Chapter 213: Battle Between Emperors (1)

Divine Throne of Primordial Blood

Chapter 213: Battle Between Emperors (1)

The moment Su Chen left, Anubi began his retreat.

This Crazed Monarch of the Inferno Tribe had completely forgotten about trying to create history. Now, he just wanted to get out of this place as quickly as possible while evading the pursuit of the Demonic Emperor.

Gucha said, “Your Majesty, please leave. I will handle the defense of this place.”

The Emperor could leave, but as the commander-in-chief of the army, Gucha could not.

Anubi glanced at him. “If that’s the case, then I’ll leave everything in your hands.”

He turned around to leave, not hesitant in the slightest.

Gucha sighed as he stared at Anubi’s quickly diminishing figure.

Perhaps his own death might even be received as good news by this incompetent ruler.

He rubbed his collar as he stared off into the distance.

At this moment, the blood-colored floating palace was doing its best to break through the Ravager army’s line. Under normal circumstances, by the time it reached this location, Anubi and Goncourt should have been able to retreat far away.

However, at that moment, the floating palace suddenly unleashed a strange, bloody fog which began to surge forward in a wave. In but a moment, it had inundated most of the battlefield, now looking like a long streamer. No matter how violently the Origin Energy around it fluctuated or how fierce the attacks were, this “ribbon” of red fog refused to dissipate.

An instant later, a figure flew out from the palace, following the path laid out by this ribbon of fog.

The figure was that of a middle-aged scholar who wielded a staff embedded with three gems. As he walked casually along the ribbon of fog, his movements seemed leisurely, but every step he took propelled him a great distance forwards. But actually, he wasn’t really walking; the red ribbon was pulling him along with every step, making it so that he appeared above Gucha in the mere blink of the eye.

A razor-sharp blade of light sliced through the air.

As a peak-tier Totemic Warrior who had undergone five baptisms, Gucha unleashed a full powered strike that contained everything he had comprehended about the path of the blade. It seemed quite simple, but the strike contained a boundless killing intent within it. In that moment, it seemed as if the blade strike was strong enough to split a mountain, and even tear open the sky.

Even Gucha himself felt that this blade strike was the most beautiful blade strike he had ever unleashed since his birth, and that even the Scarlet Heart would be forced to take with it seriously.

However, he was still wrong.

The Scarlet Heart continued to calmly walk across the ribbon, forming a strange equilibrium between traveling extremely quickly and extremely slowly. His entire figure suddenly seemed to turn illusory.

As Gucha’s blade descended, he made no attempts to block or dodge it. Instead, he continued to calmly walk forwards.

Gucha’s blade sliced right through the Scarlet Heart’s figure, but there was no resistance.

It was as if the Scarlet Heart was not actually part of this world, and actually existed in a different plane of space-time.

At the same time, the staff in the Scarlet Heart’s hand began to glow.

More specifically, the black jewel was glowing.

A streak of black light slammed into Gucha, causing his body to instantly decay and wither.

Even Gucha’s vibrant life force and powerful Origin Energy had no way of slowing this decay. He could only watch as his body grew older and older and his vitality sharply declined.

“Oh……” this fierce warrior sighed weakly. “The Black Light of Death……”

As he rallied the remaining energy and life force within his body, the black light faded slightly.

“Hm?” The strolling Scarlet Heart stopped in place when he saw this.

When he stopped, it seemed as if time itself had stopped. The ribbon stopped moving, and even the fresh blood seemed to start congealing.

A slight trace of praise flashed across the Scarlet Heart’s eyes as he stared at Gucha. “A truly powerful Ravager warrior. Unfortunately, he is only at the King level.”

He waved his hand. Another black wave surged forth, completely swallowing Gucha whole.

Having taken care of this, the Scarlet Heart continued to amble along forward.

As before, he seemed to be walking quite slowly, but the gap between him and Anubi only grew shorter quicker than ever.

Eventually, he was only an arrow’s flight away from Anubi.

In a faint voice, he said, “The Mighty Anubi Inferno, as long as you are willing to hand over what you have taken from me, I can forget about all of our enmity. I am even willing to hand over my tens of thousands of Beast subordinates. The blood and flesh of these Beasts should be more than sufficient for you to recover what you have lost.”

Anubi shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The Scarlet Heart frowned slightly. “That is not the answer I want to hear.”

“That is the only answer you will get!” a brave, cruel Ravager Warrior yelled as he hurled his handaxe at the Scarlet Heart.

Lightning channeled down from the sky into the axe, filling it with an earth-shattering power.

This blustering energy, however, was so insignificant in the Scarlet Heart’s eyes that he didn’t even need to take any particular measures to deal with it.

He gently waved his hand in front of him, stopping the handaxe from advancing any further. As the handaxe floated in the air, he continued to stare at Anubi as he asked, “So is that your final answer?”

The Scarlet Heart considered himself a noble amongst the Beasts, which was why he had chosen the form of a gentleman. Unless he was angered to an extreme degree, it was very rare for him to lose his self-control.

At this moment, his tone was very domineering, already demonstrating his dissatisfaction and impatience. He didn’t have much time to waste, as there were already many Ravagers behind him pushing through to try and catch up.

Yet Anubi was still retreating.

