Chapter 613: His Manic Dream Came True

From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

"This bag is dirty," Jay said, lifting June's old, black backpack. He opened it and saw that most of the contents were jumbled inside. As much as June was a clean and organized person, his bag was always messy, as he never took anything out of it. "Let's see," Jay said, rummaging through the bags that luxurious brands had sent June. There were some from Proda, Luis Baton, Channel, and Door. "Why isn't he using any of these?" he asked, grabbing the large Channel bag and placing it on his bed. Then, he started transferring June's items from the old bag to the Channel bag. There was some old unopened gum, some faded receipts, and an old brick phone in his bag. Then, Jay pulled something out—a black cloth of some sort, making him frown.

"What is this?" he muttered, stretching the fabric and finding that it appeared like something Catwoman would wear. "Well, well, well," Jay smirked. "June is much more freakier than I expected. Well played, my friend. Well played. I don't kink shame in this household, so I'll put this in your bag." With that, Jay closed the Channel bag and hoisted it over his shoulder. Then, he tossed the old backpack into the laundry. Afterward, he went down the car and waited for June to finish getting ready.

He sang some of EVE's songs in the car, even breaking out into choreography with some of them. When June got inside the car, Jay smiled widely. Seeing the artists he managed was truly the light of his day! He could see himself being a manager for more than a hundred years! "Did you get my bag?" June asked just as Jay drove.

"Yeah," Jay responded. "It's in the back." June nodded and reached for his familiar backpack. However, his eyebrows furrowed when he felt smooth leather instead. He peeked at the backseat and saw a luxurious bag instead of his favorite backpack, causing his frown to deepen. "That's not my bag," June deadpanned. "That is one of your bags," Jay answered. "Your bag looks like it hasn't been washed since 1989, so I placed it in the laundry." June sighed in frustration as he rummaged through his bag. "But that bag has everything I need," June complained. "I placed all of your items in this bag, too," Jay said. "Even the Catwoman costume." He smirked at June and suggestively wiggled his brows.

June frowned in confusion. "What the heck are you talking about?" June asked. "Nothing. Nothing to be ashamed of in this household," Jay said, pulling up to the filming site. "Anyway, don't worry. I really place everything inside that bag," Jay said.

"I'll have your bag cleaned and ready for tomorrow." June sighed in defeat before placing the bag on his shoulder. "Fine," June said. "Just as long as I can get it back again tomorrow." Jay chuckled and nodded. "I'm sure. Sometimes, you really are just a small child." June shook his head and left the car to go to the filming site. Meanwhile, at the filming site, Director Jam had just arrived. He had a new, expensive bag from the brand Channel, and he was bombarded with compliments as soon as he placed it down.

"OMG! That's the bag that I want." "How much is this?" his assistant asked. "Around 14k," Director Jam proudly said. "Welp," the others sighed in disappointment. "Looks like I'm not going to be able to buy that in this life." "That bag can feed my entire family for ten years."

"Well, no stalling this time! Is Lin Zhi ready?" Director Jam asked. "I'm here, Director," Lin Zhi said, dressed more simply this time since they were going to film his backstory as a teenager. "Good," Director Jam said. "Let's get started right away."

Meanwhile, on his way there, June dropped the 14,000 dollar bag like it was just a piece of candy. He stared at it for a couple of seconds before picking it up. "So bulky for no reason," June muttered before going inside. As soon as he got there, he saw that they were already filming, so he quickly placed his bag on a random surface before going to the make-up room. He wore a plain black robe while the make-up artist did his hair and make-up. They used lighter make-up this time since he was going to portray his younger selves. "You don't look a day older than 18," the make-up artist said as soon as she was done. June smiled at himself in the mirror. He really looked young in this make-up style. Then, he went out of the make-up tent and waited for Lin Zhi's scene to finish. He was currently eating with his siblings and parents, so June knew that his part was coming next. Therefore, he prepared himself to go into the frame once he was given the cue. The scene was set in a grand hall of a luxurious hanok. It was adorned with gold vases and flickering torches. The main family, comprised of Lord Manseok, Lady Eli, and their three children, one of them being Yian, all sat on a wooden table as they ate supper.

"Yian, my dear, your father and I couldn't be prouder of your progress in mastering arcane arts," Lady Eli said with a proud smile.

Yian nodded confidently. "Indeed, Mother. I've dedicated myself tirelessly to honing my skills. Why, just yesterday, I summoned a storm that shook the foundations of the forest."

"Well done, son," Lord Manseok chuckled. "I see that you're living up to being my heir." "Of course, father," Yian said. "I shall follow your footsteps in suppressing the other emotions. This world is becoming too light, and the shadows are getting cast to the side." "We're already one step toward our goal," Lord Manseok said. "I have planned on eliminating the leader of the Crimson clan. Things shall take effect by tomorrow." June mentally said the lines along with Lord Manseok. Then, as he said the last words, he quickly entered the hall, carrying a tray of goblets filled with water. He moved gracefully, his movements almost ethereal.

Jian bowed respectfully. "My lords, my lady. Might I offer you some refreshments?"

On the table filled with shadow-like visuals, June lit up the room.

His soft features and piercing eyes stood out, making him the most handsome person in the room.

"Goodness," Hana said as she stared at the screen. "Could a servant look this handsome?" "Just seeing him from this screen is refreshing me already." "I could stare at his face all day." "His lips are so plump!"

Hana turned around when she heard that particular comment, causing the part-time worker to look away with pink cheeks.

"Ah, Jian," Yian said through clenched teeth. "Did you deliver the message like I told you to?" "Yes, young lord," Jian bowed. "Good," Yian coldly said before clearing his throat. "Now, where were we? Ah, yes! I was about to tell you about the time I single-handedly quelled a dragon's fury with my mastery of fire magic..."

Even as the scene continued, Director Jam couldn't take his eyes away from June. He had a solo shot just now, and he appeared very dashing—almost familiar. Director Jam fanned himself with his hands as he felt himself getting hot. Then, he stood for a moment to get his bag since his fan was inside. He grabbed the expensive Channel bag and opened it to retrieve his fan. However, he was met with a piece of black clothing instead—one that looked very familiar. Then, Director Jam froze when he saw the logo on the inner backside of the clothing. "This is the one I'm looking for," he whispered.