Chapter 210: The Final Battle (2)

Divine Throne of Primordial Blood

Chapter 210: The Final Battle (2)


Following Su Chen’s yell, his regiment of five thousand Iguana Cavalry charged at the Beasts. Su Chen himself was leading at the very front.

The Ravagers fought the Beasts with the simplest tactics, but simple didn’t necessarily mean weak. Actually, this simplicity made the battle far crueler and direct than usual.

Their targets drew closer and closer. As they slowly advanced, Su Chen suddenly gestured, causing a wave of flames to surge forth.

These flames were actually a simplified version of his Erupting Firehawk technique. Ravagers fought with simple tactics, including the way they used Origin Energy. As a result, Su Chen had to quietly alter his Firehawk technique to remove the hawk’s body while leaving the hawk wings in place, eventually forming a flaming cone.

The flaming cones were just as powerful as the Firehawks, but they weren’t as agile and couldn’t attack from afar or chase after their targets. However, those latter two effects weren’t as important in such a large battlefield.

The flames rolled forwards relentlessly, and the few Demonic Beasts who charged forwards were immediately set on fire. They began to howl with rage.

After absorbing fire-type Origin Energy and ascending to the Light Shaking Realm, Su Chen’s familiarity with that type of Origin Energy had reached quite the frightening level. However, when he unleashed his power at this moment, he was only able to inflict light wounds on them. It wasn’t that these Demonic Beasts were too powerful; rather, the chaotic Origin Energy flow had greatly weakened his attacks.

Su Chen didn’t think anything of it. The goal of this fight wasn’t actually to kill his opponents, as he was focusing on carrying out his own plans and testing out his new hypothesis.

The howls of the burning beasts drew even more Demonic Beasts towards the calvary, and thousands of beasts turned around to charge at Su Chen.

Su Chen slowed down appropriately, and large numbers of Ravagers appeared at his side, fearlessly charging forward to greet the Beasts.

The Ravagers’ innately brave temperament and their rage from having their homeland invaded made it so that they had absolutely no fear of these vicious Demonic Beasts. All they felt was unending anger and hostility, in turn causing their blood to boil.

Of course, Su Chen had not been stirred into a frenzy. Even if he had personally made an aggressive move, his heart remained calm, and his blood ice cold.

Maintaining your cool in battle was not an easy thing to do. Even if he didn’t belong to either side, just being in the middle of a fierce battle could easily influence a person until they lost themselves in the atmosphere.

However, Su Chen could easily control himself. He activated the consciousness crystal, turning everything around him into numbers that he began to rapidly process in his brain.

A hundred feet to his left, three Ravagers were facing off against a single Demonic Beast, fighting as hard as they could. To his right, five Ravagers were fighting two Demonic Beasts, but they were unaware that an Iron-Crowned Eagle was about to surprise attack them from the sky. In front of him, a Black-Backed Rhinoceros was about to use a charging Origin Skill in three, two, one…...


Ten or so Ravagers were sent flying by the violent collision.

However, Su Chen wasn’t satisfied. He wasn’t trying to predict his opponents’ attacks but rather was trying to predict the general flow of energy. The things he noticed before were just details of lesser importance.

The Microscopic Eye could see down to the smallest detail, able to perceive the intrinsic essence of most objects. As he continued to use it throughout the years, its perceptive ability had greatly increased. Now, when he activated it to its fullest extent, Su Chen’s surroundings turned into quite the spectacular sight.

The lifeforms around him blurred into silhouettes, and the flow of Origin Energy became distinct streaks of light. Different colors of light represented different kinds of energy, and the density of the color was indicative of the energy concentration at that space. These colored streaks of light constantly circulated and moved about, representing the flow of energy due to the use of Origin Skills.

Su Chen’s world had suddenly become a dazzlingly multicolored one.

If anyone was suddenly thrust into this kind of environment, then they would definitely have a hard time adjusting to it. However, Su Chen was constantly using it as his eye steadily developed. Early on, he had been unable to see the energy moving beneath a layer of clothing, but now the energy was multicolored. This path had been long and fraught with difficulty.

Now, the seed was starting to sprout and grow, and had even borne fruit a number of times. It was no surprise, then, that Su Chen was completely used to it.

He gently tugged at the iguana beneath him, and the iguana took a step to the side in response. A sharp, crescent-shaped streak of light shot past him.

When Su Chen had started to move, this crescent-shaped streak of light hadn’t even been fired yet.

However, even amongst the chaotic, brilliant flowing energy, he had managed to spot a gathering of light that seemed to be preparing to burst in his direction.

As such, he took an evasive step to the side before the Origin Skill had even been launched.

Even so, this was still not what he was after.

He wanted more!

Countless streaks of light blended together indiscriminately, transforming and colliding with one another, colliding together and running off on new trajectories.

Colors constantly appeared and disappeared, sometimes mixing together and sometimes colliding, creating all kinds of energy explosions in the air.

All Origin Skills could be described as the release of energy in some way, shape, or form. However, the uniqueness of the skill depended on the colors of the energy that mixed and blended together.

This was the greatest understanding of the microscopic level that Su Chen had managed to reach.

If he wanted to control the flowing energy, then he had to first understand the principles behind their usage and activation.

For instance, this one.

He stared intently at one of the streaks of light.

This streak of light was a relatively simple mix of orange and red.

Red represented fire-type Origin Energy, while orange represented vitality-type Origin Energy.

