Chapter 599: Stingham Meatshield, Ayrin’s Breakthrough

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 599: Stingham Meatshield, Ayrin’s Breakthrough


Along with the shattering space, the body of the priestess also started cracking apart.


A unique presence shook from the edge of her palm.

Nether Bishop Lante roared as his body also turned black and white.


A streak of green flames rushed towards Nether Bishop Lante. It was the Green Dragon Spear Stingham threw, but the space around Nether Bishop Lante seemed to have twisted as the green flames could not reach him. It instead began circling around him.


The passage behind Lante fully opened.

Countless blue belts of light spread out from the passage. Ayrin could see a light silhouette on the other side of the passage that looked like Lante’s doppelganger. Countless blue belts of light connected to that light silhouette.

“It’s actually this forbidden skill......”

Ayrin opened his...