Chapter 379 - Moved, Or Not?

Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

When Lin Yan opened the door to his own room, Sheng Jiaoyang said, “I want to sleep in Mei Niu’s room.”

Lin Yan stopped momentarily, before turning around and smiling at her, “I’m too used to going to my own room.”

After explaining his actions, he brought her to the room next door.

“There’s a lot of clothes in Nana’s room, you can change into her clothes.”

“Okay. Don’t bother about me. Lin Yan, go ahead and finish your dinner.”

“Alright, I’ll head down first then.” Lin Yan gave her one last look before closing the door behind him.

Dazed, Sheng Jiaoyang sat on Lina’s bed for a while before rummaging through her closet and heading to the bathroom to wash up.

When Lin Yan went back down, Lin Xuejun was already seated in the living room.

Once Lin Xuejun saw him, she said to him, “Xiao Yan, let’s have a chat.”

Lin Yan sat down on the sofa with her.

Lin Xuejun looked at her son, and thought about how proud she was of him. Then, she said earnestly, “Xiao Yan, you’re now an adult, so I won’t say anything much, but I still have to give you a reminder. You have yet to succeed Bruno, and your emotions will only hold you back.”

Lin Yan’s expression remained unchanged, as if he was not paying attention to his mother’s words.

“Xiao Yan…” Seeing as he did not respond, Lin Xuejun was just about to continue speaking, but Lin Yan finally spoke up.

“Mother, it’s better for you to be more mindful of your own husband. You don’t have to worry about me.” Lin Yan stood up and went back to his room as he, too, had lost his appetite.

Lin Xuejun remained seated on the sofa, dazed, for quite a while.

After she had finished washing up, Sheng Jiaoyang came out of the bathroom with a bathrobe. She saw that the light at the balcony was lit, so she pushed open the glass door, and walked up to the balcony. It was there that she spotted Lin Yan, sitting on the hammock and drinking alone.

Lin Yan looked up when he heard someone approaching, and smiled when he saw that it was Sheng Jiaoyang.

“Weren’t you tired? You should rest early.”

Sheng Jiaoyang eyed the half-empty wine bottle beside him and said, “I saw that light was coming from the balcony, so I came up to take a look. Lin Yan, you shouldn't stay here and drink alone. You should rest early as well.”

She then turned around and started heading back to her room.

Right when her hands were about to push the glass door open, a pair of hands hugged her tightly from behind.

She could feel a warm breath on the back of her ear, making her feel ticklish.

“What’s wrong, Lin Yan?” Sheng Jiaoyang tilted her head slightly.

“Jiaojiao, you’ll always be with me, right?” Lin Yan’s tone carried a tinge of fragility, and it almost sounded like he was begging for her to stay.

Sheng Jiaoyang held his hands in hers and turned around to face him. Then, she asked in concern, “Lin Yan, are you not feeling well?”

When a person is ill, they would also have a fragile psychological state, and they would feel the most vulnerable and insecure they have ever been.

Lin Yan shook his head slowly, and just looked at Sheng Jiaoyang with his deep gaze.

“Shall we have an early night then?” Sheng Jiaoyang sounded him out.

All of a sudden, Lin Yan drew in closer to her. He was so close that the smell of alcohol that was on him lingered on Sheng Jiaoyang’s nose, causing her to stiffen.


Sheng Jiaoyang looked at his face, which was now only a few inches away from her. It was obviously still the same face she liked, and her memories were still telling her that she liked him, but at this moment, there were no special feelings being stirred up in her heart.

If Lin Yan had taken the initiative to close in on her before she had returned to China, her heart would definitely have been threatening to jump out of her chest, and she would definitely be happy for the rest of the day.

But now, she had too many doubts in her mind, and all these doubts were formed due to Lin Yan’s actions.

They were now so close that they could feel their breaths on each other, and it looked like they were about to kiss at any moment.

Sheng Jiaoyang then blurted out, “I miss Grandfather. I haven’t seen him in such a long time.”

At this ambiguous moment, she chose to speak these words and ruin the atmosphere. The entirety of Lin Yan’s being became frozen.

“Alright, I’ll go and visit him with you,” Lin Yan sighed.

“I want to see him tomorrow. He always had a frail body, so I wonder how he’s doing now,” Sheng Jiaoyang said worriedly.

“I’ll return with you tomorrow.” Lin Yan wanted to tie Sheng Jiaoyang down by accommodating her and showering her with love, Hence, he naturally wouldn’t refuse such requests.

“Alright, Lin Yan. Have a good night.” Sheng Jiaoyang turned around, pushed the glass door open, and headed back in.

Lin Yan watched her with a smile on his face as she drew the curtains. It was only when the curtains were fully drawn did his smile disappear.

Even if her memory had been erased, her instinct would never go away.

Jiaojiao still rejected his skinship, even if she did it subtly.

Shen Zhining appeared way too early. This made it so that Lin Yan did not have sufficient time to carry out his plan. Additionally, Lina also refused to cooperate with him. All of these factors had added up to bring about the current situation.

However, as long as Jiaojiao’s memory was not recovered, he still held the upper hand.

Lin Yan stood around for a while before heading back to his room.

Sheng Jiaoyang did not go to sleep immediately after drawing the curtains. Instead, her mind was becoming more awake as time passed.

What she had lost was just her memory, and not her IQ.

When she met Lina earlier in the day, Lina was able to sense that something was wrong with her, and she asked her if she remembered Mr. Shen. Her actual words were: Do you still remember your Mr. Shen?

At the time, Sheng Jiaoyang did not read too much into it, but now that she thought about it, the word ‘your’ clearly implied that she was in a relationship with Shen Zhining, and that they were as close as a family of two.

Also, Lina’s last words for her was that she absolutely could not trust Lin Yan’s words. So what exactly did Lin Yan say that was untrustworthy?

Lin Yan admitted that he caused my memory loss. That part must be real. After all, no one would come clean and confess to doing bad deeds if they did not do them.

The next thing that Lin Yan said is that Shen Zhining was the one who came in between us and ruined our relationship. I had chosen to believe him initially, because it seemed like something that Shen Zhining would do, since he had such a strong character. But now, when I try to piece all the information together, I feel like those words were questionable.

If Shen Zhining had indeed come in between me and Lin Yan, Lina would never speak up for Shen Zhining.

And… the current Shen Zhining is very different from the one in my memory. Though he is still strong-headed, he did not force me to do anything… ahem, except for that kiss.

Sheng Jiaoyang put her hands on her chest, and she could clearly feel how fast her heart was beating now.

Are you really that heartless? That question suddenly resurfaced in her mind.

Although he asked that question in anger, she heard a tinge of dejectedness in the question, and such restraint and silent endurance definitely did not fit her understanding of Shen Zhining’s character.

Sheng Jiaoyang lowered her head and looked at the middle finger on her right hand. It was empty, just like her current mood.

Initially, when she learnt that she lost her memory, she was merely curious about what she forgot. But now, she felt that the memories that she had lost were of utmost importance to her.

Currently, she really wanted to see her grandfather very badly. She felt that, at times of confusion like this, her closest relative would be able to point her in the right direction.

She did not like the way she was feeling now.

No emotions stirred up in her heart even while she was facing the person that she remembered liking.

And yet, a violent torrent of emotions surged in her heart when she thought of the person whom she had been trying very hard to avoid in her memories.