Chapter 288: The Devourer! The Devourer! (3)

Mage Adam

The formation made by the altars was more complicated than Adam had thought. Even though they couldn't leave the Land of Divine Revelation, they moved in a certain pattern.

The twelve light spots on the outer edge stayed in places where the floating fortress couldn't hit. Their energy flow was a bit unstable, but the chain stayed unbroken.

Also, the shields over all the altars linked up to form different angled surfaces. When the floating fortress attacked, the force was deflected away as much as possible. Some attacks even bounced back, hitting the Titans.

The First Angel stood firmly under the first altar, killing the descendants of the Second Angel without feeling. Then he loaded their bodies and energy into the other altars while his giant eye switched between the chaos above and the Royal City ahead.

The state of the altars was strange. Instead of fighting back, it looked like...

"They're stalling! All Warlords and above, not at their posts, get out of the city and fight! The fortress should start a saturation attack. Stop attacking the city, gather energy, and get ready the overload energy cannon!" Adam took charge, and no one opposed his orders; they followed them without question.

Lord Fast shot an envoy approaching the fortress line. He asked nervously, "What did you find out?"

"We don't have much time; the Devourer is about to succeed." Adam put a hand on Lord Fast. Lord Fast quickly shared his body with Adam and saw the Origin in the chaos.

That black-grey energy rose like a demonic shadow. The 'mist' made waves, rolling within the Origin. The Devourer woke up, holding a crystal ball in his mouth. The purple-gold flame inside was slowly starting to burn.

Billions of eyes all over his body coldly watched every Titan and Adam.

The Devourer made no sound, but everyone heard a message in their mind: "Die."

Then, grey spread from his teeth, biting down hard on the crystal ball.


This time, every Titan heard the clear sound of breaking. It came not just from the Origin but from the entire plane.

The world fell apart!

An earthquake shook all of Titania. Minerals shattered, the ground cracked, mountains rose suddenly then exploded or fell.

Energy flowed out from the ground, forming strange shapes that twisted and then vanished.

The sky cracked, and beams from the void entered the plane, creating a bizarre aurora.

The Titans felt a heavy blow strike their Vital Generator. It was as if their Flames were gripped by a giant hand.

They felt suffocated.

The Devourer cut off the connection between the space he was in and the outside world. Adam and Lord Fast could no longer see him.

Lord Fast left the Royal City, flying towards the battlefield, shouting, "Attack, attack! Destroy the altars at all costs! All Royals, prepare to self-destruct!"

Adam entered the power core of the Royal City and merged with it. He controlled all the floating fortresses, quickly reorganizing their formation.

All secondary cannons detached, while the main cannons continuously charged. Tons of energy blocks were consumed, fueling the overload strikes.


Three successive volleys broke through one of the shields. The altar behind it turned to ash instantly, breaking one of the chains.

However, this was not enough--- as long as the twelve altars serving as nodes remained intact, the energy supply to the Devourer would not be disrupted.

Adam opened the fortress shield, and many Royals flew out. They were prepared to turn themselves into bombs to create a path for their race.

At the nine o'clock direction, a mushroom cloud rose, wiping out everything within a hundred miles. A Titan lord sacrificed his life, blowing up a large section of the shield and destroying three altars in the process.

The other Titans had no time to mourn or feel sorrow.

Adam immediately redirected the cannons, firing a full-power shot at a main altar behind the broken shield.

However, this attack had little effect. An Angel's phantom appeared on the altar's surface, facing the energy beam head-on before disappearing along with it.

The altar formation moved a few times and repaired the newly created gap.

Four consecutive overload strikes caused the power cores of forty small floating fortresses to explode. The magnetic levitation magic arrays shattered, and the fortresses plummeted.

At that moment, the Titans within the fortresses flew out and self-destructed their Vital Generators without hesitation. They used all their energy to propel the fortresses towards the altars, sacrificing themselves in the process.

Adam entered an overclocked state. His magnetic field connected with the fortresses, helping to cool the power core and weapon systems.

The second cracking sound echoed through the plane.

The anomalies intensified. The sky cracked further, and void storms surged in.

"Adam!" Lord Fast shouted as five Royals flew out from the sequence.

Adam took a deep breath. He channeled the remaining energy into the main cannon and fired heavily in the direction where the five mushroom clouds rose.

Thirty small fortresses and one giant city fell. On the other side, fifteen secondary altars and one node altar turned to ash, breaking one-sixth of the chain.

The breakage in the main chain caused a transmission failure in the altar's energy, slightly reducing the anomalies, and some cracks in the sky began to heal.

Before anyone could take a breath, the First Angel, who had remained motionless, flew away from the first altar. He went to the newly destroyed node and sacrificed himself, becoming a new altar.

All of Adam and the Titans' efforts and sacrifices were in vain.

The third cracking sound echoed.

One by one, the floating fortresses broke formation, and each Titan burned themselves, carrying the fortresses forward.

Adam pushed his magnetic field output to the limit. He ignored the weapon system damage and didn't consider the power core shattering.

Adam fired ten consecutive shots in an instant. Over a hundred fortresses disintegrated, dozens of altars were destroyed, and the chains broke one by one.

Lord Fast and nine lords flew back to the Royal City. Immediately, the massive city, which had been capable of flight from the beginning, began to shed buildings and tremble violently.

The truth was, the Royal City was the remains of the Titan God.

They entered the God's Vital Generator without hesitation and ignited themselves, activating the 'reactor.' An unprecedented energy fluctuation appeared on the battlefield. Space shattered in an instant, and the energy formed a vortex; the Titans unleashed their Ace Card.

This Ace Card required the lives of ten Titans to activate.

Adam only saw a blinding flash before it hit and shattered the altar shield, clearing everything in its path, and struck the first altar.

Time seemed to slow down at that moment, and Adam could clearly see the first altar turn to ash.

However, the fourth cracking sound still echoed.