Chapter 17 - Intentionally

Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

“What is Xu Jiaojiao doing?! She knew the answer, yet instead of telling us secretly, she had to go and say it loudly. Doesn’t this means that we just gave Luo Yi’s team a point?” someone complained.

Xiao Yang quickly disagreed. “Xu Jiaojiao didn’t deliberately do it.”

“Sure, as far as we can see she didn’t deliberately do it, but she still did it. Who doesn’t know that she and Luo Yi are close?” that person continued angrily.

Although they’d lowered their voices while speaking, the projection room was large, and they’d all been sitting near each other when answering the questions. It would’ve been easy for the other team to hear their discussion.

“What’s the deal? It’s just one question!” Wang Wei pursed her lips.

“What’s with the ‘it’s just one question’?! We’re now behind by one point!! Don’t you want to win?”

The girl was so fired up that her voice gradually escalated until everyone in the room could hear her.

“Please be quiet. Now, I'll start the second video.” Zhuo Yiyan glanced indifferently at the girl who was quarrelling over something so small.

Wang Wei was pleased as she glanced at the girl who was left with no choice but to shut up, then turned to Xu Jiaojiao and caught a fleeting smile on the other party’s mouth. She blinked, but by the time she’d opened her eyes it was no more, and she thought she’d just imagined it. If it was her that everyone had complained about, she wouldn’t be able to smile.

Following this, she discovered that the girl beside her, who was a few years younger than her, was really amazing.

One question after another, as long as Xu Jiaojiao opened her mouth to answer, her responses would definitely be accurate. It was as if she’d created those questions herself.

Every time Xu Jiaojiao answered, her voice wasn’t too loud, yet it wasn’t quiet either. Instead, it was just loud enough for Luo Yi to overhear.

One could see that Luo Yi was also quite trusting when it came to Xu Jiaojiao’s answers. After hearing her answer, Luo Yi would immediately change the answer her team had discussed. While Xiao Yang, on the other hand, was the opposite. There were two times where even though she’d heard Xu Jiaojiao’s answer, she thought her own answer was correct. Now, Luo Yi’s team was ahead by three points.

The girl who’d complained about Xu Jiaojiao before was now even more infuriated. But, no matter what she said, Xu Jiaojiao would only reply with one sentence.

“I’ve already lowered my volume when I speak, but who can blame me for having such a loud voice?”

Wang Wei was a little anxious as she watched Luo Yi’s team gaining an advantage. However, when she heard Xu Jiaojiao’s shameless words said with a nonchalant expression, she had the urge to stretch out her claws to ravage that little face.

How could a person be so hateful?

“Hahaha, Luo Yi, you see that woman? Xu Jiaojiao has angered her almost to the point of insanity,” Pu Mingyu whispered with a laugh as she nudged Luo Yi.

“Serves her right!” Luo Yi snorted and smiled.

“I think that Jiaojiao is doing it on purpose,” Pu Mingyu said.

“Yes.” Luo Yi smiled. “It’s intentional.”

“Jiaojiao’s personality is pretty interesting. They’d said that she was doing it intentionally, so she must now be doing it on purpose to spite them. Xiao Yang and her team members must be regretting it now.”

Luo Yi could see that Xiao Yang really did regret it. Xu Jiaojiao acted harmless, but she refused to be wrongfully accused. The more you confronted her, the more you were humiliated, disregarding the consequences.

In actual fact, Xiao Yang should’ve known this already. Just take Qi Hua for example. In the beginning, everyone had disliked Xu Jiaojiao, but over this last week, none of the other contestants had seen her create a ruckus. Everyone’s impression of her had greatly improved, and they’d all started feeling like Qi Hua’s personality was the bad one instead. In just one week, the person being isolated had reversed.

Although, Xiao Yang wasn’t entirely to blame, as who would’ve thought that Xu Jiaojiao would know so much at such a young age. Someone else in her position probably wouldn’t pay too much attention to Xu Jiaojiao either.

Thinking this way, Xiao Yang came to a decision, and stretching her body, she kindly said, “Jiaojiao, there’s one final video. If we can get three points from it, we’ll still have a chance to win against Luo Yi’s team. So, if you know the answer, can you tell us only? If our team wins, you’ll also get the reward!”

“That’s right, Jiaojiao, whether we can win it depends on you!” Having witnessed everything so far, Wang Wei, who was sitting beside Sheng Jiaoyang, now believed in her knowledge.

