Chapter 620: Companion’s Determination

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 620: Companion’s Determination


“Huff...... Huff......”

The knocked back Ayrin was breathing like bellows blowing wind.

His arcane energy fluctuation was much more intense than normal, but his body was clearly reaching its limits. His overflowing sweat and blood were vaporized by the intense heat released by his tattered body. His muscles were cramped up after over exerting his strength.

However, that light of determination in his eyes was still ever there like the stars in the sky.

Even Ayrin himself could feel his heart struggling due to him over exerting himself. His entire body was like a tattered bellow, but his mind was becoming cooler and more determined.

This is not the Evil Dragon!

This is just Rinloran, who was temporarily possessed by the Evil Dragon’s consciousness!

This is my teammate...... my friend!

It’s because of our dream under the...