Chapter 182: The Werewolf Senior and the Oath (2)

Mage Adam

With a resolve to kill Adam, the elder charged. At this point, explanations and evasions were meaningless. Only by defeating the elder could Adam perhaps glean more useful information.

By now, the white wolf had fully merged with the elder. From a distance, they looked like a monstrous figure with a human upper body and a wolf's lower half, stepping through the air. A blade-like edge of pure icy elemental energy gathered before them, slicing through everything in its path and creating a vacuum. In an instant, they covered the kilometer, their claws growing rapidly, each finger becoming like a razor-sharp blade.

Adam once again summoned his elemental cannon, silently launching a barrage of ice and fire rockets to halt the elder's advance.

The elder seemed to be able to see or sense every direction, dodging the artillery with pinpoint accuracy at critical moments. For projectiles he couldn't avoid, he'd swipe them with his claw to detonate them early, even using the recoil to accelerate.


Adam and the elder collided, emitting a deafening clash of metal. The collision's recoil sent both flying back a hundred meters, invisible shockwaves radiating outward from the point of impact.

It was a stalemate.

After enhancing himself, Adam's dragon form possessed extraordinary strength. The elder had his own issues; his possession of a mere mortal werewolf leader limited his extraordinary capabilities. His host body was even showing signs of breakdown due to the immense energy harnessed.

Thankfully, the mysterious residual image of the white wolf provided stable energy, helping the elder maintain his current combat level. However, if 'maintain' was the word to describe his situation, that means he was already close to his limit.

The elder, who understood his condition better than anyone, didn't hesitate to charge at Adam again after his first attack failed.

*I must act quickly. Even if it means complete disintegration, this dragon must die! *The elder suspected Adam was an invader from *u0026 amp;#. Although he didn't know how the invader had become a Frost Dragon, as a transcendent being who had survived from ancient times through secret arts, he knew better than anyone the terror of *u0026 amp;# and would not let any invader go.

***Bang, bang, bang, bang!***

The elder's relatively smaller form gave him an advantage in close combat. He was so fast that the entire wolf transformed into a streak of white light, slashing at Adam hundreds of times in a matter of seconds.

Adam activated the talents he'd gained from the Frost Giants and Yetis, causing his body to temporarily swell. His scales rippled rapidly, perfectly angling themselves to deflect some of the attack's force.

Adam didn't control his dragon body through neural reflexes; his 'threads' were embedded in each limb, requiring no reaction time. So, any external corner could instantly respond to attacks. Even though his large size made him appear clumsy, he was still more than capable in close-quarters combat.

The elder's every strike would shatter the corresponding scale armor, but as long as there was energy, it would regenerate instantly. The explosions created by the shattered scales were small, but cumulatively, they began to put pressure on the elder's current form.

After another violent collision, Adam's tail whipped the elder from an unbelievable angle. Taking advantage of the recoil, Adam retreated and unleashed his dragon breath, summoning five elemental dragons in the sky.

"Dragon clans don't have this kind of heritage power; you must be an invader!" The elder panted in the sky, the killing intent in his cold eyes intensifying. He didn't know what elemental dragons were, but he couldn't ignore the highly concentrated energy they contained.

Dragon breath reappeared, and another five elemental dragons materialized in the sky. Adam had no intention of talking anymore. Transcendent beings weren't as easy to deal with as mortals. They might not have deeply studied soul abilities, but the evolution of life naturally uplifts the soul. If the werewolf elder chose not to speak, Adam had no means to force him to spill out anything.

Getting even a rough idea about the ancient oath was worth the trip. Since the Dragon Plane actually had this covenant, as long as he was willing to search, he could find the complete text.

Adam flicked his tail, and the ten elemental dragons roared silently, charging at the werewolf Elder.

The elder separated from the residual image of the white wolf and ran rapidly across the sky as if it were solid ground. When he reached a certain speed, he leapt high, spinning his torso vigorously. The white wolf followed, and Adam saw two tornadoes imbued with massive icy elemental energy converge and collide head-on with the group of elemental dragons.

"Going all out, are you? Then explode!"

The ten elemental dragons formed a wall two hundred meters in front of Adam and audaciously self-destructed just before the elder's 'Wolf Tornado' arrived. Energy and shockwaves cascaded in all directions. Despite their immense power, they couldn't block the elder's desperate attack.


A mournful howl echoed from all directions as the elder broke through the shockwaves, charging directly at Adam. This attack concentrated all his remaining energy. Even if the target was an invader, unless they reached a transcendent level, they wouldn't be able to resist; the elder was confident it would be a killing blow!

"Why isn't the invader dodging? Could he be paralyzed by fear?" The elder was somewhat puzzled.

The 'black hole' behind Adam, ceaselessly devouring elements, dissipated. Immediately after, he plummeted downwards. Just as the elder was about to turn and give chase, he saw something appear at the position where Adam had just been hovering---something he had never seen before.

Suspended in the air was an unidentified object with a rectangular structure. Below it was a pointed, cylindrical shape with tail fins, an aggregation of energy.

"What is this?"

The elder was filled with astonishment and uncertainty, causing a momentary pause in his tornado. At that instant, the rectangular structure disintegrated, and energy beams began to shoot out from the tail end of the aggregated mass. Before he could react, it was already in front of him, colliding.


The explosion reverberated like thunder. Adam was merely grazed by the residual energy, but that was enough to shatter all the scale armor on his back in an instant. Silvery-white blood burst out, and then he was brutally hurled toward the ground by the shockwave.


With a muffled sound, the already overburdened icy plains were completely crushed under Adam's weight, sinking several meters into the ground before finally coming to a stop.

"Cough, cough." Adam lay there for a moment before coughing and slowly getting up. The power of the elemental missile, in which he had concentrated almost all of his energy and optimally compressed within its limited structure, surprised even him, the user. If he hadn't gained the ability of ice crystallization, he would have suffered serious injuries himself.

The surrounding ice plains were unrecognizable, filled with collapsed areas and deep pits. Adam released his dragon aura, sensing that the lives around him were barely hanging on. Meanwhile, in the sky, the energy signature belonging to the transcendent being---the elder---had completely vanished.

The elder, who had used arcane methods to possess others and reincarnate, was completely obliterated by Adam's blast, reduced to ashes and dispersed.

Translator's note: No idea why but thinking how the wolf making himself a tornado just made me laugh. It makes a hilarious image in my head."