Chapter 350: Devilish Cult (3)

A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Translator: TranslatingNovice

Editors: Z0Rel, BlueMangoAde, Resnut

Chapter 350: Devilish Cult (3)

'...So, you're affiliated with the Black Ghost Palace...'

Honestly, even though I've been doing devilish cult-like things, I have no intention of continuing to be the public enemy of the Nether Ghost Realm.

'Anyway, it's necessary to have a conversation with the Black Ghost Palace to find out about Kang Min-hee's condition...'

I decide to use this ghost as a means of contact with the Black Ghost Palace.

[This...a distinguished guest has arrived. Escort her to the 'special room.' I will personally give her a very special treatment.]

At my words, the puppets within the religious hall move and grab her.

The ghost, dressed in mourning clothes, cries out with a tearful and humiliated face.

"I have pledged my entire being and body to the 30th Nether Crossing Ship Captain, Cha Jo-gwi! I will not be tainted by the likes of you! Kught...!"


There seems to be a serious misunderstanding between us, but she won't believe anything I say in this situation anyway

I gesture with my chin for them to take her away and then close my eyes.


I had already built 70% of the Longevity Axis.

'Seven thousand years of lifespan. I just need to gather three thousand more years, and the Longevity Axis will be complete.'

Moreover, with the Wuji Religious Order now infiltrating various places in the Lower Realms, the speed at which 'sacrifices' are being offered is gradually increasing.

Just like this.


I feel the sacrifices being transmitted through the Void Spirit Pond and extend my consciousness.

'This place...'

My consciousness arrives at a Decaying Corpse Realm.

Unlike the Head Realm, this Decaying Corpse Realm has abundant Heaven and Earth spiritual energy and is quite vast.

I extend my consciousness, following the voice that called me from one corner of the Decaying Corpse Realm.

A secluded valley.


As I extend my consciousness into the valley, I feel an unsettling chill from somewhere.

Regardless, I find and enter a hidden cave within the valley.


I flow into the body of a boy.

Within the boy's heart essence.

I face the boy.

[Did you call for me?]

The boy speaks to me in a trembling voice.

"Yes, O Great One. Please lend me your power."

Without me even asking, he immediately begins to explain his circumstances.

"I am an experiment of a devilish cultivator."

The boy's name is Ham Jin.

He's an orphan from a rural village.

However, while he was living fairly well by begging, his village was attacked and destroyed by a band of thieves.

The thieves burned the village and captured all the beggars for human trafficking.

Unfortunately, he was sold to a devilish cultivator.

"He calls us 'disciples,' but in reality, he only bought us to use as experiments. He has no intention other than to exploit us. I have heard his plans. He intends to seize our bodies to extend his own lifespan!"

[Thus, you have called for me?]

"Yes, please save me. I will offer you whatever you desire"

[You have called me knowing the price, correct?]

"No matter the cost, it would be better than having my body taken and dying miserably at the hands of that monster."


It's when I'm about to accept the boy's lifespan and grant his wish.

'...Wait. Something feels off.'

I speak to the boy.

[First, step out of this cave.]


[Do as you are ordered.]

I move the boy's body to exit the cave.

Outside the cave is a large valley.

There are small holes scattered throughout the valley, and each of these holes have traces of people.

It seems that the devilish cultivator had dug numerous cave residences in the valley to manage his 'disciples.'

But something concerns me more than those cave residences.

'This valley...'

While I didn't pay much attention as I descended into the boy's body, I noticed something peculiar while accessing his heart essence and reading some of his unconscious memories.

[Do you know how this valley was formed? Is there any legend or myth you know about it?]

"Ah...I've heard that long ago, a green god descended from the heavens, split a turtle in half, and created this valley. That's why it's called the Split Turtle Valley (切龜谷)."


I survey the boy's cave residence with my consciousness.

[Entrust your body to me for a moment.]


[If you lend me your body for one meal's worth of time (30 minutes), I will bestow upon you a very special ability.]

"Ah, understood."

The boy nods at my proposal, and I take over his body, approaching the sacrificial altar he used to worship me.


I split the altar and sharpen it using Heaven and Earth spiritual energy.

The broken pieces of the altar soon form a wooden podao.


I gather Heaven and Earth spiritual energy to form blade energy and envelop the podao with it.



I swing the podao, slashing at the boy's cave residence.


Since it's a careless slash, the power is negligible.

At best, it leaves a small groove in the boy's cave residence.

However, after seeing the groove, I turn my gaze back to the valley.

Then, I place my hand on the rock formation that constitutes the valley.

I can feel the energy of the dragon vein flowing inside the valley.

That dragon vein resembles the blood vessels of a living creature.

"...Ordinarily, such a dragon vein would never form."

A valley created by a green god splitting a turtle.

"Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One..."

I can immediately guess.

