Chapter 650: Ayrin’s Bizarre Plan

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 650: Ayrin’s Bizarre Plan


At the heart of the demihuman camp, there was a huge warehouse built with redwood.

There was a huge stone chimney at the center of the warehouse, smoke constantly rising up from it into the air.

The Corps arcane masters that originally despised demihumans now showed true respect, similar to the Ice Giants watching over the Snowfall Forest.

Although the demihuman leader Silva selfishly forbade any Corps arcane master from entering the demihuman camp, they already knew that there was an incredible artificer within the demihuman army.

Because when the demihuman army first arrived, they did not have any of this standard equipment.


The demihuman army could salvage sufficient food even in the most barren lands. On the battlefield at the Doa Royal Palace, they had already displayed their salvaging ability to the extreme.

They believed absolutely...