Chapter 621: Stop Running Away

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 621: Stop Running Away


A familiar voice that seemed to come from the deepest abyss echoed in Stingham’s head, “Stingham...... Wake up...... Stingham...... Wake up......”

“Run! Moss! Ferguillo! Shanna! Run! Run away......”

Stingham suddenly woke up. He sat up in his bed soaked in sweat.

“Where am I?”

As the first ray of light entered his eyes, he felt everything that happened was unreal. He was in a clean and empty room, the curtains fluttering under the breeze.

Then, he noticed he was completely bandaged up and saw Ciaran sitting in front of his bed, “Teacher Ciaran?”

Ciaran watched the awoken Stingham and gently spoke, “Don’t worry, we are in the Holy Dawn Academy.”

“Holy Dawn Academy? We have already returned to the Holy Dawn Academy?” Stingham mumbled. Suddenly, he tensed up, “Jeriya! Where’s that Jeriya, the girl transporting Rinsyi’s...