Chapter 504: Honest Man

Martial Cultivator

Xu Sheng watched Chen Chao leave from the entrance of the camp before turning around and walking through the wind and snow to the command tent, where he found Xu Ming.

At this moment, Xu Ming looked dejected.

Xu Sheng dismissed everyone else and asked quietly, "Did His Majesty punish you, General?"

Xu Ming glanced at Xu Sheng and then shook his head. "If His Majesty had truly punished me, I'd feel much better instead. But His Majesty is so magnanimous, not even uttering a single word of reproach, which makes me feel even worse."

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and said, "Besides smuggling fine wine into the military supplies, there must be something else about Ning Chong that we don't know. Could you elaborate, General?"

Xu Ming nodded and, without holding back, quickly recounted the entire sequence of events. Then he said softly, "This isn't just killing a chicken to warn the monkeys, His Majesty is targeting the Ning Family right from the start. Those people previously arrested by the General's Office were of little consequence. Everyone thought that His Majesty and the Great General wouldn't risk destabilizing the Northern Frontier Army for a thorough purge. But now it seems our assumptions were wrong. His Majesty clearly has zero tolerance for the Northern Frontier Army at the moment."

Xu Sheng exhaled a breath of warm air and was in no hurry to speak. Like Xu Ming, he had no strong backing within the Northern Frontier Army. Although the Northern Frontier Army was the most elite military force of the Great Liang Dynasty, boasting formidable combat strength in the northern regions for many years, it was plagued by numerous issues. Often, the Great General's orders held more sway than imperial decree. The previous Great General was aware of these problems but tread carefully to maintain the army's combat effectiveness, fearing that any excessive actions might significantly weaken the army's strength or, worse, cause a mutiny, with some soldiers defecting to the demon race.

Therefore, these issues persisted, with the Great General merely patching things up as best as he could.

But judging by this, it might be able to preserve the army's combat effectiveness in the short term, but in the long run, the internal problems of the Northern Frontier Army would grow worse. Beyond the issues among the soldiers, the lower and middle-ranking officers without strong backing within the army lost hope of advancement and would probably lose faith in the Great Liang Dynasty.

Joining the army to serve the country is, on one hand, to protect one's homeland. But on the other hand, who did not aspire to distinguish oneself and bring glory to the family?

"The current Great General was one of His Majesty's most trusted subjects even before becoming the Great General. So upon arriving in the Northern Frontier, he's truly aligned with His Majesty's intentions. In contrast, during the tenure of the previous Great General, even if His Majesty wanted to make certain changes, he couldn't due to the far-reaching implications and unpredictable consequences. Now that His Majesty has the opportunity, given his nature, he will undoubtedly take action. His Majesty has been on the throne for over a decade and has accomplished many things. The rectification of the Northern Frontier Army is likely not a spur-of-the-moment decision. General, you must be prepared for what's to come."

Xu Sheng looked at Xu Ming, some things were understood without needing to be said.

Xu Ming furrowed his brows, "Are you saying..."

Seeing that no one else was around, Xu Sheng nodded and spoke a few heartfelt words in a low voice, "No matter what His Majesty's ultimate goal is, the fact that the frontier army's rectification has begun means that many military leaders will inevitably be purged. When those positions become vacant, how they will be filled is something the General should understand. Now, His Majesty's grace is immense, you must not let His Majesty down. Even if it's a huge gamble, this deputy believes we have a chance to play at the gambling table this time."

Xu Ming was silent, somewhat hesitating.

Xu Sheng continued, "General, you're the same as this deputy, you have no strong backing in the army. If the Northern Frontier Army continues as it is, we will reach our limits. This deputy might sit in this position as the main commander of Xuanling Commandery for a few years, and General can only serve as a deputy in some unit along the Northern Frontier Great Wall, without ever commanding your own forces. Now that His Majesty has shown his intention and General is in a favorable position, how can we not seize this opportunity?"

Xu Ming asked cautiously, "If we act too aggressively, might His Majesty see us as heartless and ambitious, solely focused on securing a promotion?"

Xu Sheng said sternly, "General, your words are absurd. We act for the sake of Great Liang and in loyalty to His Majesty. No one can question our intentions, so why would we leave behind such a reputation?"

Xu Ming sighed heavily but still could not make up his mind.

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and then softened his tone, "General doesn't need to make a decision right now, but as the main commander of Greenfield Camp, you should start paying close attention to all the soldiers under your command. Everything that needs to be reported should be reported. At the very least, turn Greenfield Camp into a disciplined and valiant force."

"Indeed, I've already considered this. However, I have another question that I haven't figured out yet." Xu Ming looked at Xu Sheng, "I was hoping to discuss it with you."

Xu Sheng smiled, "General is wondering whether to report such matters to the Divine Capital or to the General's Office, right?"

Xu Ming nodded, "That's the dilemma."

Xu Sheng shook his head, "We're subordinate to the General's Office, so such matters should naturally be reported there. The Great General and His Majesty are of one mind. Reporting to the General's Office is effectively reporting to His Majesty. Reporting to the General's Office does not bypass the chain of command, and the Great General will not think poorly of you."

Xu Ming nodded, "That's good then."

After saying this, he hesitated for a moment and looked at Xu Sheng with a sincere expression, "Xu Sheng, someday you might go further than this general ever will. This general won't stand in your way, but I hope you'll remember our camaraderie today."

Xu Sheng did not stand on formalities with Xu Ming. Since the other party was so heartfelt, he simply nodded and said seriously, "This deputy is indebted to General for your support and will not forget it."

