Chapter 47 Throwing Down The Gauntlet!

God of Illusions

As they looked at Xue Ying who was intentionally keeping them in suspense, the entire room went silent. Because they took warning from what had occurred before, and none of them dared to relax until Xue Ying finished speaking.

“You’re talking about the matter about the Bounty Rankings?” Luckily, Bai Xiaofei was quick-witted, and he recalled what the ‘escaping disaster’ Xue Ying spoke of pointed to.

“Exactly. The Principal called me over this morning, and he has already dealt with your problem. But, the method is slightly unexpected.” Xue Ying poured a cup of tea for herself as she spoke, and then she took a light slip while completely disregarding Bai Xiaofei’s gaze that was filled with anticipation.

“Don’t you really want to know what the Principal’s method was?” Xue Ying grinned and not only did she not intend to tell Bai Xiaofei right away, she intentionally kept him guessing while arousing his interest.

“Do you believe that I’m able to guess it?” After he realized Xue Ying’s intentions, Bai Xiaofei’s attitude instantly took a 180-degree turn, and he stared right at Xue Ying while asking slowly.

“Believe you? I would rather believe a ghost than believe you.” Xue Ying grunted coldly as she put on an expression that said ‘I’ve already seen through you’.

“Then how about we make a bet? If I’m right, then you’ll pay for this meal, and if I’m wrong, I’ll pay for another meal next time.” As soon as he finished speaking, everyone else besides Xue Ying was instantly seething with excitement.

No matter what, they were the people that obtained the benefit, and if the bet was established, it was very likely that they would have another feast.

Thus, everyone placed their gazes onto Xue Ying because whether the bet was established or not relied entirely upon a single word from her.

“Can I take this as you provoking your headteacher?” After staying silent for a long time, Xue Ying chose to protect herself. Moreover, her method was extremely shameless. But, no matter how shameless it was, Bai Xiaofei was helpless against such a method of evasion….

“Big Sister Xue, I was wrong. Go ahead and tell us, I’m unable to guess it….” Bai Xiaofei put on a bitter expression as he instantly withdrew his seriousness from before, and at the same time that he yielded, he didn’t forget to make Xue Ying regret her actions because when you communicated with Bai Xiaofei, it was possible for you to be schemed against at any moment….

Sure enough, as soon as Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, Xue Ying instantly felt that she’d suffered a great loss, and she glared coldly at Bai Xiaofei before losing the mood to continue teasing Bai Xiaofei.

“Before I went over, that Qin Lingyan who placed your name on the Bounty Rankings was called over first. Under the Principal’s request, she agreed to remove her bounty on you. But, she expressed that her resentment must be vented.”

The expression of Qin Lingyan being uncompromising no matter what had already appeared within Bai Xiaofei’s mind, and he couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

Sure enough, a sin committed by me must be repaid by me….

“Can’t I just give her a proper apology…?”

“What do you think?” A single rhetorical question dispelled Bai Xiaofei’s thoughts of reducing the matter into a small problem because so long as one was an ordinary person, it was impossible for one to accept such a simple method like apologizing.

Based on what he’d done that day, a few bashings might not even be able to resolve the problem….

“Then what does she intend to do?” Bai Xiaofei who’d given up struggling asked while he started to make preparations to greet a storm at the same time.

“I don’t know because she intends to tell it to you face to face. This is also the reason why we’re here now.” Xue Ying shrugged and expressed that she was only a messenger.

“Face to face? Here?!” Suddenly, Bai Xiaofei had a bad premonition, and then his premonition quickly became reality.

The door to the room was pushed open before Qin Lingyan that was cold like ice walked in, and behind her was were two ‘colossi’ that were at least 150kg no matter how one looked at them.

“I’ve brought two friends along, you probably don’t mind, right?” Qin Lingyan sneered as she looked at Bai Xiaofei, causing coldness to crawl up Bai Xiaofei’s neck.

This was their first meeting since the incident at the dormitory room, and the expression on Qin Lingyan’s face was already entirely sufficient to display her attitude towards Bai Xiaofei at this moment — Why haven’t you died yet!

But, Bai Xiaofei’s current attention wasn’t placed on this but the ‘friends’ that Qin Lingyan had brought over.

Are these two really her friends? Aren’t they two machines used for taking revenge?!

In the end, Bai Xiaofei himself was unable to convince himself because these two large fellows had surely been specially found and brought over by Qin Lingyan!

Moreover, this was point was proven after the three of them took their seats!

“These two friends of mine have a comparatively healthier appetite, everyone probably doesn’t mind that I order more food, right?”

“Of course not. Feel free to order because Bai Xiaofei is paying.” Xue Ying answered in the first possible moment and utterly didn’t give Bai Xiaofei a chance, and it was even to the extent that Bai Xiaofei felt both of them had discussed this a long time ago….

After she ordered at least twice the number of dishes that Xue Ying had ordered earlier, Qin Lingyan put down the menu in her hand with ‘satisfaction’.

For the first time in her life, Qin Lingyan felt that ordering food was such a delightful thing.

“Where were all of you at? All of you can continue, I can just listen.” Qin Lingyan’s expression could still be considered to be affable when she looked at the others, but as soon as she turned towards Bai Xiaofei, she instantly had an extremely long face.

“We spoke until the part about how Senior Sister Lingyan intends to deal with the matter between us. Others are unable to give an answer to this, and since Senior Sister has come, then we won’t guess randomly.” As he fully displayed the spirit of shamelessness, Bai Xiaofei directly ignored Qin Lingyan’s expression as he forcefully pushed them to the main topic of business.

“A month! I’ll give you a month! After a month, I’ll bring along four others while you can bring as many people as you want, and we’ll carry out a spar. No matter what’s the outcome, the matter between the two of us will be completely resolved! Of course, teachers aren’t allowed to be a part of it.”

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone present was shocked.

Fight with seniors?! And even five of them together?!

Is she planning on killing us!?

“Alright, deal!” Before everyone else could escape from their shock, Bai Xiaofei had already agreed to Qin Lingyan’s proposal as if he hadn’t thought about it at all.

“I’ll remove you from the Bounty Rankings. But, you’re not allowed to utilize me for anything nor are you allowed to speak about those fictitious things. If I find out that you’ve done this, then I’ll put you on the Bounty Rankings once again!” A trace of light red appeared on her face that was like ice. Qin Lingyan didn’t bluntly say what fictitious things Bai Xiaofei had said, yet her expression had already explained everything.

“No problem.” Bai Xiaofei grinned and didn’t take it to heart because he didn’t require Qin Lingyan’s identity any longer now.

“That’s all I want to say. I hope you can fulfill all my conditions.” As she slightly heaved a sigh of relief, the rock that floated within Qin Lingyan’s heart had finally dropped to the ground. So long as Bai Xiaofei didn’t talk nonsense, she would be able to eliminate the implications caused in the last few days within a short period of time.

Both of them spoke one after the other while the others watched the entire process with dumbstruck expressions. All of them knew that Bai Xiaofei was extremely bold yet they never imagined it was so such an extent that he was actually able to be so composed when speaking with a senior sister that he’d infuriated!

Moreover, during this period of time, a table full of dishes had already been laid out.

“No matter what, it’s fate that we’re able to sit here together, so how about a toast?” Bai Xiaofei raised his wine cup while grinning as he stood up.

Everyone from the Savage Class practically raised their wine cups at the first possible moment, and at the same time, they shot all their gazes at Qin Lingyan.

“I hope you don’t disappoint me a month from now.” As she spoke these cold words, Qin Lingyan raised her wine cup and emptied it….