Chapter 244

Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Geonis and Lennok, having reached a mutual agreement to engage in a sparring match, expediently arranged for a stage to be erected.

A seventh-level Archmage, displaying his magical prowess in person, graced the occasion.

Furthermore, his adversary was an Ice Mage, possessing attributes that were diametrically opposite.

Among the wizards residing within the tower, not a single one could resist the allure of this impending duel, and curiosity ran rampant.

Positioned within the training area’s heart, the two sorcerers confidently ventured onto the open terrain, promptly harnessing their mana.


In the presence of hundreds of onlookers, Geonis nonchalantly conjured flames at his fingertips, offering a faint, enigmatic smile.

A soft murmur, just audible enough for Lennok’s ears to capture.

In the midst of the training area, the two wizards remained on the open ground, serenely amassing their magical energies.


In the presence of hundreds of mages, Geonis calmly conjured flames at his fingertips, offering a faint smile.

“I just want to gauge the level of your Ice Magic, so don’t be too nervous.”


“Seeing that you’re an unfamiliar face, you don’t seem to be affiliated with the Magic Tower… It’s remarkable that you’ve reached this level without formal training. Have confidence.”

Lennok responded with a smirk, interpreting Geonis’s seemingly sincere words as a subtle display of superiority over a non-tower mage. It was a refreshing change from the norm for Lennok, who had seldom encountered such contempt.

“The wizards of the tower have a unique way of praising, or is it that you’re particularly good at being indirect?” Lennok smirked, causing a subtle shift in Geonis’s expression.

Observing Geonis’s reaction, Lennok produced a white crystal at his fingertips.


“Feel free to do your best. It’s not something that can be controlled easily.”

Among these wizards, Lennok was evidently recognized as an Ice Mage, and he had no qualms about that fact. Geonis’s interest in him appeared to be linked to his mastery of Ice Magic.

Lennok sensed an opportunity to delve deeper into the practical aspects of Ice Magic. The hallmark of the Ice Magic lineage was its ability to physically manifest magic results in reality. Depending on the user’s proficiency, it was possible to harness both the strengths of magic and reality.


However, Geonis seemed somewhat agitated by Lennok’s remark. He narrowed his eyes and brought his fingertips together, exhaling deeply. His breath, passing through his fingers, harnessed the surrounding heat and transformed into a giant fireball hurtling toward Lennok.

Even the observing mages couldn’t help but flinch at the tremendous power on display.


Yet, with a mere swipe of his finger, Lennok conjured an angular ice sheet seemingly out of thin air, intercepting and dissipating the fireball.


The redirected fireball shot toward the hall’s ceiling, creating a resounding crash as it dissipated. This single exchange left the watching wizards with drastically different interpretations of the duel.

“To receive Geonis’s first strike with Ice Sculpting…”

“And even diverting the shock in the process. Is this even possible?”

Everything appeared stacked against Lennok: the timing and location, ideal for fire magic, and a crowd sympathetic to Geonis. It should have been a one-sided scenario where a seventh-level Archmage mentored an Ice Mage.

Geonis’s lips tightened as he manipulated his hand once more. Heat surged from his feet, forming five streams of flames that shot towards Lennok.


What initially seemed like an ordinary follow-up attack transformed as it approached Lennok. Geonis skillfully altered the controlled mana, causing the flames to change.


The tips of the five streams of flames suddenly blossomed into massive fiery flowers. Bright red petals spun furiously, engulfing and scorching Lennok.

Boom boom boom!

Petals detached from the main body of the fire, scattering in all directions, generating shockwaves.

Geonis, who had swiftly gathered these fiery waves, extended his right hand wide.

[Fire Butterfly Fan]

The sparks flickering from his fingertips transformed into hundreds of butterflies, instantly enveloping the surroundings, their graceful fluttering mesmerizing to behold.

Other mages in attendance couldn’t help but admire this stunning display.

“Perfect recapture and amplification of fire…!!”

“Such precise control of fire is incredible!!”

Hearing the admiration around him, Geonis whispered softly.



In that moment, the flame butterflies dispersed in all directions, detonating and giving birth to a colossal firestorm.

