Chapter 405 - He Has Finally Proposed

Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

The students had not seen Jiaojiao in class for a long time and were particularly surprised to see the busy bee coming to class again. Jiaojiao didn’t lack perseverance at all, and she attended class in earnest.

The paparazzi laying in wait caught all kinds of chance encounters on campus daily, and there was nothing particularly interesting for them to write about. Some of them even wondered whether she was going to quit the entertainment industry to become a rich madam.

Jiaojiao, who occasionally took on one or two jobs during her spare time, was asked by the news reporters about her future plans and whether she was going to reveal good news about her marriage any time soon. Her response to all of these questions was the same: she was prepared to take on less work and spend more time with her family. Acting had changed from her work to her hobby, and if there was a suitable role she was interested in, she would still consider it.

Because her life was very stable, the paparazzi didn’t manage to dig out any explosive news from her, so they no longer lay in wait to interview her.

The most disappointed group to hear the news were the Jiao Fans. Jiaojiao seldom appeared on-screen in the second half of the year, as if she had retired. Jiao, who was formerly known as the hot search ranker, hadn’t appeared much on the hot searches list in the past six months.

Jiaojiao's Weibo was full of all kinds of public announcements. Since Jiao Fans couldn’t find Jiaojiao's news online, many of them went directly to her school and waited for her. Their sudden arrival made the school's security tense up for a while. In order to go to class with a peaceful mind, Jiaojiao announced the time and place for a fan meeting.

Some Jiao Fans who attended last year’s fan meeting took out some videos they filmed during that time, and they went to Shen Zhining's Weibo, which had been inactive for quite some time. They commented on his Weibo to ask him whether the words he said last year were still valid.

At first, everyone was just asking for fun. However, Shen Zhining unexpectedly posted a reply with only six words: The ship has already been prepared.

The scale of this year's fan meeting was even larger. The Jiao Fans who attended last year’s event were not the only group of people invited. Another special group of people were present as well. In total, the number of attendees almost numbered five hundred. After including the employees of Shen Zhining's newly established domestic company, the number of attendees easily blew past the five-hundred mark.

That was right. Shen Zhining also invited all the employees of his company.

Shen Zhining spent a lot of money this time. He directly chartered a big cruise ship and invited everyone on board.

The cruise ship had everything on it. There were waiters on all levels to receive the guests, and everyone got to enjoy the best service.

When the fans posted the photos of their experience on their WeChat moments or Weibo accounts, the news quickly went viral.

The Jiao Fans who were unable to attend this fan meeting lamented about the missed opportunity, and they became more excited for next year’s fan meeting. As people were feeling envious and jealous about the fan meeting, Jiaojiao’s news started flooding the internet.

Many celebrity couples who often displayed their affection online were being tagged by netizens. The netizens commented that some people had the ability to show their affection, but if they were capable, they should learn from Jiaojiao’s boyfriend and spend a fortune to show their affection, just like he did.

Precisely because other celebrities couldn’t do it, Jiaojiao's fan meeting was called the most extravagant fan meeting ever. Everyone couldn’t help but talk about it whenever they got the chance, and this topic stayed on the hot searches list for two days.

Originally, based on everyone's fervent attention to this matter, this matter could have stayed on the hot searches list for a few more days, but the revelation of another piece of explosive news attracted everyone's attention.

The protagonist of the news was also Jiaojiao and her heroic boyfriend.

But the focus of the topic had shifted from ‘boyfriend chartering a cruise ship to host a fan meeting for his celebrity girlfriend’ to ‘wealthy boyfriend proposed to his girlfriend’.

That was right. Shen Zhining proposed to Sheng Jiaoyang.

Before the proposal, Sheng Jiaoyang had no idea about it at all, as there was no sign of the proposal, even after they boarded the cruise ship.

Shen Zhining only said that after they board the cruise ship, the fans could enjoy themselves and look around for a while before they move on to the deck for the official fan meeting. When the fan meeting starts, a drone would be there to take pictures.

Sheng Jiaoyang thought his idea was very good and agreed to it without much thought. Then, Shen Zhining stayed with her the next day, and she didn’t see him do anything at all. When she wanted to go onto the deck to view the scenery, Shen Zhining made a phone call and asked them if it was windy outside.

When they met some fans on the deck, her fans simply greeted them before hurrying away. She could vaguely hear them whispering amongst themselves, but at that time, Shen Zhining would pull her away and bring her elsewhere. She didn't expect that her fans would join in the plan behind her back.

In fact, before the marriage proposal happened, she was the only one on the cruise ship who didn’t know that Shen Zhining was planning to propose.

She originally wanted to have a fan meeting during the day, but Shen Zhining said that they should let everyone have some more fun during the day, and have the fan meeting on the deck at night, when the atmosphere was more relaxed.

She took a nap in the afternoon and went to the restaurant to have something to eat afterwards. There were many people at the restaurant yesterday, but today, she didn’t see any of her fans. Sheng Jiaoyang felt that it was odd, and she muttered, "Why is no one here today?"

"Your fan meeting will officially start in the evening, so they must have gone to the deck in advance to wait for it to start," Shen Zhining said with a straight face.

There was nothing suspicious with his words, so Sheng Jiaoyang didn’t dwell on it. After dinner, she went up on deck with Shen Zhining.

Sure enough, her fans were standing neatly on deck.