This valley was created from the corpse of some creature killed by the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One Jang Ik.

And I remember the chill I felt when I entered this valley.


Using the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts with Ham Jin's body, I merge with the All-Heavens Sword and soar into the sky from the cave.

I feel the boy seeing this sight from his unconsciousness, feeling astonished.

But I can't concern myself with Ham Jin's astonishment.

'As expected...'

I fly to the edge of the Decaying Corpse Realm's sky.

Looking down on this world from its 'ceiling,' I can't help but be astonished.

This world is a battlefield.

Everywhere, absolutely everywhere, is marked by the blade scars from the podao Jang Ik had wielded.

By examining the blade scars, I can gauge the aspects of the battle that took place here.

The battle started at the northwestern end of this world and ended at this southeastern end.

And the conclusion of the battle was Jang Ik's victory, with the creature he fought against dying.

'Jang Ik...struggled quite a bit!'

I infer from the blade scars and the traces in this world, sweating inwardly.

Jang Ik, a being with the title 'Esteemed One', had struggled.

This implies that the creature he fought against and killed, eventually becoming this valley, was also at the Star Shattering Stage.

I now understand why this world, unlike the usual Decaying Corpse Realms, has denser Heaven and Earth spiritual energy than the Head Realm.

This world became enriched by the power that leaked from the creature after it died.

'Just what is this world?'

I look around this world in confusion.

How could a mere Decaying Corpse Realm withstand a battle between Star Shattering stage entities so sturdily?

I feel something strange and descend again.


I guide the celestial energy.

Since the boy has the attributes of earth, fire, and metal in his True Spiritual Root, I shake the dragon vein to cause a mild earthquake in the area.


The valley shakes, cracks forming and collapsing everywhere.

'How could the corpse of a creature that fought Jang Ik on equal terms be shaken so easily by mere Heavenly Being level power?'

Something is odd.

At that moment,


From the corpse of the creature that became this valley after death.

No, from the dragon vein that flows through this land, I realize something.

'This is...!'

Deep beneath the dragon vein.

There, an immense amount of auspicious power is gathered.

'I's not that the corpse of the Esteemed One is weak, but all its power has concentrated in the force below, leaving the remaining outer shell fragile.'


I try to use attraction force to lift the entire valley.

However, at that moment.


'...Tsk. If I use more power, this boy's soul will collapse.'

The last cultivator who borrowed my power had at least reached the Qi Building stage.

That's why, although barely, I could draw forth attraction force.

However, the boy named Ham Jin is merely a novice who has barely entered the 1st star of Qi Refining.

Even as I am adjusting my presence to the minimum, he is struggling to withstand my soul's pressure. If I draw more power through his soul, there's a high chance his soul will be completely vaporized.

Of course, if his soul were to vaporize, it would make it easier for me to take over his body, which is certainly advantageous.

'But that's unnecessary.'

There's no need to commit such an inhumane act.

No matter how many treasures lie below, nothing is as precious as a single life.

I enter the boy's cave residence and, after erasing the traces of his rituals to me, speak to Ham Jin.

"Thanks to you, I have confirmed everything I needed. However, you seem unable to endure any longer, so I will withdraw for now. Since we've established a connection, you can summon me without a ritual next time. Summon me again. I will lend you my power."

Ham Jin nods feebly from deep within his unconsciousness, barely enduring the pressure of my soul.


I gather Heaven and Earth spiritual energy in my hand.

"And this is your reward for lending me your body for a moment."


I condense the gathered Gang Qi.

The Gang Qi forms a Gang Sphere above my hand, and I swallow it whole.

The Gang Sphere enters the boy's Law Transformation Dantian, settling at the center and becoming an Inner Core.



I synchronize the Inner Core with the boy's upper dantian, granting Ham Jin the vision of the Demon Race.

He might not yet be able to wield the power of the Inner Core I have formed, but he will at least gain the vision of the Earth Tribe.

"Beasts are more sensitive than humans, often foreseeing great disasters or accidents. This ability is based on the senses I have granted you. I have bestowed upon you the senses of a beast, so use them to survive."


I speak as I withdraw from Ham Jin's mental world.

"Your soul needs time to heal, so summon me again in three months. We will meet again then."

As I exit his body, Ham Jin, utterly exhausted, collapses and faints.

'This is a substantial harvest!'

This is far more significant than the fortuitous encounter one gains by falling off a cliff during life and death struggles.

'A Star Shattering Esteemed One's corpse!'

Of course, even though it's the corpse of an Esteemed One, most of the energy has faded. However, all that energy has not disappeared but has concentrated into one auspicious energy essence.

'The eerie feeling I had when I first entered was likely due to the presence of the Esteemed One, despite death.'

Regardless, an Esteemed One is still an Esteemed One.

There's a chance to obtain something left by that Esteemed One.