In terms of strength, this emperor was a peak-tier Totemic Warrior that had undergone six baptisms, but that didn’t mean that he was a truly powerful expert. He lacked true combat experience and the bravery to put his life on the line, making it so that his actual combat prowess was possibly even lower than Gucha’s.

Anubi had no intentions of fighting to the death. Even members of the most powerful, resolute race could become soft after decades of a dissolute lifestyle.

As such, he didn’t even hesitate to try and run.

“You greatly disappoint me!” The Scarlet Heart had lost its final shred of patience.

He calmly raised his tricolored staff into the air. A blue light began to rain down in front of him.

This blue light rapidly spread across the ground, not harming anything that it shone on. Instead, it just continued to advance and expand relentlessly.

Just as it was about to touch Anubi, an ancient, shriveled hand made a stopping gesture.

The blue screen of light suddenly stopped in place.

It was Goncourt.

The old man stared at the Scarlet Heart. “Your Majesty, we do not have what you want.”

The Scarlet Heart continued to use his staff, and the blue screen of light actually shattered into fragments that looked like stars in the sky. “But I can sense their aura.”

Goncourt’s expression was incredibly focused. “Deep Blue Domain…… Your Majesty, I think that there is a huge misunderstanding here……”

“There is no misunderstanding. You are just delaying for time,” the Scarlet Heart replied in a low voice.

If it weren’t for the fact that Anubi was currently running, or that the Ravager army was in hot pursuit, he could have been persuaded to take the time to talk things over with his opponent.

However, the situation was urgent. Any and all attempts at negotiations were regarded as delay tactics, and the Scarlet Heart had no interest in wasting time. As such, he continuously attacked without hesitation.

The Deep Blue Domain continued to spread, causing a wave of sluggishness to overcome everyone within its domain. Even the wind seemed to become lazy. This effect was similar to Shi Kaihuang’s Sumeru Void skill, but the main difference was that one was a domain, while the other was an Origin Skill. Origin Skills had extremely powerful one-time-use effects, making them difficult to sustain and simpler to nullify. Domains, however, were different. They were a special property that came from the user themselves, giving them an intrinsic and long-lasting quality. They could be activated for long periods of time to great effect. More importantly, they possessed a fundamentally high level of authority that made it so that they could not be so easily nullified.

When the Scarlet Heart activated his Deep Blue Domain, anything within the domain would slow down. This slowing wasn’t merely applied to specific targets and objects, but even applied to any Origin Energy caught within the domain. In other words, it caused the mobility of Origin Energy to decrease, which meant that the amount available for usage in the surroundings decreased as well, and Origin Skills would become much weaker. Some Origin Skills might form more slowly, some might become less powerful, and others might be totally impossible to activate. However, these effects did not apply to the owner of the domain. As soon as the Scarlet Heart activated this domain, no one would be able to fight back against him unless they were an expert of the same level.

The Ravagers lacked control over Origin Energy. They had no such domains, but they also didn’t need domains. As soon as powerful Ravagers reached the peak of their strength, they could exceed the limits imposed by nature and complete their totemic cultivation. Their powerful life force did not need to be supported by Origin Energy; their bodies were like a realm unto their own, a closed system that they had absolute say over. As such, they could easily use their physical bodies to fight back against the domain.

Unfortunately, there were no such experts on the battlefield.

The only two individuals that had reached the Perfection Realm were Sachar and Averigus. The former had died on the battlefield as his strength declined due to old age, and the latter had been left behind by Anubi due to jealousy.

Thankfully, Goncourt was not weak either.

As the Head Ancestor of the Divine Shrine, this old man’s physical strength may have declined, but he possessed a unique way of using Origin Energy. More importantly, he was not fighting alone.

With a low growl, Goncourt tossed out a skull.

That skull was shaped like a small beast’s head. It had been doused in medicine, giving it a sinister and vast aura. Two massive canines jutted out from its jaw. The instant that it was pulled out, the Dark Blue Domain seemed to shudder and fade slightly.

“The Tattooed Rau? You poor bastard, so you were killed by the Ravagers, and you were even turned into an Origin Tool,” the Scarlet Heart muttered to himself.

Goncourt had pulled out a Demonic Emperor’s skull, which belonged to an old friend of the Scarlet Heart’s, the previous ruler of the western border.

“Perhaps the Ravagers will obtain another skull today,” Goncourt replied calmly.

Since they had already come to blows, then there was no point in still hoping for a peaceful negotiation. Right and wrong could only be clearly determined with the requisite strength.

The Scarlet Heart also stopped wasting his breath. He slowly raised his staff yet again, and a black streak of light snaked towards Goncourt.

The Scarlet Heart was a true expert when it came to controlling Origin Energy. He had a deep understanding of three different kinds of elemental power, and his comprehension of water had reached the point that he had developed a domain from it. The red and black gemstones corresponded to the elements of fire and darkness. The former was violent, powerful, and capable of causing great devastation, while the latter possessed incredibly corrosive properties. The Scarlet Heart could also use a fourth element: lightning. Unfortunately, his comprehension of lightning had just started when Su Chen stole the Thunder Spirit Totem. A route of further ascension had been cut off just like that.

These black snakes he was unleashing were Death Withering Snakes.

Countless Death Withering Snakes surged forth, melding into a wave of pure darkness that pressed down relentlessly. This was one of the Scarlet Heart’s unrivalled techniques.

He had immediately opened with a killing technique.

He wanted to finish this battle as quickly as possible!