Chapter 507: Disarm and Enter the City?

Martial Cultivator

Before the team approached the Northern Frontier Great Wall, they had already encountered several checkpoints. Although the guards clearly knew that this imposing group of over a hundred people came from the Divine Capital, they still followed protocol, inspecting all documents thoroughly. The Northern Frontier Army might have experienced various issues over the years, but they never slacked off in this aspect. They always maintained the most cautious attitude when checking outsiders entering the Great Wall. After all, this was the first line of defense for humanity and the strongest one that Great Liang had spent over two hundred years building. Allowing a demon to infiltrate would have dire consequences.

Chen Chao reined in his horse before the checkpoint, watching as soldiers led dual-horn beasts toward them. Curious, he glanced at Xu Sheng, who understood and explained softly, "These creatures are called Spiritcloud Hounds. They are a unique species with no combat ability but are naturally gifted with the ability to detect demon qi. Their sense of smell is exceptionally keen, and demons cannot hide from them."

Chen Chao smiled, "Nothing can escape their noses?"

Xu Sheng shook his head, "Demons are cunning and may have secret treasures or techniques, but there are additional measures afterward to ensure that no demons are mixed within the group to the greatest extent possible."

Chen Chao remained silent. This was indeed the right course of action. After all, if the Great Wall in the Northern Frontier were breached, a large number of demons would descend south. The entire northern region of the Great Liang would be left defenseless. At that point, the demons facing the Great Liang would be like a robust man invading a household where only a widow and her child are left - an easy target for rampant bullying.

But in reality, the thirty thousand miles of desolate north were nearly all flat plains that stretched endlessly, with no natural barriers to defend. During the former Qi Dynasty, although heavy troops were stationed in the Northern Frontier, the situation was still quite dire. If the demon tribes wanted to advance south, they could do so.

It was the Great Liang that forcibly built this Northern Frontier Great Wall with countless people, which could be considered a natural moat. Otherwise, even if the Great Liang were as strong as it is now, it would be like someone wandering around naked; completely without a sense of security.

After the soldiers on that side finished inspecting the situation on this side, another batch of soldiers took out some strange magic artifacts and moved through the crowd. After a full hour, a general dressed in the attire of a junior commander finally waved his hand. Seeing this scene, Xu Sheng smiled and said, “Commander Chen Chao and this Xu will go together.”

Chen Chao nodded, lightly urging his horse forward to the checkpoint. Xu Sheng took out the documents from Greenfield Camp and handed them to the impassive junior commander, saying, “This Xu is under orders from the General's Office to escort the people from the Divine Capital into the Northern Frontier Great Wall. This is Deputy Commander Chen Chao from the Left Guard of the Divine Capital.”

As he spoke, Xu Sheng gestured for Chen Chao to present his waist token.

Chen Chao understood, took the token from his waist, and handed it to that junior commander.

The junior commander took the documents and badge, and carefully examined them. The documents from the Divine Capital were also with Chen Chao. Although there were several others with higher ranks than Chen Chao on this northern journey, the documents bearing the seal of the Great Liang Emperor, personally delivered by Li Heng, had been entrusted to Chen Chao when leaving the Divine Capital.

Chen Chao took out these documents and waited for them to be inspected.

After a moment, the junior commander nodded, finding no issues, and instructed, “There are six more checkpoints between here and the Northern Frontier Great Wall, each with different inspection methods. Please cooperate.”

Xu Sheng smiled and said, “This isn’t our first time, so we naturally understand.”

Chen Chao also nodded.

Then the junior commander waved his hand and called out, “Allow them to pass!”

After passing the first checkpoint, the methods of inspection at the subsequent checkpoints indeed varied. By the third checkpoint, soldiers were meticulously comparing the list of personnel with the team, checking for any discrepancies. Some young men from prominent families were dissatisfied and about to make trouble, but Chen Chao had already looked over with a calm expression, though the emotion in his eyes was clear to all.

Facing this young martial artist, those young men ultimately did not dare to cause any trouble and merely complied with the inspection with cold faces.

Except, the atmosphere became somewhat awkward.

Xu Sheng noticed the situation and lamented, “These people come from prominent families and probably haven’t been treated this way before. Their tempers are understandable.”

Chen Chao smiled and said indifferently, “I don’t know about other things, but they should understand one principle: when it's time to lower their heads, they should do so. If they don't want to, there will naturally be someone to press their heads down.”

Xu Sheng chuckled and said, “Commander Chen, with this temperament, if you were in the military, it seems you'd be a strict commander, a real iron-blooded general.”

Chen Chao shook his head. “When things are different, there are different ways to handle them. Taking ten thousand steps back, if this were not the Northern Frontier and it wasn't my responsibility, I wouldn't be bothered to care.”

Xu Sheng smiled and said, “Being at the post, one will worry about any matter concerned therewith.”

After the inspection was completed, the group continued forward. The magnificent Northern Frontier Great Wall was already visible, only a thousand feet away.

Before reaching the final checkpoint, there was one last inspection, during which soldiers distributed special badges to everyone in the group. The junior commander in charge announced loudly, “Please keep these badges well. While moving through the Great Wall, many areas require badge verification. Without this badge, your movements will be heavily restricted.”

