Chapter 89: Nineteenth Level - Demon, Lucifer (1)

Ascension Through Skills

First, Taesan checked the helmet Valoran had given him.

[Valoran's Helmet] [Defense +22] [Action Speed +3%] [A helmet of a once great knight. His soul is tarnished, but the will contained in the helmet has not disappeared.]

Action and movement speed was usually effects attached only to shoes. Having it on a helmet meant it was a remarkable piece of equipment.

It was a piece of equipment well worth not using skills for.

And, just like when he cleared the 10th floor, he earned countless titles.

[Title: The Advancer] [You not only perfectly broke through a certain floor in the labyrinth but proved that you will go even deeper.] [Strength +15] [Intelligence +15] [Agility +15] [Title: One Who Touched the Grain of Perfection] [You broke through while figuring out everything about the labyrinth. It's still small, but it's a definite achievement.] [Strength +18] [Intelligence +18] [Agility +18] [The reward will be strengthened when all floors have been fully figured out.] [Title: One Who Began the Path] [You have begun walking the path to prove yourself.] [Strength +12] [Intelligence +12] [Agility +12] [Movement Speed +4%] [Title: One Who Succeeded in the Challenge] [You have successfully completed a meaningful challenge and further proved yourself.] [NPCs, gods, favor you.] [Strength +12] [Intelligence +12] [Agility +12]

Up to this point, the titles were similar to those he earned when clearing the 10th floor, but they were about twice as strong. And there was also a unique title obtained while clearing the 20th floor.

[Title: The Accumulator] [You have gathered enough power. This is proof of that.] [Mana +21] [Agility +16] [Accelerated gain is added to all skill proficiency.]

Title: The Accumulator. It was a title that evaluated everything that had been done as he descended down to the 20th floor and gave him a special ability.

For Taesan, it was an acceleration in skill proficiency. His main technique was his skill, so it was natural.

The acceleration, although very minute and difficult to notice, created a big difference as he obtained it one by one like this.

He also obtained a skill.

[Constant Activation Special Skill: Self-proof] [What you have accumulated becomes a phenomenon and revolves around you.]

According to Taeyeon’s words, it was a skill that gave off a kind of oppressive feeling.

Monsters he had slain, the strengthening of his mind as he traversed the labyrinth, and his physical strength.

All of it remained in his body, giving off an aura of intimidation.

In fact, every time he met Taeyeon, a strange energy was always swirling around her.

A kind of energy that made the weak recoil upon encountering it. It was apt to say that it represented a kind of strength.

Having confirmed all the clear rewards, Taesan checked the secret reward this time.

The secret reward was a pair of shoes.

[Shoes of the Sharp Scar] [Attack +4] [Defense +14] [Agility +10] [Movement Speed +12%] [Action Speed +6%] [Shoes with a distorted pattern. It looks like it would hurt a lot if kicked.]

The defense and agility were exactly twice as much as the shoes he was currently wearing.

The movement speed and action speed were also high, and there was even an attack power gain. There was no reason not to switch.

The secret reward was a Rune of Power. His strength naturally increased by 20.

“Status Window.”

[Kang Taesan] [Level: 43] [Shield: 192/192] [Health: 2250/2250] [Mana: 514/514] [Strength: 765] [Intelligence: 533] [Agility: 688] [Attack Power +83] [Defense +115] [The subject is in top condition.]

He had become incredibly powerful once again. Taesan laughed joyously.

At this rate, he might catch up with the previous stats of Lee Taeyeon even before reaching the depths of the labyrinth.

Taesan went up the labyrinth again to meet Lillis. She was panting as she moved her luggage.

“You, you went down again?”

“I reached the 20th floor.”

“Ah ah…”

She looked at her luggage with a face of despair.

“Just stay put. Isn’t it more comfortable for me to come up?”

“…No. I can’t be bothered by this if I also have something to gain.”

Lillis shook her head with a brief, stern expression. It seemed like her way of expressing gratitude.

She quickly organized her luggage, and her eyes lit up.

“So, you came with something to offer?”

Nodding, Taesan pulled out the equipment he had obtained from defeating the liches. Each time an item came out, Lillis was amazed.


