Chapter 134: Twenty Ninth Level - Secret Realm Of The Spirits (4)

Ascension Through Skills

[It's either the same apostles or those who have achieved a certain level. Or maybe just strong ones. If not, it's hard to deal significant damage to you.]

“Is it because of the rank?”

The knowledge gained through apostle transformation vaguely remained in his mind.

The transcendent had risen above all mortal constraints to a lofty position.

And at that level, they reached a dimension far above mortals where their attacks would not work. Thousands, even tens of thousands of powerful mortals gathered, would fall to a mere gesture – such was the difference between the transcendent and mortals.

Apostles who contracted with such transcendent beings received their power. Though diminished, borrowing the rank of the transcendent made mortal attacks ineffective.

[Normally, your level would not have allowed you to become this strong... but you are exceptional.]

The ghost spoke calmly. Taesan clenched his fist.

“But it’s not omnipotent.”

[It's not without weaknesses, but it's not only advantages either.]

The level of strength gained through apostle transformation was roughly 30%. It wasn’t low. It was a significantly high level. It could deal with the most formidable enemies.

But it wasn’t enough to overcome enemies with overwhelming rank differences.

Even if the damage was reduced due to the difference in rank, if there was just a level or stat difference, it wouldn’t mean much. It would just lead to more hits and defeat.

[Still, this is enough. What more could you ask for?]

“I know that.”

In fact, that he overcame the skeleton was unbelievable. He would have lost ninety out of a hundred times without apostle transformation.

With increased levels, the rise in stats would also increase, making it a good skill in the long run. Wanting more was just greed.

Having roughly confirmed this, Taesan went down to the 25th floor to find the blacksmith.

“Can you check these two?”

“Hand them over.”

Taesan handed over the Abyssal Orb and the burnt seed. Hafran stroked his chin, looking at the Abyssal Orb.

“Obsession… or closer to a curse? It would work on the shoes?”

“What’s the effect?”

“The earth you step on becomes cursed. Enemies that step on it will suffer from all sorts of curses. Unless they are exceptionally strong, they’ll suffer considerably.”


It wasn’t bad. It meant he could limit the enemy’s movements during combat.

“Then, make it with that.”

“Give me the shoes, and I’ll make them soon. And this…”

Hafran looked at the burnt seed with an ambiguous gaze.

“Where did you get this?”

“The item explains itself.”


Hafran chuckled.

“A Spirit King. You caught one who received his power? I can’t tell.”

He held the seed.

“This could be a material for the dragon’s claw you gave me. That was fast. You’ve already gathered three.”

“How many more do you think I need?”

“One… maybe two more. I thought it wouldn’t be made until you reach at least the fiftieth floor.”

Hafran muttered in disbelief.

Two more. It wasn’t too far away. If he waited a little longer, he could obtain equipment incomparable to what he had before.

Taesan handed over the shoes with anticipation.

“Start with this, then.”

“Got it. I’ll make it after I finish some work.”

Taesan left Hafran behind and ascended the labyrinth. Back on the 21st floor, the crazed spirit with a gloomy expression was waiting for him.

[You're here?]


Taesan handed over the blackened root. The spirit took it with trembling eyes.

[You really... did it.]

The spirit closed its eyes tightly.

[Did you hear about me?]

“Roughly. About what spirits are and how you were born.”

[I see.]

The spirit muttered in a somber voice.

[Since birth, I was destined to be this way. The first thing I saw was the contemptuous gaze of my kin, and the first sensation I felt was pain and persecution. But I was content, believing I was still one of them, thinking that being together in any form was enough… but it wasn't.]

As the skeleton had said, the crazed spirit was a tool created by the Spirit King to maintain the spirits’ self-awareness. The crazed spirit began to weep.

[Everyone abandoned me. I was left alone in the spirit realm. That's when I realized they never saw me as one of them, that I was no more valuable to them than a leaf by the roadside.]

The weeping stopped. Glaring eyes peeked through the lowered head.

[So, I will take my revenge.]

“Is that so?”

Taesan didn’t say more. The spirit lifted its head, smiling bitterly.

[Of course, I know. It's impossible for someone like me.]

The Spirit King was powerful. Descending deep into the labyrinth meant possessing that level of power. Taesan assessed that the small spirit in front of him couldn’t reach the Spirit King’s level even in hundreds of years.

The spirit seemed to be fully aware of this, too.

[I could've chosen to live in the peace I finally found. But... that's not why I came here. I made a pact for revenge.]

Every NPC in the labyrinth made a contract for something.

For the spirit, it was revenge.

[I may be incapable, but you are different.]

The spirit’s fiery eyes turned towards Taesan.

[You can do it. You can kill the king.]


The spirit crushed the root in its hand. The power contained in the root entered the spirit. Its body gradually turned into a formless mist.

[Sub-quest completed.]

A voice echoed from the mist.

[They made me a tool. So, I will take revenge as a tool.]

The condensed mist rushed towards Taesan. He watched intently as the mist enveloped his body and then seeped into his weapon.

[This is the path I have chosen.]

With that final voice, the spirit’s presence was no longer felt.

[The spirit longing for revenge has inhabited your weapon.] [The effects of the weapon have changed.]

The quest overseeing the entire 20th floor had ended. Taesan examined the Artifact of Carvert that was now inhabited by the spirit.

