The truth about success

Grace Time

Oftentimes, we are blinded by what we see. When we see someone succeed, most of us usually have the following thoughts:

“He/she has connections.”

“He/she is just so lucky.”

“He/she is gifted.”

But do you see the problem? All 3 of these reasons assume the person has not worked for his/her achievements. Everything is “given” to him/her. 

That is not true.

It takes A LOT to be good in something and to be recognized by society for it.

You have to go through a lot of shit.

You have to fail many, many times.

You will have so many doubters and haters.

It’s like a roller coaster.

Some days, you will feel invincible.

Some days, you will feel broken.

But if you have a dream..

You have to protect it.

Regardless how you feel, take action. TAKE ACTION. 

Set a goal.

Create a plan.


You have to discipline yourself. 

In the end,

only you,

can change yourself.