Chapter 620: A Show Off

Dark Magus Returns

The time of completion for this event was noted, and although the Dark Faction had defeated the beast quickly, it was still slower than the Light Faction all working together.

However, it didn't matter. Even though the Dark Faction students knew this, there was a smile on their faces when they walked back to the watching area where they had come from.

In particular, though, there was a bit of outrage going on in the background. Many high-ranking members of the Light Faction had witnessed this, and the three men in the large white masks were all heads of their clan.

After making their announcements at the start of the event, they had returned to their own separate viewing area, a place just above where their students were currently stationed, and just the three of them were on their own, sitting in their seats.

On one of the large white masks with the image of a sun, there was Circle, the head of the Illumination Clan.

"The moves that kid made just now, they weren't just simple imitations; it was the exact same art," Circle said.

"Yes," the man next to him with a large mask on his face, with several indents like craters on the moon, spoke up. This man was Kawak, the head of the Aurora Clan.

"And the skill that was used was from none other than the Dawnblade Clan. It seems that trouble just keeps on following you. Do you care to explain this yourself?"

"You are accusing me?" a fierce voice replied, not even turning his head to look at the others. On his large mask, there was a line down the center that looked like that of a blade.

This man was the head of the Dawnblade Clan, Ricar Highborn.

"Why would I even dare to teach the enemy? If anything, right now, I think both of you are being foolish. It's quite obvious that the child down there has done that to cause disturbances among each other."

"Rather than focusing on the enemy, we will be distracted by this foolishness."

"You cannot doubt, though, that child had not just copied but performed the same movements," Circle added. "It is impossible for him to copy after just witnessing what had occurred once. Someone had to have taught him that."

"It appears most likely that maybe not you, but there are spies in your group."

There was a thought among the three of them, though. By chance, what if the move wasn't stolen and taught on?

What if the child really had just seen what had been performed in the last round and had copied it on the spot? If that was the case, then it would mean the Dark Faction has a genius among them.

Liam's ending performance had caused a large stir among the Light Faction that they had mostly even forgotten about what the others had accomplished, which was incredibly impressive.

The general public commented on Simyon's strong body and the fierce attacks produced by Mada and Ricktor.

It was the focus of the Light Faction clans that were stuck on Liam.

In the middle of their walk back, Safa had come close to Liam, who was smiling ear to ear.

"Did you really have to go that far?" Safa asked. "You could have done a simple strike and then let Ricktor or Mada deal with it. You're bringing too much attention on yourself too early."

Everyone had learned of Liam's skills by now. They don't know why or how, but ever since returning from the dimension, he was able to pick things up incredibly easily.

During training, there was one day where Amir had been giving him an incredibly tough time, and he had performed techniques that Amir had used himself, among other things.

It was then that they had learned, Liam now had the power to practically replicate anything he saw, as long as his body was capable of doing such a thing.

At times, what he would replicate also wouldn't be completely perfect, since some components of the movement would be missing, but it was still an incredibly impressive talent.

"Can you really blame me? Look at them, all of them were looking at me, and I saw how they all reacted when that girl from before did that move," Liam said. "So I wanted to do something better."

"If I can do the same thing as her, it shows it's not as impressive, right, and now they're all looking at me."

Safa slapped the top of her forehead, realizing that Liam had no idea what would happen now that he had used a move that was created by the Light Faction.

'Still, I wonder what happened. I knew he was good at copying, but to even copy moves that require a different Qi basis, what happened to you, Liam, what secret are you keeping from us?' Safa thought.

Up in the crowds, Anna was still stunned. She was intensely staring at every fiber of Liam as she saw him walk away.

'Everything is telling me that he's not like us, but for him to do what he has done, and for his age, if he is not from our world, then he has to have the system. I need to find any way I can to get in contact with him,' Anna thought.

Eventually, the group had all returned to their own viewing area, and the first person they could see in front of them was Murkel Dockthron, the Principal of the academy as well as the leader of the Erupting Fist Clan.

Along with him, there was Crine from the Flowing Force Clan, since his son was one of the major participants.

These were the two main members from the Dark Faction that had been selected. However, just like with the other factions, each clan was also allowed to bring two members to protect them.

Since Safa, Liam, and Simyon weren't from any prominent clans, instead of inviting members from their own clans, others had been picked.

One of them in question was Bargo from the Moonshield Clan, who had just returned from the Lethal Bite Clan, after everything that had occurred there.

"Although you did not beat the others in terms of time, you did exactly as I asked," Murkel said. "Showing your strength this early on will strike fear in them."

"Especially you, kid, you did the best out there." Murkel was staring at Liam when these words were spoken.

"I am excited for how the rest of this thing will proceed now. I think it's even great that the young woman still hasn't shown her powers yet. They are sure to be troubled and being worn down even now."

The feelings were mixed among the students. The tournament was a big deal for them, and being praised always felt nice.

However, in their minds, they were more like prisoners being held and forced to fight for Murkel, someone who they saw as an enemy and wished to break free from.

"Next up, we have the final Faction coming out to take the assessment!" The announcer said.

Immediately, they turned their heads to look out.

"Now, we might find out just who we need to watch out for in this event, the Light Faction, or the Demonic Faction!"

"The Demonic Faction!" The announcer shouted. It was their turn to take part in the assessment.