Chapter 247: Qi 31's Request

Mage Adam

Harming oneself is something that, unless completely irrational, most would not do to themselves severely.

Qi 31's injuries were serious, but his Original Flames were not greatly affected. Therefore, he could completely heal himself if he wished.

Adam transformed himself into countless nanobots, with every hundred thousand robots forming a team controlled by a single thread, turning into silver-white streams that entered Qi 31's body in groups.

In this state, Adam divided his abilities into countless parts, each robot's power was minimal, but they excelled in precision. With the microscopic vision of billions of eyes, they could detect many issues not visible on a larger scale.

Each of his avatars could manipulate a few free electrons, roaming inside Qi 31's body like scavengers. They gradually broke down and expelled deeply hidden impurities.

However, Adam could not break down the Qi alloy that made up his body.

"I don't know the composition and smelting formula of Qi alloy, so I can't directly move the intact parts of your body to repair the injuries. You have two choices. One is... never mind, just provide me with some Qi alloy, and then under my direction, transport it to the fractured areas."

Adam initially wanted to ask for the knowledge of Qi alloy, but felt it wasn't right.

Qi 31 was very cooperative with Adam. Soon, a Titan brought several tons of Qi alloy from his university. He didn't know what the two were doing, but it seemed impressive. He wanted to stay, but Qi 31 sent him away.

This was a good opportunity for Adam to explore the mysteries of a high-level Titan's body. Since Qi 31 allowed it, Adam didn't hesitate to gather information.

Inside his body, the Flames were not just a source of energy. They were present throughout Qi 31's body, acting as blood vessels, organs, neurons. Separate programs came together like integrated chips to control the entire body.

The fluctuations of the Flames were mysterious and profound, reacting in a way Adam couldn't decipher, creating Qi energy.

The body repair was simple, so Adam quickly completed it with Qi 31's cooperation. His condition was even better than before, but repairing the Vital Generator was difficult---it wasn't entirely metal but had partially transformed into an energetic form. Its structure was connected by Spark Codes.

"The energy layer outside your Vital Generator is fractured; I can't fix that. I don't understand how your Qi energy is generated, nor can I analyze the frequency of the fluctuations of your flames."

Qi 31 had calmed down by then. "May I know how your Flames exist when you're in this state?"

Adam found it complicated to explain, so he opened up each of the tiny robots. Tiny, almost imperceptible flames appeared, gathering and dispersing with the robots' movements.

Through continuous research on his Original Flames, Adam discovered that Flames are truly marvelous. They are will, wave, and particle, able to freely gather and disperse. As long as the will remains, Flames can infinitely spread without affecting one's own existence.

If he withdrew his will, the fire seeds would exist independently.

The Titans' concept of "passing the Flames" referred to the process of splitting a fire seed and then erasing one's will to nurture new life.

This meant that, if Adam now retracted all threads, these robots might continue to live as new beings.

Qi 31 watched this miraculous scene intently. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Can you heal problematic Original Flames?"

Billions of "Adams" looked up, their eyes shining.

"A problem with the Original Flames? Given your strength, such a situation would surely be fatal. So I assume it..."

"Yes, it's a Royal."

While assisting in repairing the energy fractures, Adam listened to Qi 31 as he said, "Fifteen years ago, Lord Svorsi was ambushed outside the Crystal Barrier System while confronting the Metal Eaters' leader. The bizarre energy of the Metal Eaters invaded Lord Svorsi's Original Flames in the form of 'language,' constantly eroding and devouring the Lord's energy. Lord Svorsi won't last much longer, but he absolutely cannot die now. If he dies, the world's balance of power will be immediately disrupted, and we do not have the capacity to face a full-scale war."

Adam stepped out from his body and asked, "So currently, we don't have the ability to heal Flames?"

Qi 31 said bitterly, "Of course we do, but the Metal Eaters know us too well. They have the ability to mutate and counterattack."

Adam understood; it was like a firewall being breached, and antivirus software couldn't keep up with the virus's destruction and mutation rate. Perhaps Lord Svorsi's operating system was nearing collapse. Once the virus fully invaded, he reckoned, it would turn him into a puppet of the Metal Eaters.

"The Royal-level parental body outside Ironburg wanted to secretly advance while Lord Svorsi's Original Flames were diseased and couldn't fully monitor the border. Fortunately, you stopped it, or the war would have already begun."

He looked at Adam hopefully, "Can you do it?"

"How long can Lord Svorsi hold on?"

"At most two years."


For Adam, killing the 'virus' was not the issue.

As an expert in antivirus, as long as he could fully control Lord Svorsi's body, considered as a 'computer', he was confident in eliminating the virus---even though his soul wasn't complete and his computing power hadn't reached its peak.

The problem was, this might expose Adam's identity.

Adam was well aware that directly interacting with the transcendent beings of this world, especially entering their bodies, would certainly reveal his identity as an intruder.

However, high risks often came with high rewards, and this was also Adam's best chance to swiftly complete his exploring mission. Originally, in his plan, he would need at least ten more years to gain access to the Royals, but now the opportunity was right in front of him.

Therefore, Adam agreed to Qi 31's proposal, but he scheduled the treatment for a year later. Adam needed this time to advance to a Commander and restore his strength.

"Master, I think when facing a transcendent being, whether you are a level-two or a level-three doesn't make much difference," the devil commented, not surprised by Adam's choice. In fact, it would have been surprising if Adam had declined. By now, they were unfazed by such levels of risk, knowing they could always be resurrected in the Mage World. Even if they died here, it would merely be a failed exploration mission.

Adam had just spent all his Honors at the energy factory for a massive amount of second-level energy blocks. Now, he was consuming them, one by one.

With the crunching sound, he replied, "That's true, but if I reach level-three, I can conduct another experiment, like sending another version of myself to treat the Titan Royals."

"An avatar? Useless, a transcendent being would definitely have the ability to trace the original body through the avatar."

Adam nodded seriously, "You're right, but what if it's not an avatar, but instead one of my soul slaves? The master-servant pact in the Mage World offers absolute protection for the master. So, unless the Titans have more advanced research on pacts than the Mage World, it's absolutely impossible for anyone to find the master through the slave's soul."