Chapter 198: Meeting Okov (2)

Mage Adam

Okov appeared to find something extremely amusing. He pointed at Adam and exclaimed, "A beast? You're calling the Dragonkind beasts? Chris, my dear, what strange idea made you think like that?"

He sensed a powerful force accumulating in the dragon horns aimed at him, and noticed some ice elements in the air that he couldn't control. "Do you plan to fight back? It won't work. Even though you possess a dragon's body, you'll never fully grasp our power. You don't stand a chance against me."

Adam understood from Okov's words that in ancient times, there were indeed some exceptionally powerful dragons among the Dragonkind.

These dragons were uncommon. Maybe they had discovered a few new planes, but they hadn't faced the true terrors of the void before being pulled into war by Cthulhu. Otherwise, a race with plane-crossing power wouldn't have had such arrogant ideas as Okov's.

"It makes sense, master. If planes had ages, then only when a plane becomes mature can he produce a race able to move through planes. The dragon plane, however, was a very unfortunate one. They produced such a race just as another plane targeted them, interrupting the progress," the devil laughed with joy. He took pleasure in seeing the dragon's foolishness, feeling clever by comparison.

Adam gently touched his own horn and asked quietly, "Okov, are you very powerful?"

"Absolutely, I'm one of the mightiest among the Frost Dragons, and even in all of Dragonkind, I'm a formidable force. Share with me all the legacies of your world, and I'll recognize you as my child," Okov declared with pride. "Yield to me, and I'll give you the privilege of a real dragon. Soon, I will guide you to conquer your world, showing your true power."

"So, you really are just beasts, the strongest one is just like you," Adam said with sympathy.

"Enough, my tolerance has its limits. Decide now, surrender or oppose!" Okov lost his patience, and as his mood darkened, the temperature dropped. Snow started falling from the sky. "Take this chance, or you'll bring disasters upon yourself and your land!"

A spiral of ice elemental energy burst out from Adam's dragon horn. The intense energy broke through Okov's dragon power, clearing the weather he created in an instant, and Adam was suddenly right in front of Okov.

Furious, Okov opened his mouth and released dragon fire to counter the energy, shouting, "You're courting death!"

The energy beam easily sliced through the dragon fire, dispersing it. Okov, filled with fear, moved quickly to the side, but the energy beam went through a part of his neck. Before he could recover, a barrage of missiles hit him from every direction.

His twenty-meter-tall body was such an easy target.

Adam's body shimmered with white and purple light, instantly moving behind Okov. His dragon wings, sharp as blades, slashed deeply across Okov's back, exposing bone. "If I weren't trapped in this dragon body, I could've killed you more easily than kill any other beasts."

Okov roared, his silver-white blood turning into thousands of sharp blades thrusting towards Adam. Simultaneously, he spun around, his dragon tail breaking the sound barrier, fiercely aiming for Adam's head. "Chris! You have enraged me!"

Adam folded his dragon wings, creating an ice crystal shield. The massive force of the dragon tail couldn't shake him. He then unleashed a dragon breath, and an elemental missile exploded right in front of Okov.

Okov was blasted away, his body torn and miserable.

However, such a close-range attack, which could have killed a normal transcendental being, didn't inflict a fatal wound on Okov. Instead, it gave him a moment to breathe.

"Ice Roar!"

"Frost Nova!"

"Frost Domain!"

Okov, in his fury and astonishment, consecutively cast three Dragon Spells. An elemental dragon mouth snapped at Adam, followed by a rapid expansion of dragon might. In the area, ice energy spells fell like swords, and the freezing weather solidified the air. Then, around Adam, clusters of condensed elements exploded.

Adam, hovering motionless in the air, countered with the same spells, but his were more powerful.

"Yeah, the same old songs. With such talents and conditions, you failed to develop a real civilization? What a pointless and foolish race," Adam said, suddenly disappearing and reappearing next to Okov. After delivering a taunt that further enraged Okov, he cut out a second wound on him.

"No one gets to mock the dragons, and neither do you!"

Okov roared continuously, blood spraying. The ice elements around him became more active, shaping into various forms and repeatedly attacking Adam. "I want you dead, and your world will be destroyed because of you!"

Mockery shone in Adam's vertical pupils. Clapping his claws together, ten elemental missiles formed a circle around Okov. Controlling the direction of the explosion through his dragon might, the shockwave cleared away the ice elements. Adam used the recoil to retreat a kilometer away, his dragon wings stirring, filling the sky with missiles and artillery.

"I look forward to that day. If you survive today, maybe soon, you'll see the world you wish to destroy."

"Now, get ready for the shower of my gunfire!"

As Okov came back to his senses after the explosion of ten missiles, his once-majestic dragon shape was hardly recognizable. His scales were destroyed, and even his wings were distorted and damaged. However, he had no time to care for his injuries, as a flood of elemental missiles was rapidly approaching, already less than a hundred meters away.

All he could do was show a look of terror before being totally consumed by the intense attack.

Okov was no match for Adam. The Dragonkind, even though they had a lot of energy, didn't know how to use it well. They had been using very basic magic to shape energy for a very long time.

The Dragonkind, having never had a strong enemy to test them, didn't dare to try new things. They were too caught up in their own greed and laziness, thinking they were better than everyone else, like frogs in a small pond. A race like this was sure to fail eventually. Even if the Mage World didn't step in, they wouldn't have been able to survive another attack from the world of Cthulhu.

'Doesn't the Dragonkind have any better knowledge of their history?' Adam wondered, looking at Okov, who was now stuck to the ground with seven long spears.

The dragons were known for being very strong and tough. Despite his bad injuries, Okov was still trying to move. But then, a powerful electric shock went through his body, turning his injuries into burnt flesh.