Chapter 572: Surprisingly Easy, Incomprehensible Demihumans

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 572: Surprisingly Easy, Incomprehensible Demihumans


It was dawn in the Thorns Swamp.

The thin fog had yet to clear and the sun had yet to rise. A group of demihumans gathered around a dead thorny tree and dug for worms. Each time one of them dug out a fat white worm, he would cheer and stuff the worm into his mouth to chew.

The demihumans were never picky about food.

The Woodworms were a delicious breakfast to them. If they found none, they could always make do with some tree bark.

Suddenly, a terrified yell came from nearby, “Run! That humanoid monster is coming!”

The group of demihumans raised their heads and saw the nearby demihumans who were scavenging for breakfast desperately running away.

“What humanoid monster?”

They were still confused until a familiar figure appeared in their sight.

“The humanoid monster that killed the Bone Emperor?”


They immediately became terrified. They began screaming and running away just like the others.

“They’re really cowards!” Ayrin exclaimed while sitting on the Shoal Lord.

After an entire...