Chapter 598: Jean Camus’s Trembling

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 598: Jean Camus’s Trembling


“There won’t be any miracle.”

Nether Bishop Lante laughed cruelly. A strange arcane energy fluctuation suddenly surged out from his hands.

The chain entangling the Storm Dragon tightened and cut into its body.

Mysterious Draconic chants came from the Storm Dragon’s mouth, but it seemed to be useless as its cries of pain rang out more powerfully.

The chains deeply dug into its body. Especially the chain wrapped around its neck was glowly brightly and deeply melded into its flesh. Its entire head was in danger of getting cut off.

“Eye of the Storm: Void Piercing Escape!”

The master of House Baratheon had a bitter expression. Raging winds surged around him and began to form a huge yellowish eyeball in the sky.


In the next moment, that eyeball suddenly contracted towards the center. The master of House Baratheon disappeared...