Side Story 2 - Xiao Zhuangzhuang, the Tyrannical Queen

Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

Hello, everyone. I'm Xiao Zhuangzhuang.

Actually, my nickname is Zhuangzhuang, but my full name is Shen Yang. I heard that when my parents were deciding on my name, they nearly chose one that clashed with a certain city’s name. Luckily, my name was saved by my reliable grandpa.

I have a beautiful mummy with long legs who is loved by all, and I also have an amazing daddy!

Mummy has tens of millions of fans, and they all call me ‘Little Princess’. I’m a princess loved by all! But, unfortunately, they are too naive.

I'm not a little princess, but our family’s queen!

Ever since I was a child, when I said I wanted to play on the swing, no one dared to let me play on the slide; when I said I wanted to be carried in someone’s arms, no one dared to let me walk by myself!

I also have a childhood sweetheart, Xiao Tiantian. He’s very beautiful. When we were young, everyone thought that he was my sister. He didn't like to be called Xiao Tiantian and fell out with whoever called him that, so the people around him only called him by his first name, Sweit.

But I wasn’t that apt to changes. I liked to call him Xiao Tiantian, and I insisted on calling him that all the time, so…

One day, I got beaten up.

It happened during our two families’ get together. Our mommies were chit-chatting, and our daddies were discussing their work. All of a sudden, Xiao Tiantian told me that he had a present for me, so I followed him to his room. Then, he gave me a pair of boxing gloves and a helmet, and he told me that he would practice with me. And then…I got beaten up.

That day, I made the saddest howl of my life.

I heard that Xiao Tiantian was punished by his daddy with the whip, and that he was grounded for a month.

From then on, Xiao Tiantian looked at me like a ferocious beast, but he never asked me to fight him again. This made me quite disappointed, because after I was beaten up by Xiao Tiantian, I had specifically hired a boxing coach. I practiced vigorously for a while, and I was eagerly waiting to show off my progress to Xiao Tiantian during the next time he asked me to spar with him.

It seemed that Xiao Tiantian didn’t like to hang out with me as often as before, and he stopped coming to our families’ get-togethers. His daddy told me that he left to undergo training with his clan, and that he wouldn’t be back any time soon.

I was so bored that I had to play with Aunt Daisy's Radish Bun (Prince Norbert). Radish Bun had bright blond hair. Why didn't I like to play with him in the past? It was because we could see from our hair color that we weren’t from the same country. The most important thing was that Radish Bun couldn’t speak Mandarin. How could we be friends if he didn’t understand what I was saying?

If you were to ask me why I didn’t speak English, then let me ask you something. Why should I speak English for others? I, Xiao Zhuangzhuang, was born to be worshipped by others, so how could I do something for someone else?

Radish Bun was really a dummy. Whether he was one year, two years, three years or four years old, there was no progress with his Mandarin at all. All he was able to do was to ask me in very broken Mandarin if I had eaten yet. It was none of his business whether I had eaten or not. Well, in the end, I decisively went to look for Daddy and Mummy to go home.

I thought Xiao Tiantian would only be away for half a year at most, but I waited and waited until I attended university. Yet, Xiao Tiantian didn't even show up.

Forget it. I'd better play with someone else.

So I joined the boxing club. After beating up a bunch of people, I successfully became the big boss of the club!

Being an expert was lonely, so I went to the taekwondo club.

You asked me why I didn't join a literary club or a drama club? Why ask me so much nonsense? I just like martial sports!

With a great foundation in boxing, I soon became lonely again after joining the taekwondo club.

So, I joined the national team and came back with a gold medal.

My parents, who let me be ever since I became an adult, glanced at the gold medal on the table and looked at each other in dismay.

"I only went to direct a new drama production, so why does it seem like I've missed out on a huge event?" Mummy asked.

Daddy, who had just returned from his business trip in Germany, coughed lightly before commenting with a solemn expression, "Not bad. Not everyone can be Olympic champions."

My grandparents laughed heartily and said that we must celebrate this occasion with a grand party.

There were a lot of people at the party, and most of them were acquaintances. Radish Bun also came, and although his Mandarin improved a lot this time, I still ignored him because—

Xiao Tiantian came back.