Chapter 309: Evil Dragon’s Altar, Flames of Hatred and Vengeance

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 309: Evil Dragon’s Altar, Flames of Hatred and Vengeance

Stingham rushed after Ayrin, Rinloran, and Lotton down the stairs into the oncoming violent wind and currents of fragmented particles. He strained to keep his eyes open.

The reddish purple steps were rather slippery, causing them to feel as if they were gliding atop a current of air as they charged down into the darkness.

A loudly rumbling platform with an altar emerged before them as waves of even more intense arcane energy crashed into them.

“Ayrin!” Stingham cried out as he felt the change in his surroundings, “The aura of Evil Dragon particles has become even thicker. Doesn’t this mean that it’s becoming more dangerous?!”

“Think only of victory, and you will no longer consider the dangers,” Ayrin fervently replied as he remembered the sacrifice of the nameless teacher from Golden Stag Academy.

“Furthermore, we are very strong. We are no weaker than those arcane...