A gigantic tiger materialized from the flames, consuming the very spot where Lennok had been standing.

The Blaiver Tower’s fire magic, renowned for harnessing even the tiniest spark and relentlessly expanding its heat and damage radius, specialized in sweeping across the battlefield like a tempest.

In the midst of the battlefield, this magic, seemingly designed to shine brilliantly, demanded a deep understanding of one’s abilities and a meticulous balance between offense and defense. Otherwise, it risked crumbling midway.

Lennok, having grasped this fundamental principle through his experiences in the autonomous region alongside Wyzen, recognized that Geonis was also keenly aware of it.

‘But there are gaps to exploit.’

Not because he excelled in Ice Magic, but because he possessed an astute comprehension of Fire Magic.

To the untrained eye, the tiger’s momentum appeared overwhelming. However, it was merely a phase in the process of augmenting power and heat.

In reality, its strength didn’t differ significantly from the preceding flame butterflies, and the focal point shaping its form still existed somewhere.

‘I see it.’

Lennok’s left eye spun rapidly, transforming into a Mystic Eye, enabling him to visualize the surging mana before him.

Unperturbed by the searing heat, he reached into the burning flames, momentarily protected by gloves and a shield crafted by a skilled blacksmith.

Within the fiery inferno, Lennok seized control of the blazing fire’s flow.


In that instant, a pure white surge erupted at the heart of Geonis’s concentrated assault.

The wave inverted the hall’s entire color spectrum.

The vivid crimson that had filled the view swiftly faded, instantly quelling the surrounding heat.


A colossal tiger composed of flames, charging at Lennok, metamorphosed into a massive ice sculpture in the blink of an eye.

The act of overlaying his magic with that of his opponent’s left every onlooker visibly astonished.

Lennok emerged from the frost-covered scene, a satisfied smile gracing his lips as white frost emanated from his breath.

“Shall we continue?”


Geonis offered no further response.

The faint smile that had graced his lips had vanished.


Without uttering a word, Geonis advanced, propelling his magic into a mammoth wave of flames that engulfed Lennok.

Lennok, shaping two towering ice pillars with his hands and bringing them crashing down, initiated his counteroffensive.


The icy chill from the pillars spread rapidly, forming an expansive barrier that enveloped the area.

Then, the fiery wave collided with the frigid cold, evaporating moisture and shrouding the surroundings in a dense fog.

Both wizards, elegantly manipulating the mingling moisture and heat in the air, continued their enthralling duel.

In the blink of an eye, red and white blossoms of magic bloomed and faded dozens of times around them.

Boom boom boom!

Just as a flame that grew in strength over time could be countered, the relentless and eroding cold could also be matched. The key lay not in engaging in a brute power struggle but in subtly disrupting the opponent’s offensive and defensive rhythm with precision.

Flames descended from the ceiling, and white ice pillars erupted from the ground, colliding with explosive force.


Initially, the other wizards watched in awe, but with time, they began to realize that the perfectly balanced duel they were witnessing wasn’t the outcome the direct disciple of the Tower Master had intended.

The realization that Geonis’s gaze remained cold and unwavering, never leaving Lennok’s hands for a moment, unsettled those accompanying him.

What did it mean for a wizard who had mastered the Unique Fire Magic to be pushed to such an urgent state?

The mages accompanying Geonis coughed uncomfortably, their expressions reflecting unease.


“Such skill for a mere Ice Mage…”

“An agent from a major city, perhaps trained separately.”

The fact that this unknown Ice Mage couldn’t be easily outmatched in skill during this duel alone cast a shadow over Geonis’s prestigious status.

Yet, the mage Geonis was concentrating all his attention on had lost track of these dynamics. He was captivated by the ever-flowing and vanishing streams of magic before him.


Following the mesmerizing flicker of white and red magical lights, Lennok’s gaze also continued to rotate.

From his mock training with Evelyn to the ongoing duel with Geonis, the unique experience of clashing with two superhumans of vastly different natures, despite having mastered the Unique magic, resonated powerfully within Lennok, crystallizing into a tangible meaning.

It was becoming clear.

