Chapter 634: Born For Fighting

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 634: Born For Fighting


An enormous figure approached from deep in the forest.

It was easily over five meters tall, with two horns atop its head and fur covering the rest of its body. It looked like an ox at first glance.

However, its limbs were similar to a polar bear’s and its claws grew several meters long.

War Beast!

It was definitely a War Beast described in many ancient documents!

There were countless powerful beasts and monsters, but there was only one type that was given the name War Beast!

This beast was born for fighting.

Their bodies were a desert of arcane power. Just like the high barbarian bloodline, they had no ability to integrate arcane power and could not use any arcane skills.

However, they still possessed terrifying fighting strength.

They were born without pain receptors, their talent was herculean...