[Oh... this is unexpected.]

The ghost murmured in surprise.

[The contractor itself became the quest reward? This is... quite unique.]

“So, what happens now?”

The crazed spirit wasn’t just a simple NPC. It was an essential NPC at the entrance of the 21st floor, providing adventurers with the skill needed to attack spirits.

With its disappearance, adventurers entering the 21st floor would have no means to attack spirits. The ghost uttered a sound of realization.

[I've never seen this before. I wonder if the labyrinth's administrators will handle it?]

As soon as he finished speaking, the floor of the labyrinth began to rise. It assembled like puzzle pieces, forming a huge mechanism.

Balbamba, a servant of the labyrinth’s creator, appeared before Taesan.

[It's been a long time since such liberation, and it's you, as expected?] [Why are you here?]

The ghost was surprised by Balbamba’s appearance. Balbamba calmly replied.

[The contractor of the 21st floor has disappeared. I must fill that void.] [You do that too?] [It's part of my duties.]

The floor of the labyrinth shifted. Soon, a small pillar appeared where the crazed spirit used to be.

[I'll have to set up a temporary quest line. Take care, human.]

Having finished his task, Balbamba disappeared.

The ghost chuckled.

[Talk about being efficient.]

Like lightning, Balbamba appeared and disappeared. But this revealed something.

‘The labyrinth is continuously being maintained.’

NPCs, or contractors as they were called, handed quests to adventurers. But contractors weren’t eternally bound entities. Like the spirit and the ghost, they moved and disappeared for their own desires.

Balbamba filled the vacancy left by the spirit.

This meant that the ghost’s position could also have been filled by something else.

It wasn’t crucial information, but still something worth noting. It might prove useful later.

So what had the spirit given him in exchange for its sacrifice?

It was time to check.

[Carvert's Relic: Sword Imbued with Ancestor's Blood] [A relic of a now-destroyed world. It claimed the lives of many royals.] [Attack Power + 30] [+ 15 Attack Power against all enemies] [Inhabited by a revenge-seeking spirit. Attack Power + 30] [+ 20% Damage against spirits] [+ 40% Damage against the Spirit King, can activate the spirit skill 'Abandoned Blade.'] [This effect can be removed and transferred to another weapon at any time.]



Taesan was taken aback. The ghost was lost for words.

[What's this?]


Taesan focused his gaze, reading the effects, then chuckled.

“What’s this about?”

It had an effect beyond words.

The basic attack power value from the effect was 30, higher than Taesan’s current secondary weapon.

He understood why, considering that as his level increased, the value of the attack power decreased. Considering that Lee Taeyeon’s attack power was in the thousands in his previous life, 30 wasn’t significantly impactful.

If that was all, the equipment would eventually be discarded, but this was a different story.

[+20% Damage against spirits]

It was a whopping 20% increase. Although limited to spirits as targets, the figure was unbelievable.

Moreover, there was a 40% damage increase, specifically against the Spirit King.

If stacked with the spirit damage increase, that was a total of 60% increase. This alone signified an increase in power by more than 50%.

Additionally, there was a spirit skill attached. While its effect was unknown until used, considering the other options, it was unlikely to be unfavorable.

“This is something…”

And perhaps one of the biggest options.

[This effect can be removed and transferred to any other weapon at any time.]

This effect could be transferred freely. It wouldn’t be discarded even if a superior weapon was equipped later.

This was a significantly positive feature. In fact, it was an understatement to say it was good.

“I’ll be using this till the end.”

It was a kind of graduation-level item.

And he had obtained it already.

Moreover, Carvert’s Relic was already magically enhanced. That the effect applied without any problem suggested that there might be no restrictions in attaching the effect.

“It’s hard to find a downside.”

If anything, a drawback was that its effects were limited to only spirits. Still, as Lee Taeyeon said, spirits continuously appeared as one descended the labyrinth. With the existence of the Spirit King deeper down, there was no issue.

“A good result.”

The effort was worth it. Though it would take time, the crazed spirit’s wish would eventually be fulfilled.

Taesan went back up the floors. Upon reaching the 25th, he approached Hafran, who handed him the transformed shoes.

[Golem Ore-Made Shoes Sharpened by Spirits] [Attack Power + 15] [Defense + 40] [Agility + 30] [Movement Speed + 15%] [Action Speed + 8%] [Can release all constraints binding oneself. This skill can only be used once a day.] [Creates a dreadful black swamp where stepped. Except for the shoe's owner, anyone stepping on it suffers powerful random curses and status ailments.] [Valuable items were crafted by a skilled blacksmith.]

“It’s better to try them out rather than just read the description.”

Taesan put on the shoes and flexed his foot. Where he stepped, a black aura undulated.

The range was just where he stepped, and repeated flexing showed no sign of disappearance, indicating no duration or limit on uses, or that it was very high.

“Not bad.”

He would need to confirm the extent of the debuffs, but it was an effect that could lead the flow of battle in his favor. Not bad at all.

Leaving Hafran behind, Taesan entered the 30th floor.

[Start the 30th-floor quest] [Defeat the boss of the 30th floor and pass through.] [Defense + 40] [Reward: Fringe of Oblivion] [Secret Reward: ???]

Finally, the 3rd set.

“I’ve kept them alive long enough.”

It was time to deal with the Guides of Sin he had left unattended.