“Can I learn with these items?”

“More than enough!”

She laughed heartily as she arranged the equipment. As always, she prayed and offered the items to the deity of magic.

“I’ll teach you right away!”

[You have learned Air Leap.] [Beginner Magic: Air Leap] [Mana Consumption: 10] [Proficiency: 1%] [Leap in the air. Can only be used once at a time for now.]

“Shall I explain?”


The best way to understand after learning was to use it directly. Taesan immediately leaped off the ground.


His body shot up into the sky, almost to the ceiling, before gravity started to bring him back down. Halfway down, Taesan activated the spell.

[You have activated Air Leap.]

A platform appeared under his feet. Taesan exerted force on his foot to step on the invisible platform. His body shot up into the sky once more.

Upon landing, Taesan realized.

“It’s a double jump.”

It was a skill that frequently appeared in games. Leaping in the air and jumping again. He could understand it right away since he had seen it multiple times.

“This is good magic.”

In Taesan’s experience, most skills that could defy physical laws were jackpot. Being able to change direction once in the air was a big advantage in both battle and movement.

‘I wonder if it could be combined with the Great Leap?’

A skill that made the body leap a great distance, the Great Leap. He wondered if it was possible to combine it with Air Leap.

Naturally, his thoughts went in that direction.

“Then, see you next time.”


Taesan, who had parted with Lillis, returned to the 20th floor.

There was one room there that Taesan had deliberately not visited.

[A Death Knight has appeared.]

There was one Death Knight there. Upon seeing the Death Knight, Taesan removed all his equipment.

The ghost realized something.

[Are you trying to learn more Nullification skills?]

“You know it well.”

[...Is there more to learn?]

“I have to find out.”

From the 20th floor, the levels would start to even out. It would reach a point where he could obtain skills. That was why he had intentionally left one room unexplored.

Taesan used the fairy dust he had received as a reward.

And then he quietly waited for the attack.

The Death Knight thrust its sword.

[Your First Attack Nullification has been activated.]

The Attack Nullification skill did not count as Nullification when it was obtained, so all Attack Nullifications needed to be used.

[Your Second Attack Nullification has been activated.]

After two attacks were erased, Taesan tensed the muscles throughout his body. The Death Knight thrust its sword.

He contorted his body to the limit to minimize the damage received.

[You receive 62 damage.]

Taesan’s shield was at 192. A simple calculation showed that he could sustain up to four attacks.

Once again, he contorted his body to its limits.

[You receive 61 damage.]

And once more.

The Death Knight thrust its sword. He twisted his body to the sword, aiming for his side. A feeling of discomfort accompanied the tearing of his flesh.

[You receive 65 damage.] [You did not lose any health from the third attack. You have acquired the special always-on skill [Absolute Nullification of the Third Attack].]

He barely managed to acquire the third one. Taesan pulled out his sword and obliterated the Death Knight.

“So it goes up to the third time.”

[This is something.]

The ghost chuckled. It was a sight it had already seen, but it never ceased to be unbelievable.

[Doesn't it seem like a skill that you obtain in combination with the shield?]

“It seems so.”

A skill that could only be obtained by clearing the enhanced trial of Lakiratas that granted the Shield stat.

The shield wasn’t a health-based mechanism, so it made it easy to acquire the Attack Nullification skills. It seemed like a skill that could be obtained in some kind of combination with the shield. It was like an additional reward for breaking through the enhanced trial.

[I guess it's a skill designed in that way from the beginning.]

However, so far, no one who had undergone Lakiratas’ enhanced trial, nor anyone who had cleared it, seemed to know about it.

[Hmm. Then I understand it. After all, it isn't a skill that can be normally obtained.]

“Is that so?”

He wasn’t sure. After all, Taesan had obtained it after much effort with nothing at hand in his previous life.

But objectively, it made sense. Nobody else had obtained the nullification skill.

Regardless, he had obtained the skill he wanted.

There was still plenty of time left. Hafran would take two days to finish, and not even a day had passed yet.


Taesan sat down. The ghost took it as him wanting to rest.

[You should take a break. You've been going too hard.]

Since signing a contract with the ghost, Taesan hadn’t taken a single day off. He had slept minimally and just descended further into the labyrinth.

