Chapter 10. Picking the best territory

Overlord of Blood and Iron

Choosing a territory was like using a filter bed, filtering again and again. The territory that Kang Chul-In wanted was to:

Have a floating skill, not be reliant on a living organism, not be within Gulveig or Baldur, have a specialized ability like Fire from Temeraire or Venom Gale from the Stingray.

It was a picky list, but even if he could give up the fourth, the first, second, and third were not negotiable, and therefore, Kang Chul-In had to carefully look at the remaining 600 lands.

No, not this one either.

Kang Chul-In, who was alone, looked endlessly. Desdemona, Cube, Angra Mainyu, Svarog, and more lands caught his eye. However, no territories grabbed his attention and gave him the assurance that he was looking for. It was very difficult for him to find any territory that fulfilled all of his qualifications.

There has to be at least one. There are still a hundred left.

Kang Chul-In reminded himself to be patient over and over again and continued to search. However, by chance, his eyes lingered on a plain fortress.

Why does this seem so plain?

It was a fortress with no outstanding characteristics. It was so plain that even in the 21st century, one could find similar fortresses all over Europe. It seemed as if it had no other aspects or abilities and was just the fortress itself.

Pfft. Whoever God is, he isn’t too bright. Does he think marketing is nothing? Who would choose a territory that looks like this?

Kang Chul-In cursed at the God who had brought him through the Great Summoning.

So, he doesn’t care whether this is sold or not? Seems stupider than the “marketing is useless” idea. Well, I guess since he is God, he doesn’t care anyway.

Well, what is the use for a God to get so fired up over selling land?

He snorted and thought of God as a “marketing is useless” believer and moved on from the model of the land. No, he was about to move on.

No, let’s check it a bit more.

Kang Chul-In stopped, just in case. There were two sayings, “under the lamp, it was dark” and “look before you leap”. Who knows? This territory might be a jewel that has immense abilities and power. Kang Chul-In decided to look carefully at this plain fortress. After looking at it for 2-3 seconds, the description window popped up. The land’s name was “The Sky Fortress, Laputa”.

Kang Chul-In, who had checked the description of Laputa, was more surprised than he had ever been since he was reincarnated. It was said, “True treasure will find its owner.” Like the Excalibur stuck in the rock waiting for King Arthur or like the Qinggang Sword that was given to Ha Hu-Eun by Cao Cao but ultimately ended up in the hands of Zhao Yun.

He was just going to pass by the territory, but if he had, then he would have regretted it immensely. It was said to “paddle when water came in’— looking carefully and not passing by a plain fortress was the once-in-a-lifetime chance given to him. It seemed as though the plain appearance was God’s test or trick.

[Sky Fortress, Laputa]

Type: Airborne City

Tendency: Multipurpose

Location: Southwest Pangaea, Pandemonium Province

Description: Ancient Empire Fortress applied with advanced magic

Skill: Cloaking, Self-Healing System

Additional Options: Cosmic Force, a multipurpose magic engineering satellite

Price: 9,800 gold

Did a territory like this exist?

The aspect of the Fortress that surprised Kang Chul-In was the Cosmic Force, a multipurpose magic engineering satellite.

Artificial satellite.

He did not think an artificial satellite would exist in Pangaea. It was found on Earth where science and engineering were extremely advanced due to the lack of supernatural powers like magic. It was a surprising fact for even Kang Chul-In, who had experienced all sorts of things in Pangaea. To be honest, Magic-Tech, a combination of Magic and Technology, was commonly found. Regular dimension travelers, commonly called “Hunters” who hunted for monsters may not have known, but Overlords would have guessed that the past Pangaea was well known for their magic.

But artificial satellites!

What an amazing thing!

“It’s this one. I have finally found my territory.”

