Chapter 520: Power Type King Worm

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 520: Power Type King Worm


“You five, stop pretending. Get up, now!” Ayrin shouted towards the five monsters at the back.

“You even saw through this?”

The five monsters wanted to cry as they got up.


The moment they stood up, the ground within the Heretic Judgement Center split open and a massive, armored worm crawled out from the ground.


The five monsters shuddered and almost collapsed again.

“Aren’t you monsters yourselves? Yet you’re calling others monsters?” Meraly was speechless.

“Is this that fat worm from before? It can even use materialized armor?” Ayrin shouted in surprise.

The armor of the worm released powerful arcane energy fluctuations. It was clearly made from materialized particles.

“But if I peel off the armor, its flesh should still be tasty.” He began mumbling again, “It’s so big. One third...