Chapter 6 Entrance Test!

God of Illusions

Starnet Academy wasn’t the one and only academy on Starnet Continent but it was absolutely the most outstanding on the continent!

Every single individual that left Starnet Academy had become an elite of the various Empires in the end.

It was precisely because of this that the recruitment of the Starnet Academy every single year was extremely hot.

This was something that Bai Xiaofei experienced personally….

After lining up for an entire three hours plus, there was already another long line behind him when Bai Xiaofei finally registered himself, and Bai Xiaofei was already hungry to the point his chest was stuck to his back when he completed the registration.

But, what caused him to be pleased was that Starnet Academy would take care of food!

Bai Xiaofei disregarded the gazes that shot at him from nearby and burped with satisfaction after he annihilated an entire full and large bowl of food for the third time, whereas, the manager from Starnet Academy had already been waiting for him to the point of impatience.

“Since you’ve had your fill then quickly get up. I’ll bring all of you to your place of rest, and I’ll organize your tests all together tomorrow!”

Bai Xiaofei’s eyes narrowed slightly as he glanced coldly at the managing student that had already turned around and left.

Motherf*cker, do you really think I’m a f*cking ‘ripe persimmon’ that you can squeeze?!

After jogging over to follow up, bai Xiaofei stuck out his bulging stomach and squeezed himself all the way to the back of the managing student, whereas, Huskie had already vanished since some time ago.

Under the leadership of the managing student, their group quickly arrived at the group of wooden houses that were temporarily constructed especially for the people that intended to participate in the entrance test, but before the managing student could reveal his prestige as a senior, that person who’d appeared at the entrance earlier had suddenly walked over.


This seemed to be the convention in Starnet Academy. So long as one saw someone that was in a year higher than one’s self, one had to take the initiative to greet the person and one couldn’t raise one’s head.

The people behind the managing student that were brought over by him had followed as he did as they were deeply afraid of violating any taboo, and only Bai Xiaofei revealed a sinister smile and was the last to lower his head. At the same time, he smoothly shoved a tiny little thing into the waistband of the managing student.

After waiting for a long time, the ‘senior’ hadn’t spoken, and when the managing student took a stealthy glance, he noticed there wasn’t a single person before him.

As he raised his head with extreme embarrassment, the managing student coughed twice before calling over the people behind him.

“In Starnet Academy, you must greet seniors and teachers when you see them, but they might not reply to you. This is extremely normal, and all of you did well earlier.” After giving himself a way out of his awkward position, the managing student organized his words and intended to take his role once more.

But, he hadn’t finished speaking when a clear ‘poot’ resounded out from behind him. Subsequently, a suffocating stench suffused the air.

“Senior, your fart is so smelly!” Without the slightest intention of avoiding offense, Bai Xiaofei ran far away as he spoke, and he seemed as if he was deeply afraid of being suffocated by this stench.

Moreover, the surrounding people were affected by Bai Xiaofei and aroused the intention to move aside, yet they were afraid of offending the senior and didn’t move even after a long time.

“Kid, don’t make irresponsible….” The managing student hadn’t finished speaking when another clear sound resounded out, and the stench rose to another level.

“I didn’t….”




The more anxious the managing student became, the more frequent the clear sounds resounded out, and when it finally stopped in the end, not to mention getting close to him, even the people standing behind him felt suffocated.

Subsequently, there were people that were brought to the point of vomiting what they’d ate just moments ago because of this stench….

After that, the vomiting started spreading, and the situation was completely out of control….

But, what caused Bai Xiaofei to be surprised was that as the center of the stench, the managing student was actually completely unharmed besides his face being flushed red, and he seemed to be utterly unaffected by the stench.

“Amazing, amazing. You’re even able to endure the smell of stinkweed.” Bai Xiaofei who’d stuck two special pills in his nostrils and ran far away was enjoying the fruits of his success.

Now, not to mention continuing his assignment, it was probably impossible for this managing student to not become famous. Moreover, he would be infamous.

When student XX received candidates for the entrance test, the stench of his fart caused over 10 people to vomit while the others fled the scene. XX himself was suffused with a stench that didn’t leave him for a week….

No matter how one thought about it, this was a piece of gossip that was worthy of being spread in a place like an academy!

After waiting for more than an entire half an hour, a new beautiful female senior had replaced the managing student from before, and she brought the group of people to their residences.

“I hope that all of you can remember every single word of what I’m about to tell all of you because this is related to whether all of you can become students of Starnet Academy!” The voice of the beautiful female senior was very pleasant to hear, yet her tone was extremely solemn.

For a time, everyone had gone quiet, and even Bai Xiaofei was no exception because saying something at a time like this was no different than courting death.

“Firstly, wake up on time at six in the morning tomorrow. There’ll be a carriage to take all of you ten minutes after six, and it will only wait for 30 seconds. Those that are late can leave directly because being punctual is the first lesson all of you have to learn.

“The first test all of you have to participate in is a test of endurance. The test will begin once the carriage lets all of you off, and what all of you have to do is run back here!

“The time limit is one hour. All of you can utilize any methods, but those that exceed the time limit will be eliminated. Moreover, the shorter the time used, the better your results will be.

“Those that pass the first test will instantly start the second test as soon as they return, whereas, the content of the second test is even simpler. All of you only have to find a way to pass through the main entrance of the academy!

“After entering the main entrance is the third test, find a principal’s office. There’re a total of one principal and three vice principals in the academy, and all of you will be able to obtain the permission to enroll by meeting any one of them.

“I’ve said everything I want to say, now it’s your turns to ask questions. All of you can only ask three questions, but, I’ll only answer the questions that I want to answer.” The beautiful female senior came straight to the point, and she started sweeping her gaze through the group of people as she spoke.

After that, she saw a right hand that was held up high.

“Senior Sister, you’re so beautiful and your voice is so pleasant to the ear, so you surely have an extremely sweet name, right?” As far as everyone was concerned, Bai Xiaofei had asked an utterly rude question, and curses rose up from all directions.

But, Bai Xiaofei had utterly no intention of paying attention to them, and he just waited silently for the beautiful female senior to give him an answer while carrying a light smile on his face.

“Qin Lingyan, a year one student. I’ll treat you to a meal if you’re able to use this piece of information.” Qin Lingyan smiled lightly as even she herself didn’t think that this piece of information was of any use, but Bai Xiaofei was satisfied to the extreme.

“Then I’ll thank Senior Sister for your kindness beforehand, and your heart better not ache when I have a big feast.”

Bai Xiaofei returned to the group and silently awaited the next two questions, but up until the point both of them were asked, he didn’t hear anything that was of interest to him.

“The question and answer segment has come to an end. All of you can go have a rest. I hope we’ll be fellow students tomorrow.”

The crowd dispersed and only Bai Xiaofei stood on the spot without moving.

“Aren’t you going to rest?” As she smiled to Bai Xiaofei, Qin Lingyan suddenly had a trace of interest towards this kid that knew how to speak words that pleased others.