Any normal person would have burnt out a long time ago. Even if they didn’t, their mental strength would have been drained and quickly crumbled.

No matter how exceptional Taesan was, he would reach his limit soon. It was necessary to stop thinking about anything and rest.

Taesan had an expression asking what the ghost was even talking about.

“Teach me swordsmanship.”


“Since I have two days off, teach me swordsmanship. I want to learn some theory now.”

So far, he had only practiced in real combat. He wanted to properly understand the parts he only had a rough grasp of.


The ghost was at a loss for words. Seeing the speechless ghost, Taesan asked.

“Won’t you teach me?”

[No, it's not that.]

The ghost laughed awkwardly.

[You're really an odd one.]

The ghost obediently taught him swordsmanship. While moving his body, Taesan once again realized the principles and theories he had roughly understood, along with the explanations.

For two days, he kept modifying his body like that, and as a result, he was able to greatly increase his proficiency.

[Advanced Skill: Storm Scar Sword] [Proficiency: 29%] [A sword technique passed down from a destroyed world. Now, only one person has mastered it. You can be confident that you have made a start.]

He was able to raise it by a whopping 5% in two days. He also felt a corresponding improvement.

[It was easy to raise because it was a process of organizing what you have built up. From here, it's going to get much harder.]

“That’s enough.”

It was an advanced skill. He never thought it would be easy to raise from the beginning. This was a satisfactory result.

And now, it was time to receive the reward.

Taesan went to Hafran. Hafran, who was pounding with his hammer, opened his mouth when he saw him.

“You came just in time. I just finished.”

Hafran showed him a colorless round bead. Energy was shaking inside it.

“I processed it into the simplest form. It’s easier to use than something too unique. The advantage of combining is strengthening. Give me your weapon.”

Taesan obediently handed over his sword, and Hafran struck the bead against the sword. The bead shattered, and the energy inside started to flow into the sword.

“Take it.”

“Is this it?”

“Do you want me to loudly smash it with a hammer?”

Hafran handed it over with a bored face. Taesan took it and checked.

[Relic of Calvert: Sword imbued with the Blood of Ancestors] [Artifact from a world now destroyed. It has taken the lives of numerous emperors.] [Attack power + 30] [Against all enemies of noble bloodlines, attack power + 15]

Taesan was taken aback. The specter, who had been watching with interest, exclaimed in admiration.

[You managed to achieve this level?]

“Because it is something that strengthens the weapon’s inherent advantages. Since it’s nothing special, it was easy to make. Are you satisfied?”

Taesan nodded his head. It was an enhancement that surpassed satisfactory levels.

The base attack power increased by 10. Not only did the attack power of 10, which increased when dealing with noble bloodlines, increase to 15, but it also changed to apply when dealing with all enemies that carried noble blood.

Considering that there were virtually no enemies with noble bloodlines, the attack power increased by around 25.

It was a change beyond what Taesan had expected. With a weapon of this level, he could use it until he really went deep in the labyrinth. Taesan expressed his gratitude.

“Thank you.”

“It’s a trade. There’s no need to thank me.”

Hafran waved his hand.

“Make your next visit after you’ve become much stronger. The world will be watching you, so it will be much harder next time.”

Taesan was aware of that part. The malice directed at him before he returned was indeed creepy.

“Even if it’s not that, bring me something like materials. I’ll make you some trivial things.”

“Do I have to keep coming down to the 15th floor?”

If Hafran stayed here, he might have to come back to the 15th floor even after going to the depths.

“Normally, yes. But since you’re different from the others, I’ll have to work hard.”

Hapran swung his hammer.

“I’ll come down every five floors. Any more would be too much of a hassle.”

“That’ll do.”

It reduced some of the hassle for Taesan.

Finally, it was over. Taesan, who said goodbye to Hafran, returned to the 19th floor.

Taesan placed his hand on the altar of the god of demons.

Mana poured out.

A dense and black fog filled the room.

He felt a gaze from within it.



And besides, it was a gaze filled with various emotions. Taesan waited quietly.

Soon, a system window appeared.

[Lucifer invites you to their domain.]