Chapter 137: Returning to the Academy

Celestial Bloodline

Next day early morning,

Kyle woke up and after wearing a neat blue shirt and black pants he gazed at the three storage rings present on his fingers.

Two of them were high-grade while the third one was supreme grade. One of the high-grade rings was filled with gold coins and some old weapons he 'took' from the sand Castle and the other was filled with mana stones.

'I didn't give the gold coins to anyone because their shape is different from the coins used in Kingdom Escalante.'

He wanted to sell the coins but decided against it for the time being. The supreme-grade ring present on his middle finger had some magical fruits and normal clothes.

With a sigh, Kyle gazed at the mirror in front of his bed and blinked his eyes. He ruffled his hair with a frown.

-'Hey, what happened to your hair again?'

Bia's voice resounded inside his head as she flew and sat down on his left shoulder while gazing at the mirror.

"I don't know myself."

Kyle said and looked at himself. After he suffered the insane pain in the Tower the corner of his hair turned Ash-grey but now they are completely black just like when he was young.

'Well, as long as it's not something bad it's fine.'

After taking another glance at himself he left the room. He roamed around his house remembering the memories of the past. Some were sad and some happy.

While walking, he arrived in front of his father's room. The room door was open that's why Kyle peeked inside.

With an open wardrobe, Baron Ohan was picking out some old things and placing them on the bed.

'Everyone is packing and getting ready to leave.'

Kyle thought inwardly and after gazing at his father he just walked around the house before sitting inside the living room with Bia.

He took out a fruit from his storage ring and started eating while waiting for everyone to gather.

He just simply sat there and did nothing. Just like that, he once again fell asleep while sitting.

After a few hours, an old voice woke him up from his slumber.

Kyle's eyes snapped open and he gazed at the brown-haired old man standing in front of him.


It was Elder Han. He seemed to have returned.

"Why are always sleeping whenever I see you?"

Elder Han said with a frown but then he took out a storage ring and threw it toward Kyle.

With a swift motion, Kyle grabbed the ring.

"There are mana stones present inside the ring. I sold some of the herbs but it will take some time to sell all of them. Also, I contacted one of my friends. He had a decent house in the capital city. The house is near the King's castle so it's very safe."

Kyle listened to Elder Han and nodded his head seriously but then he remembered Ray's words.

"Master, Actually my family is a little worried that's why I need a communication device."

"Oh? I have an extra you can take it."

Elder Han took out two crystal balls and tossed them toward Kyle before sitting on the chair opposite him.

While they were talking, Baron Ohan and all the others arrived in the living room.

After eating something together, they all left the city following behind Elder Han.

At night, they arrived in front of a double-story house. As Kyle pushed the metal gate and everyone entered the house they could see a small flower garden. The garden was well-kept because all the flowers were booming under the moonlight.

After entering the house one could see a large empty hall. There were a total of five rooms present inside the house. Two on the ground floor and three on the second floor.

Lastly, on the west side, a dining hall that was attached to the kitchen was present. The house was small compared to their old house but it was good enough.

Also, just like Elder Han said it was almost at the center of the bustling Capital city. The King's castle was relatively close which is why one could see many Royal guards roaming on the busy streets.

'The location is very safe.'

Kyle said with relief. He was very worried about his family's safety but now he could rest easy.

After everyone was done looking around at the house, Kyle wanted to pick an empty room to sleep but Elder Han arrived in front of him with narrowed eyes.


Kyle gazed at Elder Han with confusion. He wanted to sleep why was the old man stopping him but suddenly a thought appeared inside his mind.

'Wait, why am I feeling so sleepy nowadays? I was relaxed after Neon and Ray became healthy but something didn't feel right. My hair color changed as well overnight. Strange.'

While Kyle was thinking, Elder Han grabbed his collar and lifted him from the ground.


Kyle looked at him with shock but didn't move at all.

"Kid, I think you forget you are a student and need to go back to the Academy! George said he is coming himself to beat both of us if we don't return until tomorrow morning."

Elder Han said with a sigh. Just a few minutes ago, Vice Principal George called him and told him to return immediately.

'I am one hundred percent sure he needs some free potions. Damn! he is ordering me like a slave. Why can't he give me a break.'

"Just say goodbye to your family we are leaving now."

He placed Kyle back on the ground who seemed to be processing the situation.