I return to my main body sitting in the religious hall, my eyes shining brightly.

[Huhuhu, huhuhuhuhu...!]

I laugh cheerfully through my nineteen mouths.

It's then.

Hong Fan urgently delivers a message.

"Cult Leader, an Integration stage Grand Cultivator is currently approaching the Twilight Domain."

I extend my consciousness and perceive a lizard-shaped jiangshi charging into the Twilight Domain that's wrapped in blessings.

[Judging by the aura, it belongs to the Black Ghost Palace. Quite the momentum.]

I rise from my seat, my eyes gleaming.

[No matter. I've prepared for such occasions. Inform the Soul Extinguishing Ghost King to commence.]


Hong Fan uses a transmission talisman to contact Oh Hyun-seok.

And to the west of the Twilight Domain, where the Grand Cultivator is charging towards.

Oh Hyun-seok and Jeon Myeong-hoon stand ready.

"Hmm, do I just break through here? Won't the formation break?"

"It's fine, I can control everything."

"Is that so...?"

Oh Hyun-seok looks at Jeon Myeong-hoon with curious eyes.

"No matter how many times I see it, it's fascinating. To think that Jeon Myeong-hoon has grown so much..."

"...Just start already."

"Got it. Then..."


Oh Hyun-seok absorbs the Heaven and Earth ghostly energy, focusing his mind.

His entire body turns a shade of purple.

His Unique Holy Body allows him to absorb any type of energy.

Be it the Five Elements spiritual energy, Yin-Yang energy, or anything else.

It absorbs everything and melts it within the Primordial Chaos, elevating his realm!

That is his Unique Holy Body.

Therefore, whether he absorbs spiritual energy or ghostly energy, his cultivation will raise the same regardless.

When he first arrived in the Nether Ghost Realm, he fainted only because he wasn't accustomed to the energy he absorbed!

[Here I go!]


Oh Hyun-seok is attempting to advance from the Heavenly Being stage to the Four-Axis stage.

Kurung, kurururung!

Dark clouds form in the sky, and dual-colored Heavenly Lightning strikes down on Oh Hyun-seok.


Normally, when someone of his cultivation faces a Heavenly Tribulation, the entire area would be in chaos, but this time it's different.

Jeon Myeong-hoon is controlling the remaining traces of the Heavenly Tribulation that strikes Oh Hyun-seok.

And when the Integration stage Grand Cultivator of the Black Ghost Palace that rules the nearby area, the Ghost King inhabiting the lizard jiangshi, Jin Gwi-shi, is about to body slam into the Twilight Domain,


Jeon Myeong-hoon extends his hand, scattering the accumulated Heavenly Tribulation he has stored onto Jin Gwi-shi.


Jin Gwi-shi momentarily retreats, howling, and Jeon Myeong-hoon smirks as he speaks.

"This is the domain of the Wuji Religious Order. Please state your business for visiting."

[I just received a message, you devilish cultist bastards. They said you lifted the White Yin Domain and transmitted it somewhere. To think you have now come here. I will make you regret it!]

"Haha, haven't you heard that our cult leader fought against several Integration stage Grand Cultivator Ghost Kings?"

[Of course, I heard. But from what I can see, your cult leader seems to be maintaining this formation. Do you think he can come out and fight me? Moreover, it seems you've exhausted much of your strength due to the recent transmission...]

Jin Gwi-shi sneers sinisterly at Jeon Myeong-hoon with a knowing expression.

Indeed, his words are true.

Seo Eun-hyun can't leave the Wuji Religious Hall, and the radiance of the White Orchid Blessing Incantation, which had been blazing brightly until the activation of the Realm Annihilation Ground-Shrinking Formation, has significantly weakened.

However, Jeon Myeong-hoon smirks.

"Indeed, the situation is a bit challenging right now. you think we didn't anticipate this?"


Jeon Myeong-hoon forms a hand seal.

Following his hand seal, following his will.


The Heavenly Tribulation that is striking Oh Hyun-seok splits in the sky and spreads in all directions.

The immense Heavenly Tribulation seemingly encircles the Twilight Domain, then flies back towards Oh Hyun-seok and strikes him again.

The direction of the Heavenly Tribulation is distorted by Jeon Myeong-hoon, enveloping the entire Twilight Domain like a net before striking Oh Hyun-seok.

Though it is distorted by Jeon Myeong-hoon, it's not 'interfered with' but 'slightly redirected,' so the Heavenly Tribulation does not grow stronger.

"Attack as much as you like. This is a Heavenly Tribulation barrier brimming with the energy of Vanquishing Evil and Upholding Righteousness."

[Kugh...! Controlling the Heavenly Tribulation? What kind of sorcery is this!?]

Jin Gwi-shi exclaims, retreating a step from the Heavenly Tribulation barrier in shock.

Then, as if recalling something, he grins at Jeon Myeong-hoon.