Their real-world manifestation was a battle between a Totemic Warrior and a Flaming Butterfly. The shining totemic inscriptions glowed with a bright orange color, which intensified to meet the raging red flames unleashed by the Flaming Butterfly. The Totemic Warrior and the Flaming Butterfly were both lower-tier soldiers for their respective armies, only primarily useful as cannon fodder, so their combat styles were also quite simple. For this reason, the color of their energies was simple and easy to distinguish.

The rapid energy appeared to disperse extremely quickly in this region. Any energy that entered this area would be affected.

Affected, not weakened.

Su Chen very quickly discovered that the trajectory of the Origin Energy was the most important factor in determining who came out on top. Origin Energy that went with the flow ended up being more powerful than Origin Energy that went against it.

“So that’s how it is. The truth of the matter is so simple that it’s frightening,” Su Chen said with a slight chuckle.

The power of an Origin Skill would weaken when turbulent Origin Energy flowed around it, causing its impact to rapidly dissipate. But no matter how turbulent the flow of Origin Energy was, there were always moments where the Origin Energy was flowing in an overall uniform direction. This was the moment where Origin Skills aligned with this flow would experience a multiplicative increase in strength, while Origin Skills going against the flow would be greatly weakened.

Capturing the trajectory of Origin Energy was obviously not an easy matter, but if you weren’t greedy, then capturing a few was still possible.

Su Chen blinked, causing his vision to return to that of the real world. However, a unique scene appeared in his sight at this moment. At the center of his visual field, a faint light could be seen dancing back and forth.

These selectively filtered streaks of light that appeared in Su Chen’s vision was the most concentrated areas of Origin Energy. Each of them represented an Origin Skill that was in the process of being formed.

An instant later, a wave of blue flames surged towards Su Chen’s direction. At the same time, Su Chen punched out with his fist, which had begun to glow with totemic light. Of course, these were not real totemic inscriptions, but rather a result of an Origin Conducting Tool that Su Chen had created. This Origin Conducting Tool was an extremely thin, transparent layer that he had applied over his skin and would activate once placed on someone’s body. In other words, it was a more delicate and inconspicuous version of the Shadow Flame Glove.

Back then, Su Chen had only created a single Origin Conducting Tool. As the years went by, however, he hadn’t created any Origin Conducting Tools that were more powerful. However, he had refined his creation process a great deal for the sake of imitating the Ravagers’ totemic inscriptions. Even though this tool was not that powerful, it was quite a passable imitation of the Ravagers’ ability.

As the fist slammed through the air, the blue flames seemed to suddenly stop in place before rapidly being extinguished.

Energy was invisible, difficult to discern, and impossible to analyze. However, in Su Chen’s eyes, it had taken on a visible form, and he was able to calculate its trajectories. With both shade and trajectory, he could easily get a handle on the flow of Origin Energy, allowing him to fully utilize his strength as he advanced.

Of course, the prerequisite to this was that his opponent wasn’t too powerful. In other words, this ability was really only useful when bullying weaker individuals.

Even so, this ability was already incredibly shocking.

But this was not what Su Chen was after.

A high-tiered Demonic Beast howled as it charged at him, opening its maw to unleash a gust of powerful wind. However, this wind was not aimed at Su Chen specifically, but rather at him and all the Ravagers around him.

At the exact same moment that it opened its mouth, Su Chen attacked again. The same overbearing punch appeared, but hidden within the violent momentum of the punch was a subtle understanding and control of Origin Energy. An instant later, the frightening wind suddenly turned sharply and instead blew over a few low-tier Demonic Beasts, sending them flying.

The high-tiered Demonic Beast was taken aback when it saw that its attack had been redirected. However, it was totally unaware that Su Chen had actually intentionally taken control of his attack.

“Still not enough!” Su Chen muttered.

What he wanted was to be able to maintain his own strength in the midst of this chaotic field while freely controlling others’ strength. He wanted more, so he was going to try different methods.

Even more attacks surged his way from every direction, entering this chaotic, turbulent region.

Su Chen, however, acted as if he was merely pacing around his own home’s flower garden. He walked amongst the storm of energy, but shockingly, he was not injured at all.

He seemed to pass right through the gaps in their attacks, narrowly avoiding danger every time. Occasionally, there would be an attack he couldn’t dodge, but then he would just make a slight move, causing these attacks to deviate in different ways.

At the beginning, Su Chen had been walking incredibly slowly, but as he grew more and more comfortable and competent at analyzing the flow of energy, he began to walk faster, all the way until he was directly in the midst of the Beast army.

The countless Beasts howled and unleashed countless attacks in his direction.

“Since that’s the case, then let’s try out my new understanding,” Su Chen muttered faintly.

He withdrew his right hand and pushed it out in front of him. At the same time that his palm strike flew forth, a blast of thunder and lightning exploded forth in all directions. Because of the countless Origin Skills being unleashed all at once, the chaotic Origin Energy had actually formed a massive vortex, drastically decreasing the power of any Origin Skill that entered the vortex’s area of influence.

However, Su Chen’s attack wasn’t weakened at all. Not only that, but it seemed to be expanding in size, with Su Chen as the center, rapidly forming a massive maelstrom of lightning that began to spread in all directions.


The powerful lightning abruptly swelled up and spread to a fifty foot radius, with Su Chen at the center. Only Su Chen himself was in a safe location. Even after such a frightening explosion of power, the white tendrils of lightning continued to dance through the air like silver snakes. It took a long time for them to finally dissipate.

No one knew that this furious bout of lightning was just a careless attack from Su Chen. If he had used his full strength, then the might of his attack would have been multiplied many times over.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his lips as he said to himself, “That’s more like it. That’s what I was aiming for.”