Chapter 462: Deviant Six

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 462: Deviant Six


“What!? At least thirty to forty arcane teams participated in the encirclement of the Holy Dawn Academy team and were annihilated?”

“It’s done by only half of the team? That bizarre Ayrin and high elf Rinloran were not even there?”

“Even Golden Statue Kanhur and the Demonic Monster Team were killed. Baratheon’s dragon egg is not so easy to earn.”

While Ayrin’s group met up with Charlotte, the news of the battles on the border had already spread out and shocked the entire Doraster Continent.

“They assassinated House Roland’s Guardian Dragon and Emperor Evil Eye in one day? They even defeated House Roland’s strongest arcane team afterwards?”

“They forced House Roland to enter a truce with House Eclipse Moon?”

Soon, some arcane teams obtained news regarding the reason Baratheon and House Roland retreated from the territory of House Eclipse Moon.

“This is no longer on the level of fiends, right? They are totally deviants!”

“They are...