Kyle nodded his head and hurriedly left to meet his family one last time.

Elder Han gazed at Kyle fading back and suddenly frowned.

"Is it my imagination or the kid's reaction time has become slow?"

He mumbled. Just now when he picked up Kyle, the latter wasn't able to react on time. No, Kyle didn't even see his hand until he grabbed his collar.

When Kyle came out from the Tower he was immediately able to react to the attackers who tried to probe his body but now he was slow. It's like his mind wasn't focused.

Elder Han shook his head and just threw the matter to the back of his mind.

'I think it's because he is feeling relaxed after experiencing so much for the past few months.'

At the same time, Kyle hurriedly gathered everyone and told them he was leaving for the Academy.

Baron Ohan gave him a warm hug and asked him to stay safe.

Neon gazed at Kyle and ruffled his hair.

"Just be sure to take care of yourself, lazy brother."

"I wanted to have a 1vs1 with you but it's seemed you won't be getting beaten up by me very soon. Sigh, what a pity."

Kyle gazed at him with narrowed eyes. With a smirk, he released a little of his (D)-Rank aura.

"Are you sure I will be the one getting beaten up? I feel like I should stay for a day and take revenge for the beatings you gave me when I was weak."

Neon sensed his aura and his eyes widened. Within less than a year Kyle advanced from (F-)-Rank to (D)-Rank! How was this even possible?

If someone told him this thing a year ago he would have scoffed and just laughed it out as a joke.

'Damn! I forget he got so many treasures from the Tower. There's no way he would be weak.'

Neon himself was (D)-Rank but he had already completed his Academy years! With a serious expression, he rolled up his sleeves.

"Let's see who's going to get beaten up."

Kyle looked at him with an innocent expression.

"Brother, now I am not alone."

With a wide smile, he pointed at Bia who was sitting on a nearby table. Neon looked at Bia and blinked his eyes.

"She is (D+)-Rank."

The moment these words left Kyle's mouth, Neon hurriedly straightened his sleeves.

"Haha, I was just joking. Why would I fight with my dear little brother."

He laughed and hugged Kyle. Everyone else present inside the living room also bursts into laughter.

Ray tapped Kyle's shoulder and hugged him as well. Butler Eon approached Kyle and gave him a light tap on the back.

After saying goodbye, Kyle suddenly remembers something.

"I almost forgot!"

He took out a crystal ball from his storage ring and gave it to his father.

"It's a communication device. You can contact me with it."

Baron Ohan nodded and carefully placed the crystal ball on the table.

They all left the house together and arrived in the garden where Elder Han was waiting for Kyle.

With a slight smile, Kyle waved his hand and left with Elder Han.

They travelled through teleportation arrays and within a few hours arrived in front of the Academy gate.

Kyle gazed at the familiar magnificent gate. It was already past midnight that's why except for some guards no one else was present around the gate.

The guards instantly recognized Elder Han and hurriedly opened the gate.

After walking inside the Academy for a while, Elder Han said goodbye to Kyle and disappeared leaving him behind alone.

With a serious expression, Kyle hurriedly arrived in front of the boy's dorm. After entering the building, he gazed at the door present next to his room.

'Nine must be sleeping.'

Kyle looked inside his storage ring and took out a key to open his dorm room door.

He walked inside, the room was the same as he left. A small wardrobe in a corner and a single bed in the middle. He gazed at the only table and chair present inside his room.

Bia flew inside the room and sat on the table.

With slow steps, Kyle approached the bed. There was some dust present on the bed. After dusting the bedsheets, he slumped on the bed.

'I am sleepy again.'

As he gazed at the ceiling of the room, his eyes started closing with heaviness.

Bia who was sitting at the table suddenly remembered something important and gazed at Kyle with a curious expression.

-'Kyle what is a system....'

Her words were cut off because Kyle's eyes were already closed and he was sleeping.


Bia flew on the bed and tried to wake him up but he didn't even budge from his place.

-'He is already sleeping?'

Bia gazed at Kyle's sleeping figure and just sat on a nearby pillow. She wasn't worried because she could feel he was fine.

-'Well, I will just ask him about the system thing later.'

While Kyle was sleeping, within his blood, some dim blue sparks slowly started to regain their color but the process was very slow. It's like the sparks were recovering the energy they lost.