imbued with the Formless Sword, cleaves through the void and creates a blind spot of heaven and earth spiritual energy.

I enter within the blind spot of perception, spiritual energy, and space using the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts, disappearing from Wi Ryeong-seon's sight like a phantom.

Wi Ryeong-seon, unable to find me upon arrival, forms a hand seal and begins to use a surveillance method that envelops the entire Sky Island in an attempt to locate me.

Bypassing the perplexed Wi Ryeong-seon, I once again land at an appropriate place on Thunder Spirit Island.

It's a small city meant for the cultivators on Thunder Spirit Island, and it seems lively inside, possibly because a market is being held.

'It's been a while since I've been to a Human Race market.'

While hidden with the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts, I enter the market.

Such a bustling place, filled with countless intent and consciousness, is the perfect spot to hide using the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts.

'Wi Ryeong-seon will probably focus more than usual to find me for a while, so I should stay hidden inside the market until the intensity of his surveillance spell weakens.'


I can feel Wi Ryeong-seon's surveillance spell unfold even more powerfully than usual.

Noticing something unusual, a few Nascent Soul stage cultivators and Core Formation stage cultivators within the market look up to the sky.

'Anyway, maintaining such a strong surveillance spell over the entire Thunder Spirit Island at the Heavenly Being stage won't last long.'

It will probably return to its normal surveillance intensity before long.

I comfortably tour the market while also gathering materials needed for Hong Fan's awakening.

In my last life... I definitely only roamed around with Hong Fan.'

I remember not having any other companions besides Hong Fan.

Perhaps, awakening Hong Fan and elevating his cultivation might bring back memories of my past life.

As I am searching for materials for Hong Fan's spiritual awakening, it happens.

"This is a demon beast method brought in by the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect this time. Take a look before you go!"

Hearing about a demon beast method, my interest is piqued, and I turn to look in that direction.

'The Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect has connections with Hyeon Eum, so it would be easier for them to source demon beast methods and such from the Earth Tribe Territory....'

The seller of the demon beast method appears to be at the Qi Building stage, roughly a middle-aged man.

In front of him lays several items that look like the shed snakeskin.

Not just me, but several other Qi Building stage cultivators and early Core Formation stage cultivators approach the man upon hearing about the 'demon beast method.'

"Hmm, where is the method manual?"

"These shedskin are the demon beast methods. Unlike us from the Heaven Tribe who record techniques in books or jade slips, demon beasts inscribe their methods onto their bodies."

"Well, I've heard that the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect occasionally sources demon beast methods from the Earth Tribe…"

A man with a goat beard sends a dubious look towards the merchant selling demon beast methods.

"How on earth are you selling demon beast methods obtained from the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect? I was under the impression that the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect only sells these methods to high-level cultivators."

"Haha, it seems you've been staying on Thunder Spirit Island for too long and are unaware of the circumstances of the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect?"

At the Qi Building stage cultivator's words, the man with the goat beard looks at him with an expression that says, 'then explain it properly.'

"The demon beast methods that the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect occasionally brings over from the Earth Tribe aren't carefully selected by the Sect itself. Instead, merchants from the demon race gather numerous demon beast methods and then sell them off to the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect in bulk."

I, having a rough understanding of how demon merchants handle demon beast methods, nod along.

To those merchants, demon beast methods are just one of the many resources they have in abundance. It's considered ideal for them to gather everything they can and sell it off to make a profit, especially when someone from the Heaven Tribe is willing to buy.

"And among those gathered demon beast methods, the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect disposes of any that are too difficult for the Human Race to learn, too low-level, or unstable. They only select the usable ones to sell to high-level cultivators."

"So, the methods you're selling are 'discarded' methods?"

"No, no, listen to the end. After the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect selects the 'usable' demon beast methods, there's always a category that needs to be 'dealt with.'"


The man continues.

