Chapter 200: Response From The Tower

Mage Adam

The blue sky completely vanished, and every creature in the Dragon Plane could see a massive, terrifying scar in the sky. Those beings beyond transcendent could even see through this scar into the other side of the dimensional rift, a world of deathly silence.

The boundary of the world shook violently and moved inwards by five hundred kilometers. The void storm was no longer confined to the boundary's edge but blew wildly into the plane from fluctuating and weak points. In the changing light and shadow of the boundary, countless demonic shadows relentlessly charged forward, never retreating until crushed by the storm.

Adam, with wings spread, quickly left the boundary. After stopping, a phantom appeared before him, rapidly solidifying into a physical form. The devil joyfully said, "Master, the restrictions of the world's origin have disappeared from me!"

As soon as he said that, the heavens changed again.


Some terrifying creatures seemed to be attacking the dimensional rift fiercely, causing the entire Dragon Plane to tremble.

***Boom! Boom!***

As the trembling continued, cracks appeared in the shattered ground.

"Master, something terrifying is coming!"

Adam heard a louder and clearer breaking sound. Then, a massive tentacle completely pierced the crystal barrier and entered the Dragon Plane. It tightly gripped the edge of the barrier, and then, a second tentacle entered, slowly enlarging the dimensional rift.

A brutal, insane roar came from a distant place. Through the dimensional rift, Adam saw an unimaginably huge creature roaring in anger.

"This is not a normal transcendent-level creature! A mutation of Cthulhu has given birth to a terrifying creature!" the devil exclaimed in horror. "Master, connect to the Mage Network. We cannot resist a creature of this level!"

Adam nodded. It was time. The energy fluctuations of the Dragon Plane meant it could no longer suppress beings from other planes. The power of the nearby world was gathering, and soon the Dragon Plane would become an easy target.

Adam's true form curled up like a baby, his dragon body mimicking the action. The dragon body naturally floated up, a field forming around it. The chaotic energy of the outside world became calm the moment it touched the field. His true self slowly stretched out, stood up, and then opened his eyes.

The dragon body stiffened for a moment, then split open at the chest, and Adam stepped out.

Adam softly called out to the devil. The devil flew towards him, transforming into an azure magic wand as it landed in his hand.

Adam slightly raised his hand, and the Mage Network was activated. The magic power uploaded to the Mage Network instantly filled Adam's soul and body. A magnetic field formed into an armor, automatically keeps all harmful substances around away from him.

Then, a small dimensional rift opened behind Adam, and several ugly, mutated monsters from Cthulhu rushed into the Dragon Plane.

They attacked the living creature they saw without hesitation. Beams of energy shot out from their mutated body.

"Each one is at the transcendent level."

Adam swung his magic wand, teleporting a kilometer away. Runes of a plasma cannon appeared in the air, and a hot plasma stream turned the monsters into ashes.

Adam exhaled with satisfaction, feeling slightly intoxicated by the regained sense of knowledge and power.

A second terrifying roar came from outside the dimensional rift. Adam landed back on the ground and logged his soul into the Mage Network: "Explorer Adam, requesting connection to the Tower."


For the Tower, each Explorer is an elite. The Tower had even established departments to process all Explorer's intelligence and requests immediately.

Due to the rarity of Explorers and the long duration of their missions, the mages in the exploration department are usually idle. However, they never neglect their duties, promptly processing every request connected to the Mage Network.

"A war between two planes? An unknown number of transcendent creatures? Something eroding the origin of the world? Incalculable resources?" The on-duty mage was shocked by the information sent by Adam. Quickly pulling up Adam's file, he murmured, "Level-one mage, Adam? A rookie on his first exploration mission? How did he encounter a plane of this level?"

The on-duty mage did not doubt the authenticity of the information, as no Explorer would falsely report such intelligence. Ignoring the curious colleagues around him, he directly connected to the Mage Network of the Tower: "Important intel discovered, requesting connection to the External War Command Center."

The Mage Network has strict rules regarding authority. Most information in the Mage Network is semi-public; mages can access it with the consent of the information's owner, and exchanges or trades are conducted between the parties involved. However, once a piece of information requires a certain level of authority, it enters a classified level, inaccessible to ordinary mages.

Priscilla soon received the news. As she read it, she looked more and more confused. She remembered Adam, and she even remembered this mission was issued by herself.

Long ago, mages who could travel through different dimensions discovered the Dragon Plane. At first, they thought it wasn't very special or important. The War Command Center had lots of these lesser-known places, often given to new explorers. After being explored, these places would be sold to different groups or organizations. But now, things have changed.

"It's hard to tell if you're lucky or not. It's unusual for a beginner's mission to end up in a war between two worlds," Priscilla said, half-smiling. "What you've done is important, and the information you've found is valuable. But you're also in danger. For many creatures out there who don't know much, magic is the highest form of knowledge. If they find out you can use magic, they'll want to capture you. Your information is crucial, so the Tower has sent the best mages to help you, but it will take a while. This means you'll be on your own for a bit longer."

Priscilla connected with Adam using her powers and said, "You have two options: leave a spatial anchor in the Dragon Plane and leave by yourself, or wait for the battlemages to come."

Around Adam, lightning struck and thunder sounded, as the monsters' attacks got worse. "How long will it take?" Adam asked.

Priscilla thought for a bit and answered, "Three years. Make sure your spatial anchor keeps collecting information, and in three years, the mages will come to your world."

Adam, without any doubt, replied, "I choose to stay."