The other team members looked hopefully at Sheng Jiaoyang, and even the girl who’d previously complained clamped her mouth shut this time.

No one wanted to lose. If they did, what would they be doing participating in this competition?

Sheng Jiaoyang was silent for two seconds, then suddenly, a smile spread across her lips. “Okay, as long as I know the answer, it’s no problem.”

Their side sighed in relief, while Luo Yi’s team became nervous.

“Luo Yi, Jiaojiao wants to help her team.” Pu Mingyu felt a little worried.

“There’s nothing we can do about it.” Luo Yi spread out her hands. “I believe we can answer the next three questions by ourselves!”

“I hope the questions are easy,” Pu Mingyu sighed.

The big screen in front of them started playing the fifth video. The opening scene showed a gorgeous runaway, and then followed a parade of models as they strut down the catwalk.

After the video was finished, the questions began once more.

The first question was: What colour was the bracelet worn by the fifth person to appear on the stage?

The second question was: Amongst the male models, there was one female model; when did the female model make an appearance?

Lastly, the third question: When the designer appeared at the end of the show, he stated how many shows he’d handled in his lifetime. The show the contestants had just watched was number…?

The third question was to test their memory. The second question was to test their eyesight, and the first question was to test both eyesight and memory.

Most people nowadays had memories weaker than that of a fish. Even after reading a mobile number, many were unable to recall it the next second. What's more, the stage was set with such a dazzling background. How could they remember the order of each person’s appearance and the colour of the jewellery that they were wearing?

“Oh my goodness, why did this kind of question appear?!”

“I’m going to collapse!!!”

“There was indeed quite a pretty figure amongst the male models, but how can I remember in which order she appeared?”

“I never realised that I actually. Have. No. Brain!”

Almost everyone was driven mad by the situation.

While everyone looked miserable, there were two people who were actually smiling discreetly. The two of them continued smiling until they noticed each other.

As everyone wailed, these two people were undoubtedly wearing lofty smiles, and wouldn’t have minded if they didn’t notice each other.

Sheng Jiaoyang pushed her glasses higher up her nose, flattened her mouth, and regained her expressionless look.

Zhuo Yiyan was feeling funny. The more he examined the girl’s arrogant yet adorable appearance, he really felt that she resembled his beloved cat. It was like a single meow expressing both love and hate for him.

“Jiaojiao, do you know the answer to these three questions?” Wang Wei turned her head and asked.

“I know,” Sheng Jiaoyang nonchalantly answered.

Wang Wei’s eyes lit up. Leaning close, she quietly said, “Whisper the answers to me, then I'll tell our captain.”

Sheng Jiaoyang decided not to mess around with them any longer, and whispered the answers to the three questions.

This time, Luo Yi’s team had no external help. It suddenly felt like they were wearing an outfit far too small; when they tugged it down, they were left exposed on top, but when they pulled it up, they neglected to cover their lower parts. These three questions made them extremely grumpy.

The group of stupid girls guessed and decided on three answers gathered from bits and pieces from their memories.

Conversely, Xiao Yang’s team was relaxed.

Xiao Yang had learnt her lesson from when she didn’t listen to Xu Jiaojiao’s answers, resulting in their bitter defeat. So, even if she was somewhat sceptical, Xiao Yang still chose the answers given by Xu Jiaojiao.

Green; four; six.

The answers given by Luo Yi’s team were: Royal blue; five; six.

The video was replayed, and the fifth person was wearing a green jade bracelet, the female model appeared fourth, and finally, the designer made a speech, saying that this was his sixth show.

Xiao Yang’s team answered all three questions correctly, while Luo Yi’s team had one correct answer.

“Congratulations to Luo Yi’s team. You won by one point!” Zhuo Yiyan said with a smile as he shut off the projector.

The members of Luo Yi’s team were relieved, and following that, they became excited.

Xiao Yang’s team was greatly disappointed. Many were blaming Xu Jiaojiao in their hearts. Had she only told her team the answers sooner, then their team would’ve already won. Of course, the most resentful person was the girl who’d caused Sheng Jiaoyang to behave as she did. As Wang Wei had said, wasn’t it just one question? What did she have to complain about that she’d discriminated against her own team?

“Teacher Zhuo, what’s our reward?” Qi Hua went to Zhuo Yiyan and asked.

“I’ll tell you later,” Zhuo Yiyan replied mysteriously.