"Firstly, Dragon Race methods. Since the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect is connected to the Dragon King of the Earth Tribe, naturally the Dragon King would control and prevent any leaks to the Heaven Tribe. Next are the Bird Race (鳥族), or 'bird' category demon beast methods. Since the Dragon Race sometimes shows vulnerabilities to the Bird Race, those too are kept from leaking. Lastly, the Serpent Race (蛇族) methods."

"Serpent race? You mean snake demon beasts?"

"Exactly. Serpent Race demon beast methods are particularly troublesome for the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect. However, they are not forbidden from being leaked. Since they've been purchased, the sect wants to make a profit but prefers not to sell them openly, so the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect often ends up selling these Serpent Race demon beast methods off cheaply to just about anyone. That's how I was able to obtain demon beast methods from the sect myself."

"Hmm… Why does the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect dislike Serpent Race demon beast methods? Shouldn't they value Serpent Race methods the most since they are related to dragons? Is there a problem with the Snake Race methods?"

"Who knows… From what I know, it's not so much about issues within the methods, but the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect has a bad impression of [snakes]."

'The Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect has a bad impression of [snakes]?'

This is new information to me, sparking my curiosity. I focus on the conversation.

"Why would the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect dislike snakes?"

"I don't know the details. You'd have to ask them. Now, now, more importantly, isn't there a Daoist here truly interested in demon beast methods? While the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect may not cultivate Serpent Race methods due to internal reasons, remember the legend that snakes can become dragons if they turn into imoogi? Perhaps using Serpent Race methods could be an opportunity to uncover the secrets of the most noble race in the Earth Tribe, the Dragon Race methods!"

'If that were possible, would the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect, practically a puppet of the Black Dragon King, have allowed it to leak…'

Seemingly sharing my thoughts, the cultivators gathered here show expressions of disdain.

The Qi Building stage cultivator, whether he is aware of it or not, continues to enthusiastically pitch the demon beast methods.

"If you find it difficult or undesirable to practice them yourself, why not take this opportunity to go to the demon beast store and purchase snake demon beasts to let your pet demon beast learn them! It's a great opportunity for your pet demon beast to learn authentic Serpent Race methods brought over from the Earth Tribe's True Dragon Alliance!"


"Still, it feels a bit off knowing these methods were discarded by the Mystical Scaled Fish Commanding Sect…"


Despite the merchant's pitch, the other cultivators seem uneasy and disperse in various directions, clicking their tongues.

Seeing this, the Qi Building stage cultivator's face falls, and he slackens his grip on the snake skins.

"If you're going to do business, it might be better to improve your sales pitch. Revealing all the uncomfortable details like that isn't going to attract anyone's interest."

Even one of the cultivators offers him advice on doing business before leaving, leaving only me in front of his stall.

'It seems the surveillance spell has weakened by now…'


I casually release the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts and reveal myself in front of him, asking.

"Apart from those uncomfortable aspects of the methods you're selling… do they have any advantages?"

"Ah, of course, senior!"

He looks up at me, realizing I am at least a mid-stage Core Formation cultivator or higher, and begins to explain while bowing his head.

"The Serpent Race believes in the legend of becoming dragons and constantly cultivates to become imoogi. While it's uncertain if they can truly become dragons, at least learning Serpent Race methods can make one an 'imoogi.'"

"Imoogi… You mean, even the Human Race can become imoogi by learning these?"

"No, it's not like that. It means gaining the power of an imoogi. Of course, if you were to raise a snake demon beast as a pet, it wouldn't be a bad idea to let it learn these methods."

"I don't raise snake demon beasts…"

"Yo-you don't have to raise a snake! Even if you raise carp, centipedes, turtles, lizards, or other demon beasts related to dragons, the Serpent Race methods would still be effective…!"

"Hmm? Centipedes?"

I become intrigued by his words and ask.

"Centipedes can benefit from Serpent Race methods too?"

"Yes! Don't they say if a centipede cultivates for ten thousand years, it can become a dragon? Since centipedes are related to dragons, the imoogi-becoming Serpent Race methods are effective!"


