Chapter 101: Bucket to the Head

Poison Physician Consort

“The serpent top knot. My neck is long and the serpent top knot complements my look. Today I am going to meet with my elder cousin and must make myself look presentable. I must make her feel inferior so that she doesn’t play any more tricks.” Qianqian was in a great mood as she was no longer ill. She didn’t try to find faults with her servant girl’s behavior.

When the servant girl heard the instruction, she simply groomed Qianqian according to what she wanted. In the servant girl’s heart, she thought about how the young lady had never succeeded in making Bai Luochu’s life hell. She even caused herself to be poisoned. Young Lady Luo Chu is a completely different person after coming back to the residence. In my opinion, she looks rather wicked. Why is Young Lady Qianqian still trying to mess with her?

However, this wasn’t something a servant girl like her should bother herself with. She simply kept quiet in order to avoid angering her young lady. If her young lady was unhappy, she wouldn’t be in for a good time.

“Young Lady, it is done. Since Young Lady is no longer ill, why not wear a pink dress to celebrate your recovery?” When the servant girl was done with Qianqian’s hair, she conveniently picked a pink dress out of the closet.

Actually, Qianqian wasn’t extremely pretty, but she was passable when compared to the young ladies of other aristocratic clans. Now that she had a pink dress to complement her looks, she looked like a real beauty.

When Qianqian saw that the style and the color of the dress was pretty good and she didn’t make things difficult for her servant girl. She immediately wore it out to look for Bai Luochu.

Bai Luochu had just finished her breakfast and sounds of knocking came from the door. She assumed that it was Cai Ling and immediately allowed that person to enter.

“Has elder cousin eaten breakfast yet?”

Bai Luochu found the voice rather strange and when she raised her head to take a look, she saw Qianqian standing in front of her in a beautiful pink dress. Bai Luochu suddenly felt a slight discomfort in her eyes.

Bai Luochu remained calm on the surface and exchanged conventional greetings with her. “That’s right. I have just eaten. What about you?”

Every time Qianqian saw Bai Luochu’s undisturbed expression, she would feel anger building up inside her heart. However, she would suppress the anger growing inside her when she thought about her plan. She sat down opposite Bai Luochu and carried on, “I have yet to eat my breakfast. Since I fell into the lake, I caught a strange illness and only recovered today. I thought that I should visit you to see how you have been doing. I rushed over as quickly as I could after getting up in the morning!”

Bai Luochu sized up Qianqian and sneered in her heart. How can you say that you rushed over hastily when you placed so much attention to your clothes and make-up? Shameless...

Bai Luochu’s didn’t show any mercy and started her counter attack. “So cousin sister has yet to eat her breakfast huh? As luck would have it, I was incredibly famished today and ate everything before you came in. If you are going to come and visit me in the future, please let me know. I can still leave some leftovers for my younger sister...”

When Qianqian heard the words coming out of Bai Luochu’s mouth, she nearly raged. What did Bai Luochu mean? Was she someone who was only fit to eat leftovers?

Qianqian was truly infuriated and the smile on her face nearly disappeared.

Bai Luochu looked at Qianqian’s face and decided to stop for now. After all, she was Bai Luochu’s source of entertainment in the general's residence. If this source of entertainment was gone, Bai Luochu’s life would become rather boring.

“Are you feeling better now? I heard from the servant girls in the residence that you might have contracted some illness after falling into the water. Your entire body was filled with rashes... I originally wanted to visit you but when I recalled how much you valued your looks, I refrained from heading over. I assumed that you wouldn’t want to be seen in that state...  I hope cousin sister can forgive me.”

Qianqian was yelling in her heart. It’s really lucky you didn’t come. I originally wanted to push you into the water but I was the one who fell into the lake instead. I ended up catching that strange illness and I might puke blood if I saw you walking around perfectly fine...

Even though those were the thoughts in her heart, the smile on her face didn’t fade. “How can I blame elder sister for not coming over? It is obvious that elder sister has been very considerate and mindful of my reputation. I will be really ignorant if I try to blame my elder sister…”

When Qianqian finished her response, the room fell into silence. Bai Luochu minded her own business and sipped her tea. As for Qianqian, her mind was spinning rapidly as she thought about how she was going to scheme against Bai Luochu. 

Bai Luochu’s mind was also spinning rapidly. She wondered what kind of plan Qianqian was cooking up in her mind. Seeing that Qianqian wasn’t moving, Bai Luochu got a little impatient. She finally decided to chase Qianqian away.

“If you don’t have anything else to do here, why not return to your quarters to rest?”

When Qianqian heard Bai Luochu voice, she snapped back to her senses. She sprang up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on and replied, “Since that is the case, younger sister shall return to her room.” As she spoke, she stood up and was about to leave.

After taking two steps, she turned back and asked, “Isn’t elder sister going to see me out?”

Bai Luochu didn’t speak and simply stared at her. From Bai Luochu’s expression one could easily make out her annoyance. Don’t you have legs?

When Qianqian saw how Bai Luochu wasn’t moving, she knew that her trick wasn’t going to work today. She turned around and headed towards the door.

Right at this moment, Bai Luochu noticed a figure at the entrance and didn’t know what was happening. Taking out a piece of silver, she tossed it at Qianqian’s ankle.

Qianqian didn’t expect that Bai Luochu would suddenly make a move as she lost her balance and fell face first towards the door.

After a loud crash, an unbearable stench came from outside the room. When Bai Luochu caught a whiff of the nauseating smell, she couldn’t help but pinch her nose and said to Qianqian, “Younger sister, you her better leave quickly. I need to close the door in order to block the disgusting stench.”

Qianqian was lying on the ground with an inelegant posture and an entire head of leftover vegetables and rice. The bucket was filled with swill and right now, her entire body was covered in it. A horrifying stench came from her body and Qianqian nearly fainted because of it. She wanted to cry but no tears came out. Why did I fall?!

She thought about how she felt a slight pain in her ankles when she was at the door. 

Wait a minute...

Qianqian turned around and saw a piece of silver fragment beside her leg and suddenly understood something. She didn’t bother about her appearance as she quickly stood up.