Chapter 16 - Games (1/2)

Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season

“Good morning, girls!”

Zhuo Yiyan, who’d disappeared for a week, suddenly returned to the villa.

“Good morning, Teacher Zhuo!” the contestants responded in unison.

Seeing that everyone more or less looked thinner now, Zhuo Yiyan smiled slightly, and said in his usual graceful style, “To celebrate the end of your weeklong training, we’ll hold a party in the garden tonight…”

Before he could finish speaking, everyone started cheering.

Zhuo Yiyan didn’t get angry at the interruption, and instead waited for them to calm down before continuing, “Now, let’s play a game first.”

A game?

The contestants all looked at each other in dismay; some appeared nervous, while the rest seemed eager.

“Okay, everyone follow me to the projection room.”

In the basement of the villa there was a well-equipped projection room, comparable to that of a luxury mini theatre.

Zhuo Yiyan let the contestants sit separately, according to their teams.

“I have five videos here, and each video has three questions. Please watch them carefully. I will ask the questions, and each team will pick a person to answer. The team that answers the most questions correctly will be rewarded.”

Having said that, Zhuo Yiyan started the first video.

It was of a woman sitting in front of a dressing table. The woman wore a strapless floral dress, and had half of her hair tied up. She was currently looking at the dresser and all of the cosmetic products scattered over its surface. There were three different coloured lipsticks placed in front of her. After the camera took a close-up shot of the woman’s beautiful face, which showed that she’d left her lips bare, the camera refocused on the three lipsticks. The woman reached out to pick up one of the lipsticks, but the video stopped before she grabbed one.

“Which colour will the woman choose? Coral orange, classic red, or rose red?”

“We pick our Leader to answer!” Luo Yi’s team members said one after another, all except for Qi Hua, who was seen as an enemy. Meanwhile, Sheng Jiaoyang had a good relationship with Luo Yi.

Upon seeing this, the other team also chose their Leader, Xiao Yang, to represent them.

Luo Yi, as a senior who’d been in the model industry for several years already, coupled with her good character and cheerful personality, had a good relationship with most of her team members. She asked for her team’s opinions, and everyone agreed to let her choose.

On the other side, Xiao Yang’s team wasn’t so unified, and although they’d chosen their Leader, her team members had their own opinions. Xiao Yang was helpless. Since the minority had to comply with the majority, she chose the answer most voted for.

Luo Yi chose coral orange.

Xiao Yang chose classic red.

Zhuo Yiyan didn’t immediately announce the result. He took the remote control and pressed the play button, continuing the video.

The hand in the video picked up the coral orange lipstick. The lens then swept across the cosmetics on the dressing table before settling on the mirror. The woman in the mirror slowly applied the lipstick.

“Captain, you’re so awesome!” Luo Yi’s teammates all gave her a thumbs up.

“Okay, quick, watch the video again.” Luo Yi smiled.

Compared to the cheerful atmosphere in Luo Yi’s team, the mood in Xiao Yang’s team was low.

As the woman in the video finished applying the lipstick, she received a call, and the contestants could hear her say, “Okay, I’m heading down now.” After hanging up, the woman picked up a skirt and rushed out of the room.

The video was paused the moment the door closed.

“What is the woman preparing to do?” Zhuo Yiyan questioned.

“Leader, your thoughts?” the person beside Luo Yi asked.

“She’s dressed up so beautifully that I think she’s either going on a date, or to a party,” Luo Yi replied.

“So, which one do we choose?”

“It must be to go on a date.”

Luo Yi’s team quickly decided their answer.

Seeing that Lou Yi’s team had chosen date as their answer, most of Xiao Yang’s team told her to answer with date too. Xiao Yang, who had no other choice, could only comply with the majority.