'Since I came to buy materials for awakening Hong Fan, and if Hong Fan can also learn these demon beast methods…'

It seems not a bad idea to purchase them.

"It just so happens I'm considering raising a centipede demon beast myself, so why don't you give me a suitable method book for it?"

At my words, the Qi Building stage cultivator shows me the skins with a gleeful expression.

"Among the Serpent Race, scales that are closer to black are considered most auspicious. Therefore, the darker the color of the skin, the higher the grade of the Serpent Race method."

"Then, do you have any black snake skins? I'd like to get the best demon beast method available…"

"Unfortunately, black snakes are considered very auspicious within the Serpent Race, so their skins do not leak out."

"Is that so…?"

I remember the Serpent Race.

I had a fleeting encounter with a few from the True Dragon Alliance.

Most of the Serpent Race were known to be a patient race, focusing on their cultivation away from the world's turmoils, and those few I had encountered had such traits.

'It's probably because they mostly stay secluded and focus on cultivation that I hardly encountered them and don't know much.'

With that thought, I take one dark blue and one pure white shed snake skin from the Qi Building stage cultivator and tuck them away.

'A centipede becoming a dragon… With Hong Fan's talent, it might be possible.'

I don't know why.

But somehow, it feels utterly natural to me that Hong Fan will become a great being.


I bury pieces of my Nascent Soul across various spiritual mountains on Thunder Spirit Island with the help of Yuan Yu.

It's a secret technique that allows one to embed pieces of their Nascent Soul in places with spiritual veins so they can be retrieved later. It's similar to the blood souls of Yuan Li.

However, the difference is that Yuan Li requires a massive amount of blood sacrifices to retrieve the blood souls buried in human-inhabited areas.

I don't need such blood sacrifices.

'If I reach the Nascent Soul stage in a day, I'd be treated not as a genius but as a monster or a spy with a hidden agenda.'

I have no intention of foolishly going to the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and advertising, 'I've reached the Nascent Soul stage in just one day.'

'I'll scatter my Nascent Soul for now… and seal the Demon Core.'


As Yuan Yu forms a hand seal, the energy flowing from his body seals the power within my Demon Core.

Lastly, I summon the Five Elements Blood Curse Banner and implant it in five places on the Demon Core.

Plop, plop, plop, plop, plop!

The Five Elements Blood Curse Banner and Yuan Yu's spell completes the seal.

'Now, there's no way to discover that I reached the Nascent Soul stage using demon race methods.'

Only the pure power of the Heaven Tribe's Qi Refining 6th Star remains within me.

'If it's Nascent Soul in a day, I might be suspected. But Qi Refining 6th Star… should be within a believable range.'

With that thought, I return to the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

"Master, your unworthy disciple has come seeking assistance in my cultivation."

I approach Jin Hwi, bowing and speaking to him.

Jin Hwi looks at me with warm eyes and nods.

"Well, with your talent, you must have formed the Law-Transformation Dantian already… Is it the understanding of the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words that trouble you?"

"No, I've reached the 6th Star of Qi Refining."


"Would you assist me with the Seven Stars Ritual?"

Jin Hwi's eyes widen as large as lanterns as he abruptly stands up.

"Do not lie! You were given the Accumulating Lightning Technique in the morning, and you reached the 6th Star of Qi Refining by evening? Are you mocking your master!!!"


'Not just 6th Star of Qi Refining, I reached the Nascent Soul stage…'

If I had told him the truth, his reaction might not just be shock but possibly a heart attack.

"It's true, Master."

"That's preposterous… Hand over your hand. I will check if you truly are at the 6th Star of Qi Refining."

And so, I extend my hand to Jin Hwi, allowing him to verify my cultivation.

Shortly after.

The Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect is turned upside down by the news that I had reached the 6th Star of Qi Refining within a day of receiving the basic cultivation method.

Translator Notes: Reminds me of when Kim Young-hoon turned the whatever sect upside down by reaching first-rate.