The Sky Fortress Laputa fulfilled almost all of Kang Chul-In’s requirements perfectly. First, it fulfilled the first requirement of being airborne while not being dependent on a living organism. Secondly, it was far from the future Gulveig and Baldur lands. It was in the Southwest Pandemonium Province, at the outermost edges of Pangaea.

Pandemonium. It is perfect for a conquest Lord like me.

The Devil’s Land, a paradise for war-crazed people. Pandemonium, the beginning days of Laputa were not quiet even before Ragnarok due to war amongst the Lords. It was to a point where other Lords named it the paradise of the war-crazed. It was a perfectly isolated area. They fought amongst each other so much that from the Lords who had chosen territory near Pandemonium, there was not one Overlord. Like this, Pandemonium was a province of great competition where not one triumphed over the other. Instead of building their land, they were busy going to war with each other, leaving themselves no time to fatten their assets.

I will need to bring peace and calm to Pandemonium and make it my headquarters. Then, I will head to Valhalla as soon as I can and realign the deviated future.

In Kang Chul-In’s head, future plans were already underway.

The location is good. If something goes wrong, our defense is also advantageous to us.

Pandemonium was also extremely far from the mainland in addition to being a mountainous range with high, dangerous cliffs—giving him the ability to defend his headquarters effectively in case he was defeated in the mainland.

Everything was perfect.

The cloaking skill probably allowed the territory to be completely hidden or disguised, meaning the land’s covert activities would be guaranteed. Concealment was a useful option for both defense and surprise attacks.  It was right to call the tendency as multipurpose, seeing that it was advantageous in both offensive and defensive strategies. Furthermore, the Self-Healing System meant exactly that: the land will heal itself of any damage as if it were alive!

Why didn’t I choose a territory like this in the past?

Kang Chul-In thought of the past when he had chosen his territory rashly and smiled bitterly. Valhalla, which he had chosen for no apparent reason other than its cheap price, had brought about his downfall in the end. If he had mobility, he would not have gone through the humiliation of losing his head at the hands of Rothschild.

“This is my land.”

Kang Chul-In, who had finally found his territory, mumbled and pressed the buy button without hesitation.

There was no need to contemplate or look further.

The fact that the territory fulfilled all of his requirements was one thing, but he was also curious regarding what the “Cosmic Force” skill would be. He wanted to see the territory as soon as possible for himself. Could it be used for military force as well?

Would things like Orbital Bombardment, shooting lasers and firepower through the satellite, be possible? Even on Earth in the year 2020 where technology was extremely advanced, Orbital Bombardment was only possible in books or movies. Perhaps it might even be possible to direct the weapon through the use of Cosmic Force directly to the enemy’s land. It would be work like an ICBM.

There was no way to know as of right now, but if he were to methodically grow his land, he would be able to learn how to use and make use of Cosmic Force.

[Will you purchase Laputa with 9,800 gold? Yes or No]

A notice requiring a final decision flashed.


Kang Chul-In pressed the purchase button.

[Congratulations! You have purchased the Sky Fortress, Laputa!]

The conventional message congratulating the buyer appeared and disappeared, followed by a message notifying the transfer into Pangaea.

[Lord Kang Chul-In, transferring to Pangaea. Dimension leap in 5…4…3…2…1…]

Kang Chul-In’s body broke into particles and disappeared. He was transported into Pangaea like the other Lords who bought their land!

[Dimension Leap Complete!] [Lord Exclusive Level-Up System On!] [Tutorial Quest Present!] [Welcome to Pangaea]

Many different phrases formed in front of him, and the scenery changed.

“For a long time, truly long time, I have been waiting, milord.”

There was someone who greeted Kang Chul-In as he opened his eyes in the heart of the Sky Fortress in Pangaea.

She was kneeling on one knee and bowing down to Kang Chul-In, revealing her full breasts in an extremely short turtleneck dress and strict-looking plastic rimmed glasses hanging on the tip of her nose.

“I am your Secretary, who will serve and remain loyal to you until my last breath, Lucia Headmistress.”