Chapter 285: Death of The Angel (2)

Mage Adam

"No, the target is too big. The Seventh Angel is here. Change the formation!"

Garfield eagerly directed the Titans to their attacking spots. The main power core started sending energy to his body.

After a ripple, sixty floating fortresses disappeared into spatial folds.

Adam activated the magnetic field to help hide the fortresses even more.

"One hundred kilometers away, charge ready."

"Seventy kilometers away, preheat start."

"Thirty kilometers away, charge at seventy percent."

"Ten kilometers away, charge at one hundred percent."

"Five kilometers away, charge at one hundred fifty percent."

"Coordinates (2453, 3545, 4654), fire!"

The floating fortresses formed triangles, three in each group. These triangles then combined, with sixty fortresses forming six large triangles.

These six groups were also arranged in a triangular pattern, with six fortresses in front forming a hexagram.

Their energy flowed through circuits, merging into the hexagram.

Garfield pressed the release button as ordered.

The Seventh Angel's senses went wild with alarms. He stopped right away and tried to escape. But intense spatial and energy disturbances messed with his movements.

Everything around him felt sticky, making it impossible to even turn around. Even his tentacles moved slowly.

The next second, he saw a transparent energy beam shooting toward him. Blood spurted from the millions of eyes around his body, and his tentacles detached.

Endless flames appeared out of nowhere, changing from red to blue, then to purple, and finally to gray, emitting terrifying energy.

Then the flames clashed with the energy beam.

Only then did the sound of the explosions reach his ears.


Gray flames and energy collided, causing continuous annihilation reactions, releasing immense energy and explosions.

The gray flames were incredibly dense, managing to block the energy beam for two seconds. But then, the gray flames were eventually overwhelmed, and the energy beam struck the Seventh Angel.

The Seventh Angel still couldn't avoid it. His defense field collapsed instantly. The energy beam hit his body directly, causing it to carbonize, burn, and evaporate...

All kinds of unbearable phenomena happened at once. One-quarter of the Seventh Angel's body disappeared in an instant.

"Ah! Ah!!"

He let out a terrible scream, with a sobbing tone.

This pain was something he had never experienced or imagined since birth. The physical injuries were nothing compared to the emotional shock and fear he felt.

He knew he was finished. No one understood the cruelty of Father better than he did. After losing this battle, the Devourer would never spare him. His fate would be a billion times worse than the Fifth Angel's.

"It's all your fault! It's all because of you! Why didn't you let me catch you? Why did you come to Titania and help these scrap metals!"

Anger surged within him, and he blamed Adam for everything.

"Father will not spare me; I am doomed."

"I'll take you with me to the grave!"

He was determined to die and wanted to drag Adam down with him. But Lord Svorsi had already recovered from his shock and would not give him the chance.

The Seventh Angel's power was weakened to the limit, so Svorsi was confident he could take down this enemy of the Titans.

"Flame Cannon!"


It had been five days since the surprise attack by the Metal Eaters and the death of the Seventh Angel.

After the Seventh Angel died, the Metal Eaters retreated from the high battlefield like a tide, leaving behind dozens of bodies. In this battle, not a single Titan Royal had fallen.

The war between the two races entered a strange period of calm. Ordinary soldiers still fought fiercely, but those above the transcendent level went into hiding.

The two shots from the floating fortresses had consumed ten percent of the Titans' energy reserves. Lord Svorsi was impressed by its power but had to admit painfully that it could only be a trump card, not a regular weapon.

Adam's plan to transform the frontline fortresses was unanimously approved. The Royals recognized the enormous advantage of this warfare method: its superior mobility could reduce massive casualties.

They realized that trying to hold onto every inch of land was not feasible at this stage. The current calm meant the Metal Eaters were preparing for an even fiercer attack. When that happened, such a long front line would be riddled with holes.

So, they understood that giving up some territory was necessary now. If they won the war later, these lands would naturally return to their hands. If they lost, with their race extinct, the land would be useless anyway.

Adam was pleased that the Royals understood this.

Using this window of opportunity, he pulled some personnel from various battle fortresses and assigned the transformation work as tasks. They started from the ruins of Blade City, working simultaneously on both the north and south sides.

The busiest were not Adam but the forest elves.

The energy consumption at the frontline was enormous every day. Adam summoned all the forest elves to plant conversion fungi on every idle piece of land in Titania.

The fungi now abandoned natural reproduction, relying entirely on the elves' plant power for catalysis. Nearly every one of the over one hundred Nature Controllers was exhausted and collapsed several times.

Fifteen days later, the initial transformation of the battle fortresses was complete.

Adam and Garfield split into two groups, tirelessly inscribing the magnetic levitation magic arrays. They aimed to make the race airborne in the shortest time possible.

Seven days after that, all modifications were finished.

The Titans contracted their defensive line, abandoning sixty percent of their territory.

The behavior of the Metal Eaters became increasingly strange. Their number of participating soldiers dwindled. They even watched the Titans' large-scale actions without sending any transcendent-level Metal Eaters to stop them.

This trend gave some ordinary Titans the impression that the war was already won. However, Adam and the Royals felt more and more uneasy.


In the Royal City...

"The Metal Eaters have no reason to retreat. The death of one Angel doesn't affect the overall situation. The only possible reason for their actions is that the Devourer is about to succeed," said Lord Fast.

Adam nodded. "I think so too. But I've got one question here. Wouldn't eroding the Origin affect the Plane? So far, the entire continent remains calm and unchanged. What exactly is the Devourer doing? Or rather, what is the treasure left by the Titan God?"

At this point, Adam and the Titans were in the same boat. Lord Fast knew that hiding things now would only create distrust. So, he straightforwardly said, "The treasure is the Genesis Flame. It is the first Flame nurtured by the Origin. The Titan God was born from it. After ascending to the god rank, he split it from his own Flames. It's the only energy we know that can evolve us into gods."

"In other words..."

"In other words, if the Devourer consumes the Genesis Flame, he will also ascend to godhood."