Chapter 271: War! War! War! (2)

Mage Adam

Garfield was shocked. He couldn't believe that the usually calm Adam would do something so reckless. It was as if he wanted to get himself killed. "Master, please calm down. We are deep in the territory of the Metal Eaters. There must be transcendent Metal Eaters here!"

"I am calm. We will be fine."

If he broke through this way, the number of Metal Eaters attacking him would be limited. He kept the attacks just below his defense limit. As long as he didn't stay in one spot too long, the enemies wouldn't break through his defenses.

Adam never fought alone. Even his body wasn't a single unit. Each part was controlled by a thread. Besides the main thread in his soul, he had hundreds of threads handling high-intensity calculations. Defense, attack, meditation, magic, damage, and path planning were all under his control.

Adam was a strategist, commander, warrior, and army all in one.

Adam took a step forward, crushing countless low-level Metal Eaters. He raised one hand, and his sword shot into the sky, entering the clouds, where a lightning dragon coiled.

Then, he stepped forward again, and his arm dropped. A dimensional rift appeared under the dark clouds, and sword-like rain poured into the void.

In the next moment, ten portals opened above the Metal Eaters surrounding Adam, and iron sand swords rushed out, bringing the bugs to their doom.

With just this one strike, more than five thousand level-three Metal Eaters and hundreds of level-four Metal Eaters were killed.

Adam was right—these creatures relied on group power to kill, and their individual strength was a level lower.

"Master, a transcendent one! They have a level-five life! I can already feel the transcendent energy behind us!"

"Fake level-five, that's all."

Adam threw a heavy punch, and a huge lightning cannon shattered a large group of enemies in front of him.

Then he rotated his fingers, grabbed the gravitational and magnetic lines, and used a weakened version of Magnetic Cutting. Nearly ten thousand Metal Eaters were split in half as they charged forward.

"They barely have the energy of transcendent beings, but they don't have the soul or method to control it, so it's just an empty show."

Countless magic arrays appeared in the sky, densely overlapping. They formed six circles surrounding Adam.

As the magic power surged from these arrays, countless elemental missile launchers appeared in the void. Adam used a saturation strike again.

This magic, used by Adam's true form, was much stronger than before. Each missile had a high-speed rotating magnetic field and carried massive kinetic energy in addition to elemental power. They were the bane of ordinary Metal Eaters.


Intense explosions erupted one after another, sending mushroom clouds soaring into the sky to merge with the thunderclouds. Then, countless lightning bolts struck down.

This was Adam's long-prepared Lightning Field.

The power of this magic, which Adam created early on, had grown as he leveled up. Every electron in the lightning followed a rune set. The force field defenses of the Metal Eaters were useless against the currents.

"But those are level-five beings, and there are two of them! Their sheer energy can crush you, Master!" Garfield said, helping Adam manipulate the space. He knew being scared was useless, so he kept talking to calm himself.

Surrounded by six-ring magic arrays, Adam looked like a deity, commanding lightning to slaughter the enemy.

He was the embodiment of magic; even his slightest movement triggered level-three attacks.

Metal Eaters died in droves, disappearing by a quarter in a short time.

At this point, Adam had seven kilometers left to exit the danger zone.

Then, the first transcendent Metal Eater awoke.

When ordinary Metal Eaters burst from the ground, it was like an earthquake; when a transcendent Metal Eater revived, it was like a volcanic eruption. Its massive body’s slightest movement could destroy kilometers of land.

A rainbow-colored energy beam broke through the earth, piercing through Metal Eaters along the way and shooting towards Adam like a long rainbow.

"So, it's you."

This was the Metal Eater that had attacked Adam's shield. Adam had fought him head-on before, so he knew the properties of this energy beam well. The oxidative corrosion within the beam was specifically against Titans; otherwise, it was a normal energy attack.

Such an attack was highly effective against Titans but less so against Adam.

Adam's six-ring magic array spun, instantly creating hundreds of layers of electromagnetic barriers.

Then, the magic array tightened and merged into Adam's body. Numerous high-speed rotating electromagnetic vortices, each a meter in diameter, appeared on him. His Electro True Self within his magi-tech construct outputs magic power at full capacity. A plasma cannon, built into his body, shot out to meet the rainbow energy beam head-on.

The two collided in the sky, annihilating each other and shattering the space around them. The resulting chain reaction spread in all directions, killing many Metal Eaters with just the shockwaves.

With his view unobstructed, Adam saw the true form of the transcendent Metal Eater.

It looked like a giant insect, with half its body in an energy state and half in a flesh state. Its back had a transparent, swollen tumor that contained steady flames, constantly supplying energy. Its body was covered with tentacles, spikes, eyes, and mouths, all of which were weapons.

"You pathetic worm!"

The moment he saw Adam, the transcendent Metal Eater roared in fury, his voice waves creating ripples in the air.

Purple flames ignited around his body. With a loud boom, a giant crater appeared on the ground, and the huge creature instantly appeared above Adam.

His energy gathered, distorting the void. The rainbow colors vanished, leaving only pure black. Even the thunderclouds of the Lightning Field were blown away.

Adam didn't retreat. Instead, he charged into the sky to meet the transcendent Metal Eater. Garfield turned into a fireball, constructing layers of spatial folds around himself, trying to deflect the incoming devastating attack.

As Adam ascended, the thunderous power around him turned into elements and magic, flowing into his loosely held hands at his sides.

The core of his magical construct burned ether crystals wildly, outputting magic far beyond Adam's own capacity. With each inch of distance, the magical phenomena around Adam shrank, becoming light and shadows, all converging into his hands.

When Adam was three hundred meters from the transcendent Metal Eater, a black energy pillar descended.

A dark blue lightsaber appeared in Adam's hands. He raised the sword with both hands.


There was a small sound of a blade piercing through something.

The lightsaber split the energy pillar in half.

Adam surged upward through it, ignoring the corrosive energy and explosive barriers, steadily floating before the transcendent Metal Eater.

Facing the chaotic, frenzied eyes of the transcendent Metal Eater, Adam raised his hands above his head and gently swung down.

"Slash of Judgment!"