Chapter 568: So What If I Die Fighting?

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 568: So What If I Die Fighting?


Countless sword-like ice peaks formed the Nether Mountain Range.

Since the Era of the War with Dragons, the Nether Mountain Range was an insurmountable mountain range even for elven bloodline arcane masters bringing elven rations.

Finding and digging a path through the nearly vertical ice surfaces required a large amount of stamina. The extreme cold and thin air also hastened the loss of stamina.

More importantly, the center between many vertical ice peaks became natural gale zones which were even more powerful than forbidden skills cast by expert arcane masters.

The gale was on a level that could easily sweep an arcane masters thousands of meters away.

Hence, the linking method arcane teams normally used when climbing mountains was useless. If they encountered a sudden assault by such a strong gale, it would not just be a few swept away, the whole chain would be wiped...