Checklist on how to tell if a woman is interested in you

Grace Time

I was having a conversation with someone and was suddenly inspired to write a post on this topic. How do I tell if a woman is interested in me romantically? 

In my opinion, there are definitely clear signs and it’s usually very obvious (to me). However, most guys seem to find us very confusing, so I shall make a list here. 

This list assumes you have just met the girl. You have no prior friendship or relationship with her. If you have already been friends for years, then it’s much more complicated. 

If you think “yes” to all the following, I am quite confident that you are at least in the “potential” category. This means, you should chase if you’re interested.

1. Does she smile when she talks to you?        ✔ ✖

2. Does she want to sit close/doesn't mind getting close to you?            ✔ ✖

3. Does she appear comfortable with you? (This is a bit subjective so you really need to know how to read body language)                                 ✔ ✖

4. Does she want to spend one on one time with you? (This does not mean she likes you, but if she doesn’t want to spend time with you one on one, you have no chance)                  ✔ ✖

5. Does she actually have a conversation and engages with you? (Not just answer yes/no/ and give short responses)                          ✔ ✖

6. Does she want to stay in touch? (Ex. Offers her social media or phone number or something for you to contact her)                        ✔ ✖

7. Does she make an effort to look nice? (NOTE: Some girls will do this regardless. However, if she is interested, she will most likely want to look good for you)               ✔ ✖

8. Does she want to see you more than three times? (She probably wouldn’t be seeing you for the 3rd time if she wasn’t considering)                     ✔ ✖

Other obvious signs include initiating a conversation, trying to get to know you better, suggesting activities to do together, and etc. 

Do you agree or disagree? What else am I missing? Is it similar with guys? What do you do when you’re interested in someone? Are females really that confusing? 

Let me know in the comments below!  

Note: If you cannot meet in person because it’s a long distance relationship, then check out this post.