Chen Chao lowered his head and glanced at the badge in his hand. This item seemed somewhat different from the badges of the warden faction, but he could not discern the material it was made from. However, as soon as he received it, Chen Chao vaguely felt a connection between himself and the badge.

Xu Sheng and the others did not receive badges. They would escort these people to the city gates and then return along the same route, not entering the city themselves.

Several checkpoints had taken up a lot of time, but at least they were now close to the city gates.

Upon reaching the towering Great Wall, Chen Chao was astonished to find that its height was even greater than the walls of the Divine Capital; incomparably magnificent. The wall was filled with numerous fluctuating auras, and occasionally, intricate and mysterious runes would appear on the city gates.

Xu Sheng said, “The Ministry of Works has spent over two hundred years continually reinforcing the array formations here, with three layers inside and three layers outside. If this Xu remembers correctly, there are over a hundred formations in total. Even a full-force attack from a Nepenthe powerhouse would only be scratching the surface.”

Chen Chao looked at Xu Sheng with some surprise. Understanding Chen Chao's confusion, Xu Sheng continued on his own, “But a Nepenthe powerhouse wouldn't just make one attack. Of course, we won't just let them attack. There are many armaments developed by the Ministry of Works on the city walls, and their power is considerable.”

Chen Chao nodded his head.

Upon reaching the city gates, Xu Sheng dismounted and began negotiations. After the guards on top of the city walls received the documents, they quickly ordered the gates to be opened. The massive gates weighing thousands of pounds slowly creaked open. Xu Sheng turned to Chen Chao, clasped his hands in greeting, and said with a smile, “Commander Chen, this Xu's duties are now complete. I'll be returning to Greenfield Camp.”

Chen Chao clasped his hands in return and smiled, “Thank you, General Xu, and all the brothers for the escort.”

Xu Sheng nodded slightly. Whether or not it was an escort, and how it was conducted, did not need to be specified. Just Chen Chao's attitude was enough.

Xu Sheng waved his hand, signaling the riders behind him to return along the same route through the snow and wind. Thus, only Chen Chao remained at the front of the group. Chen Chao urged his horse forward, and just as he approached the city gate, a rider from within the city galloped out and slowly came to a stop at the city gate.

On horseback, a young and robust general clad in armor and holding a spear pointed directly at Chen Chao, shouting, “Are you the Chen Chao who killed Ning Chong?!”

His voice was like thunder, seemingly shaking the wind and snow around them.

Chen Chao frowned slightly but quickly guessed the identity of the young general before him. He was indeed the "Little Qilin" mentioned by Xu Sheng.

Chen Chao replied, “That is correct. What advice does General Qiu have?”

Qiu Yulin was somewhat surprised as he laughed coldly. “You recognize this general?”

Chen Chao was silent.

“Since you recognize this general, why haven't you dismounted to apologize?”

“Ning Chong might have committed an offense, but when did it become your place, someone from the warden faction, to take such matters into your own hands?”

Qiu Yulin stared at Chen Chao with a sneer.

Chen Chao could not be bothered with him, he just asked, “General Qiu intends to block this official's entry into the city?” “If that's the case, are you prepared to bear the consequences?”

Although Chen Chao had anticipated that he would face trouble from the Northern Frontier Army, he had not expected it to come so early and so directly.

Qiu Yulin was momentarily taken aback but quickly shifted his approach. “This general heard that Commander Chen is also a martial artist. This general would be delighted to exchange a few moves with you. Would you be willing?”

Without waiting for Chen Chao to respond, Qiu Yulin grinned maliciously, “If you're afraid, this general won't make things difficult for you. You can enter the city after removing your saber. In the Northern Frontier, cowards aren't worthy of carrying a saber!”

Chen Chao was at a loss whether to cry or laugh. This young general who was hailed to be among the top three fighters in the Northern Frontier, was likely just the bird who was taking the brunt of the attack. What a reckless person.

Chen Chao smiled and asked, “Do you really want this official to disarm?”

Qiu Yulin sneered, “Or you could have a fight with this general.”

Chen Chao said, “In the entire Great Liang, only one person can make this official disarm. Don't you know that?”

Qiu Yulin sneered, “What high-sounding sentiments!”

Chen Chao replied calmly, “Not only will this official not fight you, but I also insist on carrying my saber into the city. What can you do about it?”

Just as Qiu Yulin was about to speak, Chen Chao looked at Qiu Yulin expressionlessly and said, “This official has the imperial authorization to bear arms. Not only can this official carry it into the city, but this official can even enter the palace without disarming. What rank are you, Qiu Yulin, in the Northern Frontier, and how many troops do you command? To dare speak so arrogantly, is His Majesty less important than you in your heart?"

Qiu Yulin’s face turned red. He had intended to humiliate Chen Chao in front of the young cultivators, but instead, Chen Chao had forced him into an untenable position with a few words, leaving him unable to counter.

Chen Chao sneered. Since these youngsters of the Northern Frontier wanted to take him down a notch, then Chen Chao would have no scruples. They had fought demons on the battlefield and protected the human race, but have I never killed demons before?

Chen Chao stared at Qiu Yulin and said coldly, “This official will say something bluntly, are you even worthy of making this official disarm?”