Shen Zhining then led her towards the upper deck. However, she stopped before they reached the upper deck and said, "It's better for me to chat with the fans here. That deck is a bit far away, and it would make the atmosphere less cozy."

An impatient fan in the nearest row quickly shouted, "Er Jiao, you better go to the upper deck. Then, we can see you more clearly."

At that time, there was a slight change in everyone's expression, but Sheng Jiaoyang didn't pay any attention to it. Even if she did, she didn't think much about it.

Liu Lu ran over and said nervously, "The microphone and everything else is on the upper deck. You can see us more clearly when you stand there. Of course, the most important thing is that we can also see you."

Sheng Jiaoyang turned to look at the upper deck, where her stage was arranged, with lights all set up nicely. She could see the upper deck clearly from below, so without further objection, she headed up to the upper deck.

A microphone and sound equipment were placed on the railing near the deck where the fans were standing, and a piano was placed in the corner. Sheng Jiaoyang glanced at it and thought it was for her to play later, so she withdrew her gaze and no longer paid any attention to it.

When she looked down from the upper deck, she could see the formation the fans were standing in clearly, as well as the expressions of the nearby fans. Sheng Jiaoyang smiled, picked up the microphone, and said, "Hi everyone, did you enjoy yourselves during the past two days?"

“Yes~” The shouts from the fans were even louder than her voice coming out of the stereo.

Just as Sheng Jiaoyang was about to say something, the lights on the upper and lower decks suddenly went out. Only the waves could be heard, and she didn’t hear any cries of alarm from her fans either. It was as if there was no one down there.

"Zhining." Sheng Jiaoyang turned her head and called out softly. Just a moment ago, Shen Zhining was still standing by her side.

Nobody replied to her, and she couldn’t even hear the sound of breathing.

What's going on? When Sheng Jiaoyang started to feel suspicious about the situation, the lights started to light up in front of her. The beams of light converged on the center of the deck, one after another, and a red beam appeared amidst the white light. When she looked at it attentively, she saw the English words: Will you marry me?

While Sheng Jiaoyang was still staring blankly at the lights, the melodious sounds of a piano travelled to her ears.

She turned around and saw a spotlight shining on the piano. Under the light, Shen Zhining sat behind the piano facing her, and a familiar melody echoed in the surroundings.

She was already greatly surprised by Shen Zhining playing the piano, but what surprised her even more was when Shen Zhining unexpectedly started to sing.

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…”

Sheng Jiaoyang’s lips parted slightly. She was still in a trance and didn’t know how to react to all this surprise.

This was undoubtedly the first time she had heard Shen Zhining sing, but it felt like déjà vu. Shen Zhining's voice was very pleasant to begin with, but what she didn’t expect was that his singing voice was even better. Her ears went numb just from listening to his voice.

She was greatly touched by the meaning behind the song.

However, Shen Zhining didn’t sing the whole song. He stood up after singing a segment. He then walked towards her, step by step.

"Why did you…" …propose to me all of a sudden?

"Will you marry me?" Shen Zhining gazed at her and asked.

The microphone and stereo were turned on again, and his words were heard by everyone present.

"Marry him! Marry him! Marry him!" the fans on the lower deck chanted.

Sheng Jiaoyang’s lips curled upwards slightly, and she coughed gently before saying, "When other people propose, they would give their girlfriends a sincere confession. What about yours?"

"My heartfelt feelings are all in the lyrics," Shen Zhining replied.

"Lyrics?" Sheng Jiaoyang pretended to be surprised. "I don't remember what you sang."

Shen Zhining took another step closer to her, and stopped only a few centimeters away from her. He stared deeply into her eyes and asked, "You really don't remember?"

A glint flashed across Sheng Jiaoyang's eyes. A proposal like this most likely only happened once in a lifetime. If she didn’t ask for more, she might feel sorry for herself later. She smiled and said innocently, "You know that I'm tone-deaf, so why don't you sing it one more time for my sake?"

Shen Zhining raised an eyebrow and said, "They say that a person shouldn’t do things more than three times."

"No, it's only the second time if you sing it to me again."

Apparently, she forgot about the time he sang it to her in the car.

Shen Zhining was not annoyed. "If you promise me that you’ll marry me, you can hear me sing as many times as you want."

Sheng Jiaoyang rolled her eyes and asked, "Where's the proposal ring? Where are the flowers?"

As soon as her voice fell, she heard the sound of a drone flying over, and then a ring box hung beside her as if it was floating in the air.

When she stared at it intently, she could see a string tied to the ring box. The other end of the string was connected to the drone above.

Shen Zhining took the ring box off the string and took out a ring.

When he stepped back and knelt on one knee, pink petals were scattered all over, and they fluttered about in the sky. Under the warm lights, the scene looked particularly beautiful.

Shen Zhining stared at her. "Will you marry me?"

Sheng Jiaoyang smiled, and her eyes turned into crescent moons. She extended her hand towards his and answered, "Yes."

There was a lot of cheering on the deck, and the Jiao Fans looked even more excited than the couple.

This unique fan meeting would definitely be deeply engraved in everyone’s mind.

Shen Zhining's status as her boyfriend had already been secured when Jiaojiao just rose to fame, and he was so formidable that even Jiao's 'boyfriend' fans didn’t have the right to be jealous. Today, all the fans felt very lucky to be able to witness and participate in their goddess’ marriage proposal.

When the video of the proposal was posted online, the internet exploded with comments from the netizens.