Xu Ming nodded again and said softly, "In that case, this general will take my chances and gamble."

Xu Sheng smiled, "This deputy assures you, General will return victorious."



When Chen Chao returned to the inn, it was already dusk, and the snow was falling heavier, signaling an impending blizzard.

Before he could enter his room, he saw Xie Nandu waiting for him.

Chen Chao smiled, "This time, I didn't bring you any roasted sweet potatoes."

Xie Nandu shook her head, "Stop being cheeky."

With a sigh, Chen Chao began talking about the things that interested Xie Nandu. After listening, Xie Nandu said softly, "Having someone like you who isn't from the Northern Frontier Army handle this matter is indeed the best approach. His Majesty is truly remarkable with his strategies. However, you're going to have a tough time. Even while you're still in the Northern Frontier, you're likely to be targeted both openly and covertly."

Chen Chao said with some regret and annoyance, "If I had known, I wouldn't have taken that lousy stone."

"Don't pretend," Xie Nandu glanced at Chen Chao. "You're different when you lie."

Chen Chao furrowed his brows and looked at Xie Nandu, asking a question he had always wanted to ask, "How do you tell when I'm lying?"

Xie Nandu smiled slightly but didn't answer.

"Fine, I'm going to sleep. When you feel like telling me, remember to let me know."

Chen Chao turned and went back to his room.

Xie Nandu just turned to glance at the wind and snow, then also went back to her room.



A group of over a hundred people rested for three days in Xuanling Commandery before setting off again. This time, Greenfield Camp dispatched a thousand elite cavalry led by Deputy Commander Xu Sheng to escort them all the way to the Great Wall.

However, there would not actually be much danger along the way. Not only did these young cultivators had high cultivation realms, but they were also accompanied by a Nepenthe powerhouse. Even if some demons tried to harass them, nothing serious would happen.

Hence, the escort duty was a real opportunity, and who would undertake it depended entirely on Xu Ming's decision from Greenfield Camp. In the end, it was no surprise that Xu Sheng was chosen.

This deputy commander from Greenfield Camp who came from humble beginnings stood silently at the city gate, with the wind and snow whipping against his face as if it were striking a stone.

An hour later, a rider emerged from the city. It was Chen Chao, clad in black and carrying a saber, riding a black horse that stood out starkly in the snowstorm.

Xu Sheng paused, then stepped forward to clasp his hands in salute, "Greetings, Deputy Commander Chen."

Chen Chao nodded and smiled, "Previously at the Greenfield Camp, this official didn't get a chance to speak with General Xu, hope you don't mind."

Xu Sheng casually replied with a smile, "It's not a big deal. Commander Chen was attending to official duties, it's expected."

Chen Chao rode his horse up to Xu Sheng and said with a smile, "This official discussed with Mr. Wei that for this northern journey, General Xu's thousand-man cavalry will lead the way. This official will accompany them, and Mr. Wei they all will bring up the rear."

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and understood the reasoning behind this. He thanked Chen Chao, "Thank you, Commander Chen."

This northern journey would not pose too many troubles, but in case of an attack by demons, their thousand-man cavalry would be more than sufficient to handle it. Reaching the Great Wall would indeed be a considerable military achievement. If they encountered something beyond their capability, Wei Xu and others would naturally step in.

Hence, this was almost like a gift of military merit.

Chen Chao smiled, "This official just earned some bad reputation in the Northern Frontier Army. I need to make amends, or I'll really become a street rat, with everyone out to get me."

Xu Sheng nodded but quickly reminded him, "The news has already been sent to the General's Office. They now know that Ning Chong died at the hands of Commander Chen. You must be careful on this northern journey."

It was a show of favor that was neither too big nor too small.

Chen Chao nodded and said, "There's no choice. They can't openly come to kill this official, can they? Do they have that kind of guts?"

Xu Sheng awkwardly smiled. He could not find a way to respond to such a statement.

Watching the group exit the city, Xu Sheng and Chen Chao rode side by side at the head of the procession through the wind and snow. Xu Sheng said with a smile, "I have a few things I'd like to discuss with Commander Chen, but let me say this upfront: please don't think that this Xu is the kind of person who curries favor with the powerful."

"How could that be? Just by looking at General Xu, this official can tell you're an honest person."

"Is Commander Chen praising this Xu or mocking this Xu?"

"From the bottom of my heart."

"This Xu will take your word for it."

"Hahaha... Lord Xu, you're very humorous, unlike the typical martial artist."

"Actually, I'm the same as Commander Chen; both honest martial artists."

"I don't believe it."

"Then see for yourself?"

The two of them rode on the broad official road, wider than any other in the Great Liang. The Great Liang Dynasty's heavy investment in the northern regions was naturally to ensure the fastest possible reinforcement of the Northern Frontier in times of war.

Looking at the snowstorm ahead, Xu Sheng said seriously, "I hope that one day, I can fight side by side with Commander Chen."

Chen Chao joked, "Then, when the time comes, will General Xu follow my orders, or will this official follow General Xu's orders?"

Xu Sheng replied solemnly, "As long as it's for the sake of Great Liang, it doesn't matter. But in my opinion, it will most likely be me following Commander Chen's orders."

Chen Chao waved his hand, "I only know how to kill people and demons, I don't know how to lead troops in battle."

Xu Sheng laughed, "With Commander Chen's talent, it won't be long before you have the makings of a great commander!"

Chen Chao sighed helplessly, "General Xu, you truly don't seem like an honest man."