Chapter 545: Eternal Winter: Frozen Battlefield!

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 545: Eternal Winter: Frozen Battlefield!



A large crowd of undead arcane masters that squeezed into the entrance were blasted away.

Countless tree root shards scattered out.

Ayrin rushed out of the breached entrance after them.

“It actually looks like this!”

Ayrin was surprised when he saw the canopy of dark red tree branches and leaves with countless spider webs weaved in between.

“So savage!”

“He fought his way outside!”

“Isn’t that suicidal?”

Seeing Ayrin making his way out of the stronghold, the Royal Thorns Corps arcane masters felt a chill.

Even the most lunatic members in the Corps would never dare to charge out like that unless there was a special order.

It was because the arcane power clashes and explosions had become a complete chaos outside. Not only were there undead arcane masters, the artifacts on top of the metal wall were also unleashing arcane...