Using Geonis’s flames as a crimson hue and his own counteractions as a cerulean light, Lennok visualized and encapsulated the strategic chess match of the battlefield into his field of vision.

Lennok’s greatest weapon and advantage lay in his incredibly sharp intuition and refined strategic acumen. This served as the foundation for him to perceive numerous branching possibilities from a future perspective, twisting within his mind and extending its roots as his most vital perceptual organ.

Lennok’s left eye spun vigorously.

A dizzying blend of red and blue lights, representing danger and safety, swirled around his pupil, distorting his vision.

In that moment, Lennok instinctively thrust his magic-charged hand downward and stepped forward.


As if by command, that simple gesture caused the surging heat advancing toward Lennok to split and clear a path.

This wasn’t just about observing branching points within a domain; it was about hypothesizing choices on a localized battlefield and preemptively glimpsing potential outcomes.

The red and blue lights in Lennok’s left eye spun incessantly, illuminating the dark path and finding openings within the rushing heat.



The dozens of flame spears Geonis had unleashed resonated from all directions, forming a colossal chain attempting to envelop Lennok. But just before they could, white ice pillars crashed down diagonally, slicing through the heat and forcibly carving a path.

Amidst the faintly distorted space between these pillars, Lennok, sensing the violet gleam in Geonis’s eyes, involuntarily takes a step back.

Yet, it’s Lennok’s hand that emerges first from the shroud of white mist. Between his outstretched fingers, a cold glint shimmers, piercing sharply through the narrow gap.

Though not exceptionally swift, the timing is so unpredictable that it serves as evidence of Lennok’s heightened sensory skills reaching their zenith.

In a real battle, this would spell the end for Geonis, or more accurately, his life would have been hanging by a thread.

Sensing this, just as Geonis prepares to unleash his magic at full throttle, Lennok seizes control of the flow of his inner mana and raises his hands.

“I concede.”

A chilling silence follows.

Initially, nobody in the room comprehends the statement. Even Geonis hesitates before seeking clarification.

“What… did you say?”

“The magic of the Blaiver Tower is truly exceptional. I knew you were holding back, yet I struggled to even approach you.”


“I tried my best, but this seems to be my limit.”

Lennok, having achieved his objective, and Geonis, likely realizing he was pushing his limits, exchange glances.

The complexity of the magic they had exchanged was around the 5th level, a confrontation involving 5th-level magic between Archmages. Neither had been fighting at full strength.

But had the duel escalated further, it might have transcended a mere sparring match.

Lennok’s explanation may have been somewhat ambiguous, but it sufficed to warrant an end to the duel.

Lennok awaits a response, but Geonis remains silent, his gaze fixed firmly on Lennok.


Only then does Lennok notice his own reflection in Geonis’s monocle.

His left eye, which had been swirling with red and blue lights, had transformed into a distinct shade of violet at some point.


Perhaps his Eye of Eolara, initially awakened when he witnessed Eolara’s Mystic Eye, had undergone another transformation as a result of this encounter.

Enthralled by the battle, Lennok hadn’t even realized how subtly his perception had shifted.

With a wry smile, Lennok covers his left eye and steps back. It’s only then that the assembled wizards, recognizing that the duel had concluded, erupt into applause.


“An impressive duel!”

“True to Geonis’s reputation. Flawless.”

“And the visiting wizard was incredible too. To match Geonis even for a moment…”

“Though he conceded defeat, it must have been a great experience.”

While they may not fully grasp the intricacies of the diverse attributes and manipulations exchanged by the two wizards, the spectacle of their dazzling and precise magic is enough to evoke admiration.

Above all, the satisfying outcome for them is Geonis’s victory and the Ice Mage’s surrender.

But does the initiator of this duel, Geonis, truly understand the profound significance of their exchange?

With a composed gaze, Lennok observes his opponent, who bows his head slightly.

Geonis, without another word, shoots a brief glance at Lennok before abruptly turning away.

Despite the fervent cheers and accolades, he doesn’t hesitate to walk past the assembled wizards and vanish.

Beneath his robe, his fist is clenched so tightly that it’s almost white.