[Indeed, the Heavenly Tribulation is a threat to us ghostly creatures, but it's a laughable tactic when you think about it.]


Jin Gwi-shi opens his mouth and draws forth his dharma treasure from his dantian.

Spitting out a large wheel-shaped dharma treasure, he begins to spin it.


The wheel emits ghostly wails as tremendous ghost fire begins to blaze.


Jin Gwi-shi hurls the ghost fire-laden wheel at the Heavenly Tribulation barrier.



The wheel imbued with ghost fire fails to penetrate the barrier and bounces back.

However, the barrier changes.


The heavens rage.

Someone has interfered with the Heavenly Tribulation during breakthrough.

Help was given from outside.

Thus, the heavens respond with even stronger Heavenly Punishment.

The streaks of the Heavenly Tribulation grow thicker and stronger.

Oh Hyun-seok, the target of the Heavenly Tribulation, is engulfed in an even brighter Heavenly Tribulation.

[Haha, in the end, isn't it over if the target of the Heavenly Tribulation dies? The barrier might grow stronger with my attacks, but that means the Heavenly Tribulation also gets stronger. You've ended up killing your comrade with your own hands!]

Jin Gwi-shi cackles heartily, relentlessly attacking the barrier

The barrier made of Heavenly Tribulation grows thicker and stronger over time, but Jin Gwi-shi only laughs.

[Come now, if you care for your comrade, dispel this foolish barrier immediately! Stop this foolish act of distorting the Heavenly Tribulation to your purpose!]


Jeon Myeong-hoon stands still.

Jin Gwi-shi frowns at this sight.

'These insane Devilish Path cultists. Even when their comrade is suffering so much from the Heavenly Tribulation, their expressions don't change at all?'

The Heavenly Tribulation is gradually thickening.

Now, the barrier of Heavenly Tribulation doesn't look like a net surrounding the Twilight Domain, but rather a vast sea of thunder and lightning.

Jin Gwi-shi is puzzled.

'Wait a moment...isn't it about time for the target to die from facing the Heavenly Tribulation?'

The barrier of Heavenly Tribulation.

Inside the vast sea of thunder and lightning.

Oh Hyun-seok, the source of the Heavenly Tribulation, is howling from within.



Emitting streams of purple primordial chaos, Oh Hyun-seok is holding his ground without succumbing to the Heavenly Tribulation.

Jeon Myeong-hoon smirks widely as he watches this scene.

"Sorry, but our colleague gets tougher and stronger the more he gets hit."

Jeon Myeong-hoon has witnessed Oh Hyun-seok's training for the past 200 years.

'Five Elements Body Refinement, you say? Azure Heaven Creation Sect, just what...'

He shakes his head, gradually transforming his body.

Transforming into a Six-Arms Giant spewing lightning, Jeon Myeong-hoon parts the sea of thunder and lightning and heads outside.


[These wicked devilish cultists! They sacrificed their comrade as a pawn for the Heavenly Tribulation barrier! Truly despicable. They really are impossible to associate with!]

[Think what you will.]


Jeon Myeong-hoon gathers the surrounding energy of the Heavenly Tribulation, his eyes brightening.

[How about you stop babbling and come play with me. Ahahahaha!]

[Kugh, do you not have even an ounce of camaraderie?]

[Now, come here. Welcome to the Wuji Religious Order.]


Jeon Myeong-hoon laughs as he unleashes torrents of lightning.

I extend my consciousness, observing Oh Hyun-seok undergoing the Heavenly Tribulation and Jeon Myeong-hoon intercepting the intruder.

'They're doing well.'

In Oh Hyun-seok's case, he is being relentlessly battered by the Heavenly Tribulation, being tempered like steel.

Even if it's Oh Hyun-seok, he would perish to an Integration stage Heavenly Tribulation. But for now, it's just right for his training without dying.

'Jeon Myeong-hoon will handle it well enough...'

If they can hold on for a few more hours, I can activate the Realm Annihilation Ground-Shrinking Formation again.

'In the meantime...shall I interrogate the captive?'

I head to the upper floor of the Wuji Religious Order to see the prisoner intended as the contact for the Black Ghost Palace.


The ghost prisoner dressed in the clothes of the Black Ghost Palace.

When I open the door where she is staying, she looks startled from inside.

"Kugh, what do you intend to do to me!?"

[Nothing much. We're just going to have a conversation.]

"You wicked devilish cultist! What did you put in the food!? My mouth...! It feels strange...!"


'What's wrong with her? It's just ordinary tea.'

I had Hong Fan serve her honey tea with a mint flavor, but it seems she is startled by the unfamiliar taste.

'I thought all ghosts would like it since Kang Min-hee did, but I guess not.'

[Your mouth will settle down soon. Now then...shall we have a more constructive conversation?]
